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View Full Version : better at Drs office today

04-16-2014, 08:47 AM
I was so angry with the nurse yesterday and her telling me not Rhuemy problem .Today get call from office admin git me apt with dr. He is the nicest man around ge takes so much time etc well it appears I having bronk spasms he is hoping not allergic to mtx since I just started it. I am just so SOB well got an inhaler
Still coughing etc but am coughing up thick solid sticky white stuff and then was able to take 3 hour nap lol thats all I do is nap:predrage:

04-16-2014, 09:10 PM
I love our nurses, but sometimes, believe it or not, they don't know everything :sad:

I'm glad you managed to see the doctor.

I hope the inhaler works for you and I'm glad you managed to get some sleep.

04-17-2014, 02:00 AM
I get relief from my inhaler for SOB, don't leave home without it. I too have white heavy sputum and have for a quite a while. I agree with the napping often. I try to look at it as an avenue taken to remain awake for short periods of time.

04-24-2014, 03:38 AM
I'm glad you got a nice doc who takes time with you. I hope the nurse was corrected on her error. I can relate to the constant sleeping, especially in the early stages. This should improve with treatment, but you may always need more naps than before.... enjoy them!