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12-16-2009, 01:16 PM
OK Everyone.....
Sangye started the pet talk
I'm starting a "What is Doug showing us now in his Avatar; and what will he show us next??" :D:D

12-16-2009, 01:21 PM
It looks delicous! Fancy mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich! :p

12-16-2009, 01:25 PM
:cool:That's what I think it is.
Doug has a way of making us drool like our dogs that we love so much:p

12-16-2009, 02:10 PM
I NEVER would have guessed that! I have a really old monitor-- 11 yrs old! It's hard to see the avatars well. I thought it was a big piece of celery or something. Totally couldn't figure it out.:D:D

12-16-2009, 11:55 PM
Doug where are you? Are you too busy eating your sandwich. You must be out at the grocery store buying more ice cream. :p

12-17-2009, 04:23 AM
As said in my pet talk post - it's a five times stuffed oreo!

12-17-2009, 11:18 AM
To Luce goes the prize! That's exactly what it is, and I strongly advise against trying this at home!:):):):)

01-15-2010, 08:15 AM
Yay! I don't really have a place to post this, but I spent the better part of the morning trying to get caught up on new posts, and finally did it! I should NEVER stay away from the forum as long as two or more days ever again! Louie says >meow meow<
. _ _

01-15-2010, 10:54 AM
I know so much to read.. and we must read every entry....that's how I feel..... we are going on a trip for three days! I will have much to catch up on.

01-15-2010, 12:01 PM
Have a wonderful trip elephant.

Doug, is Louie standing on his head?..........LOL
I know he isn't, but at first glance I thought he was.
I guess I had better put my bifocals on.

01-15-2010, 04:09 PM
I know how it feels, i just spent hours the last couple of days getting thru new post. Phew. I'm glad thar I havejet lag and can't sleep.

01-16-2010, 01:05 AM
Hi there, back already. Hope you had a great trip. After mny trips to Sweden it felt more like jet legs than lag. :)

01-16-2010, 03:35 AM
Gad! Get rest somehow during that trip because you'll come back to a full day's worth of "catch-up" when you get back! Have a safe trip, and I'll look forward to you coming back!

01-16-2010, 03:47 AM
It was a trick shot, Terri! He wanted to keep us guessing. [Now the straight answer! He was stretched out at the foot of the corner of my computer desk. I photographed him looking straight down on him. He often stretches out like that, with his front paws on something solid so he gets a good stretch, I guess. I liked the effect of him doing gymnastics as that suggests he does more with his life than eat and sleep and wake me up when I'm sleeping! Ha!]