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View Full Version : Piroxicam?

03-10-2015, 10:57 AM
Anyone heard of it?

I emailed my rheumy this morning. I've been having issues with inflammed tendons in my left foot. I've noticed the pain is almost completely gone the morning after my mtx injection. He suggested adding this daily, however, says "that could be irritating to your stomach given that you are still on prednisone daily". Piroxicam is an NSAID.

Not sure how I feel about it. Anyone know anything about it? Side effects?


03-10-2015, 12:21 PM
Only thing I know about it is that helped our Golden Retriever slow down the inflammation with her mannamary cancer. This gave us 1 1/2 years from a "about 6 months" diagnosis. She never had stomach issues, or side effects.

Sorry, but no experience in humans. WOOF!!