View Full Version : cervical changes in menopausal woman due to Methotrexate?

little sister
04-17-2018, 12:51 AM
Has anyone heard of Methotrexate causing changes to women's reproductive systems? I have been on Methotrexate since Dec. 2015 for maintenance. I have had radical changes to my cervix since being on Methotrexate and am wondering if I should consult with my doctor? I've been menopausal since 2002, don't know if that is relevant.

04-17-2018, 01:28 AM
I was advised when first diagnosed to have regular pap smears as any type of immuno suppressant therapy renders you more at risk of developing cervical cancer. So changing your drug that you are using to another will not make any difference. I could be wrong but that is my understanding.


little sister
04-17-2018, 01:38 AM
Thanks Rose. I saw my gynecologist due to spotting and had several tests and that is when I found out about dramatic thinning of cervical wall. I had just had a negative pap smear in December so we aren't too worried about cancer however the thinning is problematic. The last time I saw my rheumatologist she said at the next visit we might start to reduce mtx so I'm wondering if I should just give her a call now (if there is any relationship between the two). I found info online about mtx and cervix but it was all for women before menopause. Anyway, thanks for your input.