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05-12-2014, 11:48 AM
Hi Guys!

I took a bit of a sabbatical from the site, I'm sorry. I've been busy with work, training new people and haven't had the time to peek in. I've been desperately trying to live like I wasn't sick. However, I did make some positive changes.
I started a "eating" plan on April 27th. It's basically just protein and veggies. Eggs for breakfast, chicken or something and veggies for lunch and dinner. I have a hardboiled egg for a snack, some low fat string cheese or pickles. As much leafy greens as I want, etc. It's been 15 days, I am down 16 lbs of Prednisone weight, I haven't had sugar in 15 days (fruit is a no-no) and I walk almost daily. Today I went to a Zumba class with a friend and I am exhausted!!! I'm going to have some corn on the cob with dinner as an extra thing. It's the little things ...
As for me? Well, guess who still hasn't been able to get rid of the UTI or Kidney Infection or whatever they want to call it? Not to mention I have a case of ringworm on the back of my thighs that hurts and itches and is KILLING me (not to mention it's ugly). Also, my damn ears. If I take in a deep breath, or exercise or yawn, my ears get clogged the way they were when I had to have tubes put in. SOmetimes it stays that way for HOURS. ... I'll be seeing the ol' GP on Thursday so that I can talk to her, and then go to the ENT, the dermatologist, etc. I see myself peeing in a cup in the future.

Still working too much, unfortunately. But, I have become really good at sleeping so ... the working so much doesn't seem like too much of a problem at this point.

I am in a never ending battle with the monster that is Wegener's/GPA. At least I'm strong ... I'll fight as long as it takes. :cool1::predrage:

I hope you are ALL well, I look forward to catching up with everyone!!

05-12-2014, 12:53 PM
Glad you're back, Nikki! Judging from the more positive tone of your post, you seem to be getting better.

05-12-2014, 02:45 PM
I am forcing myself to be positive. However, I feel pretty crappy ... but, I am trying not to dwell on that!

05-12-2014, 03:56 PM
Maybe you just need someone to chat with....hint hint

05-12-2014, 04:26 PM
I am glad that you are back, we missed you :hug1:and I am glad that some things are better.... you are still over-working :sad: I hope you can reduce it....
btw, your blog, that you share on fb, is awesome. share it here too :thumbup:

05-12-2014, 04:41 PM
The blog can be found at Nightmares in Wonderland (http://nikkinicolealison.com) I am trying to write in it more. I'm also trying to not make it so whiny like it was in the beginning. Positivity helps illness right?

05-12-2014, 09:54 PM
I love Nightmares in Wonderland. I'm currently waiting for the book release - Alice really had no idea :tongue1::wink1:

I thought you must have been taking a well earned holiday, somewhere warm and restful - but no, you have been working too hard.

One of our big Managing Directors did this protein diet, called the Dukan diet. He lost so much weight and looked fantastic, however now he can't seem to eat anything else without feeling ill. Doesn't help when you are a Managing Director of a big National company and you have lunch meetings and dinners with clients etc - and he can't eat. He is fine if he just has some steak but when a client wants to go somewhere different, Chinese or Indian etc, he is limited to the foods he can have.

I hope you do get to find that place in the sun soon Nikki, for some well earned rest.

Debbie C
05-13-2014, 02:29 AM
Mikki,glad to hear from you again....and losing 16lbs. THATS GREAT :hug3: Why can't you eat any fruit though,I thought that was supposed to be good for you too ? Hope you are able to get the other things resolved soon so you really start too feel better. Keep up the good work, you may have Pete out numbered soon !!!

Dirty Don
05-13-2014, 08:47 AM
Fruit is usually high in sugar content...really affects some, especially diabetics.

05-13-2014, 08:48 AM
I am having NO sugar at all, even the natural kind. When I get to a manageable weight, I may add in berries purely for their antioxidant content! But, for now, I'll stick with what I have going on.

Debbie C
05-13-2014, 11:42 AM
Maybe that's part of why I am unable to lose any pounds. In the morn. I put frozen fruit ( mango,pineapple,berries and yogart ) and mix it all together with my oatmeal. I don't drink soda ( except ginger ale ) but alot of water. I can not lose 10 lbs to save my life. :sad:

Dirty Don
05-13-2014, 02:36 PM
Probly doesn't help m'dear...

05-14-2014, 08:54 AM
Cut out the sugars.

05-15-2014, 05:27 AM
I won't lie. It was a difficult transition. I started thinking about fruit, candy, brownies, cake. Anything sweet. I sit at work near a GIANT bag of salt water taffy, people keep bringing in and heating up chocolate chip cookies until the whole dispatch center smells like fresh baked cookies. Dispatchers like sweets so it is ALWAYS here tempting me. But, I powered through, I kept looking in the mirror and hating that person. So ... I made it and am now 18 days without sugar, 21 days no soda (not even diet!). I'm stuck at 16lbs at the moment but I haven't slept well in the last couple of days and that doesn't help the numbers go down.
It's hard. I had headaches, I felt VERY tired (moreso than normal). But, that feeling does pass if you just stick to it. I kept telling myself that I could have just one little thing but ... if I did, I'd be starting all over with the withdrawals again so I didn't.

05-15-2014, 07:09 AM
Your willpower in avoiding sweets is amazing!!!

Debbie C
05-15-2014, 11:18 AM
You were right Don , I looked at the sugar amount on my bag of fruit and it was like 22 grams !!!! I couldn't believe it all this time I thought nothing of it. I need to read labels more. But I have been doing alot of walking through the park, up and down hills. I'm gonna start trying to reduce the pred again.

Nikki,do u think your sudden weight lose is making you tired and giving you headaches ? Like Michelle said you do need a vacation. Take care

05-15-2014, 02:31 PM
Big congrats to you, Nikki, for resisting all that temptation and sticking to your plan. :thumbup: You show a great deal of strength of character to able to do that.

05-17-2014, 03:19 AM
I had headaches in the initial sugar withdrawals and carb flu but they went away. Where I work, we currently are dealing with a MAJOR issue that is causing a great deal of stress. Not to mention, there's a very low morale in here on top of everything else which doesn't help so I've watched my headaches and they mostly happen while I'm at work. Hmmm, coincidence?
There is two big things of cookie in here today. I don't even have the slightest desire to go have some. Yes!!!

Although, it was fun to freak out my doctor yesterday when she checked my urine and saw all the ketones in it. She told me I'm not drinking enough water. I explaned I drink a gallon a day. She got very worried and I had to explain that I don't eat anything but vegetable carbs so ... my body is breaking down fat in my body for energy. She seemed rather relieved that I wasn't getting some sort of other medical issue. We hadn't been able to talk about my diet yet.

Eating this way has made me feel better overall. Sure, I get tired but I work a lot. I'm not any more tired than I was before Wegener's came into my life. I feel a MAJOR improvement in that area. My cravings have changed too ... instead of wanting something bad for me, I craved a bowl of grapes or the other night I wanted steak. Weird but I'll take it!