View Full Version : Vancouver Weggies

06-16-2015, 04:14 AM
Hi gang,

I'm writing this post to alert any WG/GPA patients in the Vancouver area who are willing to try something outside the box but with a fairly high success rate with other chronic issues like Celiac - I'm the first Weggie this practitioner seen, but we're trying to work out the Wegener's puzzle using his (Leonard's) methodology and unique combination, multidisciplinary knowledge base. He can explain better than me how he works.

MuscleTesting.com - HOME (http://www.muscletesting.com/)

I can tell you my experience. He has done some pretty amazing things with friends ailments, my mom is a new person only after a month and a half - after decades of chronic issues blown off by the medical doctors, and as for me, I'm a mystery. Ha ha. But we're trying to work it out together using what we've found so far.

Right now, the clues are leading to a rubidium toxicity. I don't know where I would have gotten that (Manitoba is the one of the biggest deposits on Earth, but I haven't been there.) It behaves like potassium in the body and can overtake the potassium in cells. It's categorized as safe in all the literature but a study with rats showed that when 40% of the rat's potassium was replaced by rubidium, the rats died. Potassium also has a higher concentration in blood vessels, so that would make sense with the nature of our disease. I did have aluminum in my lungs, and we cleared that, but there was no significant change in status. I've cleared all of the toxicity I tested positive for but still show needing potassium as a chelator, so there is something left inside that reacts to potassium. We are eliminating the radioactive elements as he believes that those toxicities manifest as cancer, and the others - aside from rubidium - are volatile, so I couldn't have been exposed to them, so we're working on this theory now.

If you're in or near Vancouver and want to give it a go, let him know you have WG and we can compare notes, and see if there are similarities. He's going to order rubidium to have in his testing kit because of me. I am now cleared of everything except for this mystery element, and I will probably be rid of it in the next couple of weeks. I'm curious to see if my hearing comes back. If you have friends in Vancouver with Celiac disease, he can absolutely deal with that one and have them fixed in less than a month. That I've seen.

Leonard's work has made me question everything I've learned about Autoimmune Disease in the last five years of being sick. He's working on a whole new paradigm, and in my gut I feel he's so onto something big. Everything he says makes a ton of sense.

I hope this helps someone out there. I feel like I would be a jerk to know something like this and not share it with people who might want to give it a go.

Peace and healing to you all.

06-16-2015, 12:12 PM
Keep us posted on how things goes for you.

06-16-2015, 03:27 PM
Keep us posted on how things goes for you.

I promise I will friend. :hug1:

06-16-2015, 09:34 PM
Sounds incredible and I so hope it works for you.
Maybe I do need a trip to your lovely neck of the woods afterall :wink1:

Debbie C
06-16-2015, 11:41 PM
That sounds great,good to hear that he has helped your mom and hopefully he can figure you out soon ( he 's got his work cut out for him there !!! ) Take care and good luck.Lets us know how it going .

06-17-2015, 12:12 AM
I tried this last fall along with my wife. My daughter was working for a chiropractor who specialized in nutrition and morphogenic field analysis (muscle testing). I had told him about my GPA and that I was maintaining a balance between immunosuppression and overall good health. He said flat out that he thought he could cure me. That immediately put my skeptic antennae into warning mode.

My wife had been doing this for about six weeks before I went in. For me, the key was nutrition. Since my wife started, we have been on a healthier eating plan - more fresh fruits and vegetables, no processed foods (at home), some meat, less grains, and no gluten. He also recommended supplements (various trace elements, herbs, and oils). My wife has lost 30+ pounds. I lost the last 8 pred pounds and am now maintaining my target weight in the low 170s.

One of the supplements I took was echinacea - an immune system booster. I tried it for a couple of weeks. My monthly labs showed no anomalies. But, since I was feeling great before I started this process, I decided to go off the supplements and see what happened. Nothing. I continued to exercise and eat healthier. I continue to feel great.

I did not mention any of this to either my rheumy or PCP. My PCP did notice the weight loss and the good cholesterol readings. He has been after me to reduce salt and take a statin. Since my primary risks for heart disease are my age and gender (and beyond my control), I finally put my foot down and told him we're not discussing statins again. I attributed the weight loss to eating healthier and cutting out processed food. He was pleased.

So, while Marta and I have had good results, be careful about what you put into your body. Those with more active disease need to be extra careful...

06-18-2015, 05:24 AM
Exciting stuff Marta! I'm with Mish on this one, incoming!!
It would be too much to hope for that a fix it was so frthcoming, but lets face it, the Docs dont know how we got this stupid disease so lets help them out and try somehting a bit radical maybe?

Wihing you all the best my friend, keep us in the loop.

06-20-2015, 02:36 AM
Here's a direct quote of the experience of a neighbour living 5 houses down from me.... I'll get another story to show you. He's got Celiac nailed.

"Almost nine months ago I posted this after being medically tested and diagnosed with celiac disease. Changing my diet was a small sacrifice to make so I could f...eel better. And I did.
However, a couple months ago I followed the recommendation of a friend who claimed to be 'cured' of her celiacs and started the process with an alternative doctor. I was skeptical the entire time but figured I didn't have anything to lose.
To my surprise, after my first assessment he diagnosed me with a tapeworm. I was in disbelief and went to my family doctor for medical testing. Everything came back negative. After about a month of debating and a reassessment by my 'voodoo' doctor I decided to follow through with his treatment plan. Yesterday morning to my astonishment and utter disgust, I expelled an approximately 14 foot tapeworm that had been living inside of me for almost a decade causing me many health issues including symptoms of a person with celiac disease.
As horrifying and embarrassing as this situation has been for me I feel like I have to share my story as I'm certain that it could help other people who are dealing with various medical conditions, known and unknown. It's so important to be open minded when it comes to your health. Get a second opinion. It could change your life!
Thank you Kelly Skehill (https://www.facebook.com/kelly.skehill), I'm forever grateful to you and Leonard:)
Oh and I ate a donut yesterday!"