View Full Version : Please Help!!!!

09-12-2015, 10:55 AM
My Wegeners has been in remission since April of this year. What I'm wondering has anybody had a breakout of small blisters on wrists, that itch? I also have them on my nose and spots on my face. The ones on my nose hurt. Has anyone experienced this? Please help!😢

Dirty Don
09-13-2015, 03:59 AM
Yes, had them when symptoms reoccurred a couple of times. Mine were on scalp & hands & feet. Also had them initially. I assume they are symptomatic of WG activity at this time as they went away with drug applications. Best to you.

09-13-2015, 05:43 AM
That's what I was afraid of!
Thank You Dirty Don!

09-13-2015, 05:54 AM
My Wegeners has been in remission since April of this year. What I'm wondering has anybody had a breakout of small blisters on wrists, that itch? I also have them on my nose and spots on my face. The ones on my nose hurt. Has anyone experienced this? Please help!

I thought they were pimples at first, then concluded they were warts. A few on my hands & fingers, about a dozen on each side of my face below the eyes and also a few on my nose. They went away with no explanation. I was not treated for it. Those on my hands & fingers were harder and more like warts while on my face they were more like pimples, with a tiny bit of puss that could be popped like a pimple except they didn't go away when popped. There is one small one on my nose that remains after three years.

I'd like to hear if you figure this out.


09-13-2015, 06:20 AM
Thanks Gary 😆 I'll keep you posted!

Dirty Don
09-14-2015, 05:15 AM
Also, one can get 'pred acne' too. Looks like, feels like...acne, but doesn't break or infect, goes away after a bit.

09-20-2015, 06:14 PM
I have a couple on my hands and feel them om y nose and will be getting one cut off of my shoulder next week because it is irritated from the bag I carry for my 02!
I just ran across an article about wegs the other day that explained the wart like growths on our hands and chest from the wegs!
I recall the so called pimples or acne before and after treatment for Wegeners. I was told it was dry skin.
In light of the disease, and more have it in common, I now know it as a symptom or result of the Wegs!