View Full Version : Sinus Congestion

09-24-2018, 05:53 AM
Does anyone use Flonase nasal spray or Mucinex Spray? I irrigate with the Sinu Pulse Machine, take a Mucinex tablet and of course my Prednisone. I still suffer from night time congestion, and was on antibiotics this summer.

09-24-2018, 06:02 AM
I use Flonase. It works well for me. I tried to stop using it during the summer, but I got clogged up at night.

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09-24-2018, 07:03 AM
I don’t take either one. I take 10 mg of loratidiene and 10 mg of Phenylephrine each morning and 10 mg of Phenylephrine at supper time. My head stays pretty clear.

09-24-2018, 01:57 PM
How about trying Zyrtec, Allegra, et.al?

John S
09-24-2018, 11:43 PM
I use the Neal Med nasal rinse every morning. At breakfast I take a generic Claritin pill and a spray of Flonase. I do the pill and spray again at dinner time. I also wash my hands every time I handle the cat. My sinuses are staying clear and I'm not reacting to the cat allergy.

09-25-2018, 01:32 AM
Does anyone use Flonase nasal spray or Mucinex Spray? I irrigate with the Sinu Pulse Machine, take a Mucinex tablet and of course my Prednisone. I still suffer from night time congestion, and was on antibiotics this summer.

I rinse daily and take the generic Guafinisen twice a day and rinse extra if/ or when congested. I also use Zyrtec when allergy symptoms warrant it. Usually passages seem clear but often plugged in morning until I rinse with my Sinus Pulse machine. I like it better than the squirt bottle since it is milder force and provides a longer rinse period too.

03-04-2019, 07:42 AM
Have you tried Alkalol ? It’s otc and has menthol etc in it. Nice to soothe the nose

03-04-2019, 03:19 PM
I use Flonase several times a week, depending on when my ear starts stopping up. I need to investigate possible issues from long term use.

03-05-2019, 02:09 AM
I don't take any of the above anymore. Have discovered through trial and error that none of these work. Antibiotics & Prediisone make things drastically worse, albeit helping in the short term. The only things that eventually relieve sinus congestion for me are Rituxan and diet. I'm banking on the fact that leaving behind the modern American diet by having taken up a Ketogenic and organic diet (free of grains and lectins - see Dr. Stephen Gundry) seem to be working, along with Rituxan to treat the Vasculitis. Hoping to get off the Rituxan eventually.
Here is a link to keeping a lectin free diet by Dr. Gundry. https://gundrymd.com/lectins-history/

03-06-2019, 04:05 AM
I also dont use any rinse or ointment to my nose. Fluids went straight to my ears (no idea why) and ached like hell. Ointments made it worse.
Only rtx helps my poor nose.