View Full Version : A Yoga routine helps my breathing

05-30-2014, 03:01 PM
I love yoga, and have found an easy 15 minute routine to do everyday. Depending on how you are doing, it might be too much. But...watch the video and pay close attention to the last yoga pose, which uses yoga blocks. It looks very uncomfortable...but it actually feels great. I was wheezing yesterday, and thinking of using my albuterol. I did the yoga routine instead, and was able to postpone the nebulizer for several hours. I think you could probably use pillows, or better yet, tightly rolled blankets...but really the Yoga blocks are worth the investment. The pose lifts your chest up, and opens the breathing passages. And, believe it or not, it is very relaxing. If you are following the video, just ignore the instructor as she closes the practice and continue to stay in the pose and relax for at least five additional minutes.

All that said...i would be cautious about doing yoga unless you have taken a course with a certified yoga instructor. You can usually find the best ones at yoga studios. The instructors at fitness centers tend to rush things, which can result in injury. A good instructor will go slowly and make modifications if you have back problems etc. A course from a good instructor tends to be expensive....more than i can afford on a regular basis. But one good beginners course should teach you how to do the poses carefully. After that, you can try the gentle yoga videos. I would definitely avoid anything called hot yoga unless you go to a class. And based on my former yoga instructors opinion, I would stay away from it period.

But....again...the last pose can be done easily and it really helps if your breathing is feeling very tight.

Here is the link: Easy Yoga for Weight Loss - Prevention.com (http://www.prevention.com/prevention-videos/easy-yoga-weight-lo)

Hope this helps someone! I am going to go do my yoga right now. Namaste!

Debbie C
05-31-2014, 02:59 PM
Jacquie, I agree,yoga is great for you.It really helps all areas of your body to relax ,helping you to breathe easier. There is also a website called Yogi..they actually sell tea but they also give different yoga posses to try. I go every once in awhile down to the park where I live and it is $10.00 for 1 1/2/ hr. session. But I have books and videos that I do at home. Everyone should try it. Namaste !