View Full Version : Autoimmune disease link to Celiac - Easy way to tell if you might be Celiac

09-30-2014, 12:33 AM
Atypical Celiac Disease: Could You Be Missing This Common Problem? | Consultant360 (http://www.consultant360.com/content/atypical-celiac-disease-could-you-be-missing-common-problem)

Folks that have autoimmune disease are celiac at a higher percentage than normal, but it can be very hard to diagnose. Check your lab tests for low ALP and low B12. If you have those you might want to get tested for celiac BEFORE going off gluten. Once you go off gluten it is very hard to get diagnosed.

I probably have celiac, but had none of the normal signs of celiac, my symptoms were neuropathy. I went off gluten and now it makes me so sick that I can't eat it at all, and to get tested I would have to eat it to get it in my system, so I will go with not knowing for now.

09-30-2014, 08:12 AM
Low Alkaline Phosphatase | New Health Guide (http://www.newhealthguide.org/Low-Alkaline-Phosphatase.html)

10-02-2014, 02:19 PM
Wait another year or two and they'll have yet another answer....
Doctor Who Started Gluten-Free Fad Says He Got It Wrong | Video - ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/doctor-started-gluten-free-fad-wrong-23840150)

10-26-2014, 05:56 AM
But not knowing...who cares. If you feel better with out gluten then don't eat it, I've been off it for years and never diagnosed with celiac. I just know, I feel 1000 times better with no or very little gluten.

10-30-2014, 11:55 PM
The nutritionist from our rheumy assostiation told us that people who have one autoimmunity disorder are at a much higher risk of getting another one. I think it was something like 4x the chances. He also suggested to be a bit wary about gluten. I got one of those tests from the pharmacy that you can do at home, according to it I don't have a problem with gluten but they aren't 100% reliable. Anwyay, I switched to buying gluten free pasta as I eat a lot of pasta, but other than that I do eat gluten in food.

BTW, there was a fun south park episode about gluten :)