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12-05-2009, 07:10 PM
Since I've been off Bactrim this week and started on Pred and Methotrexate my sinus area has been extremely painful including nose/cheek ache and sore to touch (nasal passages are there normal crusty/bloody self) - I have been advised by doctor in the past to hot pack compress which I'm currently doing, along with nasal irrigation.

Jack, I know you suffer with sever sinus problems as well - any suggestions or should I be heading back to doctor? I know I can't miss Bactrim with Methotrexate but I do have a prescription somewhere for another antibiotic, need to check that out.

Help my poor face is currently in agony!:eek:

12-05-2009, 07:18 PM
I think you need to be on some sort of antibiotic. I know that if I stop mine (Co-Trimoxazole daily) I soon develop infections.

12-06-2009, 12:32 AM
Hi Katwoman, I have to take Bactrim every other day. I also suffer severe sinus pain ( cheek). If I don't take the antibiotic, pain comes back. I have been on continous antibiotics for over 18 months. My upper teeth start to hurt too along with the cheek pain. Usually, that is a sign of sinus infection. Good luck.

12-06-2009, 03:08 AM
Hi Katwoman, I to have had that horrible feeling. I take a number meds to aviod sinus infections first the bractrim 3 times a week. But when I complained of pain it went to everyday. Then back down again. I also take allergy meds everyday. I have nasal spray but dont use unless I am in bad pain becuase of the dry cracking in the nose.
The last sinus problems effected my hole face. I felt like someone had continuosly hit me with a baseball bat and wouldnt stop. The doctor finally after a week and no sign of being better gave me pain meds and it made dealing with it better. It took more than 3 weeks for it to dull down to a managable level of pain. I am afraid it hasnt gone away completely but is nothing like it was. Tried to stop the allergy meds and that was a BIG mistake. Steam in the shower helped some. Also when My youngest took a bath I used the vapor bath so I could inhale it even though he didnt need it but I did. I got little relief from spice food which was a bummer. That always use to work oh well. Good lucky and hope your pain leaves you soon.

12-06-2009, 08:44 AM

I too have that same problem. I hate the dizziness that comes with the sinus pressure. Antibiotics work while I am on them......its a battle that doesnt seem to end.

12-06-2009, 08:55 AM
Thank you for your comments, it didn't appear to progress to infection while I was on Bactrim, seem to hold it at bay like you have all commented, but unfortunately doctor has now put me on the Methotrexate and you can't take Bactrim with it.

I have found another prescription for my sinus infections so I am going to go to the chemist this morning, its putting me in a mad mood, although the Pred probably doesn't help either. (I banged on the wall last night because my neighbors think there unit next to my bedroom is a nightclub - didn't do much but give me a sore hand - its a brick wall between us lol).

12-06-2009, 09:18 AM
Remember to take any new antibiotic with some care and watch out for side effects. Some of them even have an adverse effect on me! There are plenty to chose from and you really should be doing this in consultation with your doctor.

12-06-2009, 09:21 AM
I've been on Bactrim since 2003, and that's the sole drug I take to maintain remission. I'm surprised your doctor took you off it.

12-06-2009, 09:26 AM
Doug, I seem to being having a minor flare (affecting sinus, joints and energy levels) and rheumy seemed to think that Pred/Meth was a better option to try and bring WG back under control (i had been on Bactrim for 12 months previously)....whats your thoughts on this? I am waiting to get into a Immunologist for a second opinion as well.

12-06-2009, 10:53 AM
I did a quick Google and there are various reports of Bactrim and Methotrexate not mixing well.

12-06-2009, 11:18 AM
Yes apparently they don't interact so I've had to go off Bactrim, alas the sinus infection.

I think I will give my Rheumy a call on Monday and see what he suggests.

12-06-2009, 02:55 PM
I will have to google this as well. My doctor, Dr. Langford at Cleveland Clinic, has me on metho. and bactrim (3x week). It is very interesting that the docs overseas are not recommending this....I have to check into it further. I have had a never-ending case of thrush since July, so maybe I should try something else.

12-06-2009, 03:38 PM
I'd go with what Dr Langford says. She's top-notch.

Are you taking probiotics daily? That'll keep the thrush away. Especially if you're only on 3x/week antibiotics-- not that difficult to maintain proper gut flora. If you don't get the flora balanced, the thrush will keep coming back.

In addition to taking probiotics, swish your mouth with diluted grapefruit seed extract (GSE). You can buy it in a liquid form. VERY bitter. Put one drop in a cup of water and stir it up before swishing it around in your mouth for 30 seconds. Since GSE is a potent immune booster, I don't recommend that you swallow it. Don't do this instead of the probiotics. The probiotics fix the underlying problem and the GSE just speeds relief.

GSE works great for any infection in the mouth (eg strep throat, mouth sores, gum infections). It's antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. You can swish it and/or gargle with it. Don't worry if you swallow a little, just don't drink a mouthful of it!

12-06-2009, 04:09 PM
Thanks for info. Sangye. Actually I have been taken my probiotics faithfully since you recommended it on a thrush thread. I got the PB8 ones. I will add the grapefruit mix too. I guess it will probably take a while for me to get the proper gut flora going again. Anyway, thanks again for your advice.

12-07-2009, 05:29 AM
I am on methotrexate and Bactrim (co-trimoxazole) but I have been told not to take my Bactrim on the day that I take my methotrexate. Hope that helps! I think my doctor feels that the evidence that Bactrim is good at preventing relapses outweighs the risks from any interactions.

12-07-2009, 06:10 AM
I think the Bactrim increase's the methotrexate when taken together. I am glad I'm taking Bactrim every other day, I think it is working to keep the sinus infection's away. I'm crossing my fingers.:)

12-07-2009, 05:39 PM
I can feel the difference during the week monday, weds. and friday. Those are thedays I take bractrum. Saturday goes fine but Sunday I manage to feel conjested slightly again. Then take monday and it hangson then to weds.dose I feel better by friday but I get to start the process again.

My mother was getting the infusions and was put on the bractrum for cellulitous for ten days. She felt horrible. When she stopped she felt better. It turns out that the next doc she saw that week said she never should have been put on it because of the interaction with the other meds. He said know wonder you feel like poop.

12-08-2009, 03:09 AM
Onatreetop, have you told your doc how you feel on the no-Bactrim days? It sounds like you're running the risk of creating an Bactrim-resistant infection by not fully knocking it down. If you had an infection and only took your antibiotic every other day, that's what would happen.

12-08-2009, 11:42 PM
I see him again weds. I will mention it to him after he goies through this calulated routine with the appt..I forgot how challeneging the pred was this high. I think working out is helping this time around. I have an echo cardio today. Should be enteresting with all this pred! I found out the the bractrim is FREE at the Shoprite Pharm.Dont know how long maybe first fill but they thats another ten dollars.

12-09-2009, 09:02 AM
That's interesting that o/seas the doctors are using Bactrim with Methrotrexate, I am taking this information to my next Rheumy visit, give him some homework to do...

12-14-2009, 11:57 AM
katwoman, I had to go off Bactrim after taking it for 1 year when I started methotrexate. So far so good, I am down to 10mg pred and down to 10g methotrexate

12-14-2009, 03:23 PM
That's great Jola! Glad that combo is working for you. Did you have any side effects after taking it for a year?

12-22-2009, 02:41 AM
No, no side effects. At least none that I pay any attention to.