View Full Version : Vertigo...ish

08-07-2014, 11:01 PM
So I had a weird issue driving to work this morning. As I was merging onto the highway everything suddenly felt like it tilted about 45 degrees to the right. Got a massive wave of dizziness and drowsiness right after. Freaked out a bit as I was drivign. Got to work but I'm still having random waves of minor dizziness. Will report to my doctor this morning, but was wondering if this might be Wegs related or if its just random issues maybe med related. Was very disconcerting...

08-07-2014, 11:46 PM
Hi Psyborg

Certainly could be 1 WG 2) Medication 3) infection. 4) some other unrelated cause. There is a thread "vertigo" where I wrote about my experience (iin my case it was caused by infection/ or disease flare. I was treated for both and have had no problems since) Quite a few members have experienced veritgo and wrote about it on the thread. Hope you will find some answers there but ultimately everyone is different and you will have to be checked out by the doctor. Having WG, I would bet that this or the medication is the underlying cause so get it seen to asap. Best not to drive as an attack can come on without warning!!


08-08-2014, 02:18 AM
I have talked to many people in the general population, non-Weggies, who have had vertigo. I never had it while driving but some of them did and were able to snap out of it by changing their head positions. Could be "ear rocks", or buildup of mineral crystals that move around in your inner ear, I think. There is a thread on that and exercises for it. But could be Wegs, too! I'd go to an ENT and talk about it. Info on vertigo on the web is all over the place. There appear to be many causes, and it appears common for docs to not find a conclusive reason for it; that is true in my case and those of people I've talked to. I wish they could figure it out a little better.

08-08-2014, 02:22 AM
Come to think of it, I do have an ongoing, low-grade infection in one ear, for which I'm taking antibiotic ear drops on a continuous basis. My ear drum is eroded, there's a hole in it, and the infection has been apparently both in the outer and middle ear, so the drops go both places. It has cleared up quite a bit, though I'm not hearing well even with an aid in that ear. Anyway, that could be at least part of the cause of my dizziness and vertigo, which I've really not been experiencing lately.

08-08-2014, 03:53 AM
When I was in an acute phase before I was diagnosed, I had what sounds like exactly the same thing. I did not have vertigo generally, just some unsteadiness/dizziness when rising from a sitting position occasionally. But I had several instances like you describe while driving. I would turn to check my blind spot and suddenly feel like I was on a see-saw or something. Very disorienting and scary. I also felt like I could nod off at the wheel. No doubt there were a few weeks there when I should not have been driving at all. By this time I had had two surgeries on my ear, so I assumed it had something to do with that. All I know for sure is that I have not had any more episodes like that since starting prednisone.

08-08-2014, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the responses. I definitely had some position change and temp related vertigo when I first got sick, but not since. This was just disconcerting because I was sitting and not really moving around. Doctors seemed a little concerned as they want me to come to Cleveland sooner rather than later now.

08-08-2014, 01:24 PM
I also get this type of vertigo occasionally. I describe it to my doc that I'm "off kilter". It's alway s as if I'm leaning or going to fall to the left (which is my bad ear). Not all the time, but I will have spells of it. Doc thinks it's the damage in my inner ears.


08-10-2014, 06:20 AM

I have been having that same dizziness for quite sometime now. I went to a ENT 2wks ago and he said that I have positional vertigo, that is caused by calcium breaking loose and floating around in there. The tx was titling me back in a chair and doing some manipulation on me, I'm suppose to go back in a month for more positioning. He told me not to move my head to fast (how do you do that). I don't know if that is all to it or not,because I always have a fullness in both ears and the rheumy always says I have fluid behind my ear drum. I'm glad you are going to Villa-Forte to have it checked out. Let us know what she says, I kinda think it does have something to do with wg. All the best to you!