View Full Version : Is this info about weird laws for different countries true in Australia?

07-11-2016, 12:28 AM
"Finally, I come to what I regard as the most severe violation of human rights in the English-speaking world: the banning of pub crawls in Australia. Why our supposed beer-loving chums put up with this nonsense is anyone's guess. In my estimation, it's one step away from imposing Sharia law.
It's bad enough that a glass of lager will set you back a month's wages, but to have laws that curb licensed premises from serving booze to large, rowdy groups fundamentally undermines the point of having pubs in the first place.
OK, strictly speaking, pub crawls are not illegal, but the thing is that once you’ve had a couple of drinks in one pub, they won’t let you into another. Sometimes they won’t even let you back into the bar that you stepped out of in order to use your cellphone -- even if your coat and all of your friends are still in there."

Read more: 10 Countries With Weird Laws That Trip Up International Travelers | Bankrate.com (http://www.bankrate.com/finance/travel/countries-with-weird-laws-trap-you-when-you-travel-1.aspx#ixzz4E0nuwRUB)

07-11-2016, 05:52 AM
Drz, did you notice number 9 ? No more of our favorite sticker in Russia ?

:back on topic:

07-11-2016, 08:49 AM
Drz, did you notice number 9 ? No more of our favorite sticker in Russia ?

:back on topic:

I love that look though!!! :)

And DRZ that's true about pubs here - well kinda. In some cities - particularly Sydney - there are lockout laws where after a certain time (1am I think) you won't be allowed into any venue even if you do step outside briefly to answer a call, have a smoke etc etc. As far as the media and publicans would have you believe, it has killed nightlife in city and Kings Cross. I really don't know how valid that argument is as I haven't looked into it myself BUT I will say there have been a startling number of venues close in the last 12-18 months that the laws have been in force. There has also been an increase in the number of drunken idiots in the inner suburbs where the laws don't apply - eg Newtown where I used to live. Used to make driving down the main street of Newtown on a Saturday night kind of like a weird game of space invaders trying to dodge all the d**kheads staggering around on the street.

07-11-2016, 08:56 AM
I wonder if Andrew is at any risk for our Putin pix here. People Putin disliked have ended up dead according to the media.

07-11-2016, 09:39 AM
I wonder if Andrew is at any risk for our Putin pix here. People Putin disliked have ended up dead according to the media.

If the Wegs didn't kill me he's got no chance :)

07-12-2016, 12:08 AM
In Melbourne some pubs are open 24hrs a day, I think. It's probably the ones with poker machines.

The nightclubs I think, are open until 6:00am and both pubs and nightclubs have bans after 2:00am in regards to pub crawls, therefore it's basically the one you are at, at 2:00am, is the final one for you.
I personally, am well and truly in bed before these times, so even if I was a drinker, it wouldn't worry me.

Melbourne also have full suburbs that are dry, meaning they are no pubs. clubs, bottle shops etc, in the entire suburb.

I think drinking on the streets has been banned in Queensland and they have a curfew. Not sure about the other States.

It's a crazy world, but I guess these things were implemented for a reason.

07-12-2016, 06:50 AM
I think the government is trying to soften the blow of losing the rugby test series (amongst others) to the motherland :)