View Full Version : I just wanted to say....

06-05-2014, 03:21 PM
at a time like that
when we lost our dear Barbara
and my tears are flowing endlessly :crying:
I wanted to tell you,
my dear weggie family members:
how brave and kind and caring and amazing you are
how much I love you :wub:
how much I am afraid about you :scared:
don't let that wg monster take any one
not one more
take care
sending prayers and hugs to each one and one of you :hug1:

06-05-2014, 03:54 PM
Hey sweet lady

You are the most caring person around and you worry so much about everyone else.
You also have to worry about you - you are amazing. :hug1::love:

.......and I agree, we don't wont WG to take anyone else :crying:

06-05-2014, 05:05 PM
Thank you Alysia. I tried giving you a message on your info page, but something happened and I lost it.
So glad to see your pic. Not only are you beautiful outside but inside as well. I admire how you care with your compassion for everyone and you are a great encourager!!
God bless you and everyone else as you grieve the loss of a sweet friend. I feel a little cheated but I know Barbara will continue to bless the lives of others who will come to this forum as we go back and read her posts. We will continue this fight together. Here is a great big and sincere hug for you:hug1:

06-05-2014, 06:36 PM
Thank you for ALL you do for everyone here.:hug2:

06-06-2014, 02:02 AM
To you as well.

06-06-2014, 04:01 AM
Alysia, you are exceptional in your caring and compassion, in this forum of caring and compassionate souls. I know that your friendship with Barbara may have become fairly close, and I grieve for your loss of that as well as the deep loss we all feel, especially those of us who followed and replied to her posts. I, too, hate to think of Wegs taking another one of us while we are here active on the forum, and pray that it won't happen. Thank you for all your caring posts and links. I think I will go and look at Barbara's candle on the map now.

Debbie C
06-06-2014, 08:19 AM
Alysia,I think we all shed some tears over Barbara yesterday. She was a very strong willed lady and I don't think I would have had the courage to endure all she went thru. But she knew the consequences were when she went off dialysis and it is sad that she made that decision but it is good to know that in her final days she wasn't as sick and was able to enjoy her life the way she wanted to.
I also hope I don't have to read about another person losing their life to this. So we all need to take care of our selves and any sign of trouble even slight get it checked out.
I am so glad I found this forum...love you all

06-06-2014, 09:55 AM
Alysia your kindness and love knows no bounds. You love unconditionally and deeply. It is this that wraps itself around us when we are in need. So accept this love that we send back to you as you move through the grief process. We love you Alysia and thank you for the love back to us. :wub::hug1:

06-06-2014, 05:28 PM
Alysia your kindness and love knows no bounds. You love unconditionally and deeply. It is this that wraps itself around us when we are in need. So accept this love that we send back to you as you move through the grief process. We love you Alysia and thank you for the love back to us. :wub::hug1:

all I can say is ditto because Cindy said it so beautifully already.

06-06-2014, 07:46 PM
my amazing weggie family members, thank you so much for your kind words and for your love :wub:
you are warming my heart and drying my tears.
I also want to thank those who wrote to me here and on fb. you guys know so well how to encourage and make me smile again between the tears.
I also don't want us to lose anyone here because of silly fights here.
Don, do you hear me ?
I noticed that when we are mourning here, the risk for fights is greater, maybe because that the pain and fears are too much to bear, and then anger and fights are "better" channells" to discharg.... or maybe when one is aching, he becomes more sensitive and can't bear things that he usually can endure...
seems that I am talking too much now (I am writing during a break from work and in "analytic mood" :rolleyes1: sorry)
anyway, I beg you all to hold hands together and continue our journey here, with repsect to each other, with tolerance, forgivness and compassion. I know that we all can. I love you all.
PEACE. in all meanning.

06-07-2014, 03:32 AM
Don. I am sending a special hug for you. I know how much Barbara was precious to you as well.


06-07-2014, 02:30 PM

I need to tell you how very much i admire you. You are truly a FIERCE FRIEND!! You give us all tender support and inspiration. But you are as fierce as a mother bear in your defense of those you love. It looks like that piece of scum scammer has more than met his match!! He has been neutralized. BRAVO!!

06-07-2014, 05:15 PM
Thanks Jacquie. you are very kind. I do fight with bare hands and nails for those I love. no matter who will be in front of me. and usually I win :wink1:
I was just writing to Michelle something which I want to write here too:
although we don't meet or see each other, the connection that we have here, is the touch of soul to soul. it is genuine, it is deep, it is special and precious.
I allow myself to be open here, much more then I am in my daily environment. I feel safe to share here my deepest pains and sorrows and fears because I know that you understand.
thank you all for being here. :love:

Jayne 14
06-08-2014, 03:08 AM
The support and help and info this site has given me in such a short time is immeasurable
I salute u all
Really tired today - may have to admit to myself I might need to not do so much !! And rest a little more !!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

06-10-2014, 10:57 AM
Aww, you are so sweet, Alysia! Such a kind and caring person. The love and support from everyone here is wonderful. :hug1:

Barbara will certainly be missed but never forgotten.

Michael Bell
06-10-2014, 11:06 AM
Alysia, Barbara will always be alive in the hearts of those who loved her and in the words you wrote at the start of this thread you have made her imortal.

06-11-2014, 04:42 AM
thanks everyone for your good words. I love you :love:
I want to post here a song to the memory of Barbara and other weggies who passed away.
its my daughter playing the guitar and her friend singing "Hallelujah". I remember that this song was heard here to the memory of Jack.
I hope that the link can work. prob through facebook.


06-11-2014, 05:01 AM
Thanks Alysia. I SO want to hear the song, but I cannot get in. The error message says it might be temporarily unavailable, it might have expired, or I might not have permission to view it. Perhaps we need to be facebook friends for me to see it. If so, let me know how I can make a friend request. Thanks!!

06-11-2014, 05:26 AM
I sent to you

06-12-2014, 03:34 AM
Don, where are you ? you are too quiet :sad: I miss you....
here is something for you:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10443603_1498897996989012_6464866384865104605_n.jp g

06-12-2014, 03:52 AM
I have seen Don "liking" something recently, so I know he is still here.