View Full Version : Beat the crusties

06-14-2015, 02:06 PM
I have posted about n-acytlcysteine (NAC) before. It has done an amazing job of controlling my endless mucous flow. I had hoped it would make my asthma go away...or at least lessen the severity. So far it has not happened, but it is still early days. Maybe the 5 mg daily dose of pred I am on will do the trick.

Anyway....I have noticed an improvement that might help those of you with nasal crusting. Again....remember...I do NOT have wegeners. However, my chronic sinusitis did cause minor, though annoying, nasal crusting. Since starting NAC, the crusting problem has all but disappeared. Yay!! The mucous is still a little thicker in the nostril where the crusting used to occur....but it is at least 95% gone.

Just thought I'd post this in case anyone wants to give it a try. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!

06-18-2015, 08:29 AM
Great, Jacquie! We've talked about this before, and I overlooked this post until today. I want to try this stuff, even though I'm not having a lot of problems right now. I still get some thick mucus build-up in my nose, but no crusting, and some mucus going down the back of my throat and collecting in my bronchial tubes.... Really, I am SO much better now that I'm using standard asthma inhalers I finally got my doc to prescribe. But there are still occasions of having to cough stuff up, and since NAC is a mucus thinner, it should make it a little easier! I just need to remember to get ahold of some, either in town or online.