View Full Version : Toll Like Receptor major break through

02-10-2021, 02:11 PM
For the longest time, having dysfunctional T-regulatory cells was a hallmark of WG. Much has been learned after the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize in medicine. More recently, it's been determined that T-regulatory cells regain function, after suppressing toll like receptor-2. I further learned the RDA of Vitamin D has been miscalculated for years and that same vitamin, along with vit K, suppress TLR2. I've started a personal program and sure enough, it worked. How did I know it worked? I left TLR4 alone and started having th2 immune reactions in my eyes at night. After suppressing both TLR2 and TLR4, everything was fine. Where do I go from here? With the blessings of my rheumy, I'm trying to extend the times between RTX infusions. There is no greater immune suppressant in the human body than tregs. Furthermore, I recently discovered that my TLR2 stimulation levels are in the top 2.3% population wise. Autoimmunity starts with your innate immune system. It's your adaptive immune system, that determines what type of autoimmune disease you'll have. I hope I made this understandable.

"TLR2 stimulation reduces the suppressive functions of Tregs"

https://www.jimmunol.org/content/187/5/2278#:~:text=TLR2%20stimulation%20reduces%20the%20 suppressive,functions%20(3%2C%204).