View Full Version : I’m back in

07-24-2020, 09:23 AM
I have tried a few times since March or April to get logged in here. Meanwhile I’ve been logging in on Tapatalk without knowing my password, since I don’t remember it, and now I have a digitally generated one. I’m afraid to try to change it because I always seem to screw up the process! I supposedly changed it a few months ago but don’t know where I wrote it down. So I was usually getting in on Tapatalk but I just got a new phone and haven’t managed to get re-upped there. So I’m back here where I belong! Does this sound anything like a Weggie? It’s great having a new phone, and I’m using it now, but really itching to get on the newish laptop, for the forum. Like the good old days. I hope that new device won’t be a problem. I’m glad to be here and will probably check in tonight.

07-24-2020, 12:30 PM
I have trouble remembering passwords too so I use a password manager and then only need to remember one password which I write down several places. That way I can always look up any password too for any web site. I had to look up the password today for this forum when I used a new device that didn't have the manager installed yet. There are many good ones and many are free to use.

07-24-2020, 01:15 PM
Hi, drz,
Yep, I’m pretty darn disorganized and have signed up for so many things it would be impossible to remember all the passwords. I have them written down on multiple pieces of paper but then don’t remember when I’ve changed one or which one is right. I think I have access to at least one of those password managers. There’s one from Google that has all my usernames but mostly not passwords, if any. I’d better look into this. Thanks for the reminder!

07-24-2020, 04:36 PM
Hey hey
Send me an email if you get stuck or forget your password.
[email protected]