View Full Version : For those with Buttons in their nose...Advice please!

05-25-2015, 07:00 AM
Hello my friends.

I've had a button in my nose for 2 years now following saddle nose, bridge collapse and a hole in my septum.

Addenbrookes are keen to replace the button now (altho you can wait up to 5 years). They are waiting for me to give the ok to have the operation to replace this button. I am trying to put it off as long as possible as I have bad reaction to anaesthetic and Adds refuse to do this under a local anaesthetic.

I am torn between replacing it and not having a replacement put in because Dr Jayne and my ENT surgeon both have differing points of view and I agree with both of them because from an ENT point of view having the button in is beneficial BUT from a Vasculitis point of view it is a bad idea as its a foreign body.

Right, so why I need advice is the button has moved, not a great deal but it is clear the hole has grown and i'll need a bigger button to replace it.

Has anyone else experienced this? Should I get the button replaced? What are peoples initial thoughts with this?

Thanks in advance

05-29-2015, 12:54 AM
Hi Sam.
I don't have an answer... I only know that when I once found a decent ENT he was talking about taking part of my rib and "installing" it in the nose....
anyway, I have dr. Phil's wg notebook with me, with his question to his wg doc about you, so I copy the photo of it to here.
and he gave you an answer on this thread: http://www.wegeners-granulomatosis.com/forum/general-wg-chat/3532-so-about-my-nose-3.html
not sure if it can help today....
I hope you will find the best solution. hugs.
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