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11-08-2009, 03:53 PM
Currently taking 40mg pred./20mg meth./bacterim 3xwk. and cannot get the overgrowth of thrush on my tongue under control. Has been pretty bad since June when my docs at the time were trying me out w/ 12 different antiboditics trying to treat an infection that was sterile...fast forward 9/15 diag. w/ WG. I don't seem to have any other yeast overgrowth, at least no outward signs. I have tried nyastatin, changed my diet dramatically and do not get much relief. Does anyone have any insights/recommendations? Or is it something I have to live w/ until meds. go down or body adjusts? It's my understanding candidias can do some pretty good damage too? Thanks!

11-09-2009, 06:10 AM
I rinse out my mouth after taking my meds with water and that seemed to keep my thrush under control.
( or maybe that coffee I drink killed it? ha ha)

11-09-2009, 10:47 AM
Snooz, if you have thrush you have widespread candida. You need to repopulate your gut with good bacteria. Find a good probiotic mix at a health food store. (I like the brand PB-8 since it's reliable and available everywhere) Take at least 5-7 billion live bacteria each day, far away from food or antibiotics. Bedtime is perfect. If you get up in the middle of the night for the bathroom, that's a good time to take them, too.

It'll probably take a couple weeks to notice a difference. Because you're still on antibiotics, you should stay on probiotics indefinitely.

11-09-2009, 01:37 PM
Thanks Sangye...I will pick some up because month after month and day after day of thrush is no fun and can't even imagine what the inside of my body looks like...the parts I can't see. I also wanted to mention I take my synthroid (100mg) in the middle of the night because it is so hard to fit in. It is just amazing how incredibly complicated all the disease complications, side effects, etc. are to sort out. I feel like I finally have something figured out w/ it and then it changes. Welcome to a WGs life huh?

11-09-2009, 02:11 PM
Oh, yeah, it's a big complicated mess. I have a bunch of opposing problems, making it a real nightmare. Blood clots and a tendency for my lungs to bleed are just one example. Lucky for me I stay on top of things and can remind docs about all of it. My regular docs don't mess things up (at JHU anyway!). But the ER docs or other new docs are completely lost.

BTW Synthroid and probiotics won't interfere with each other.