View Full Version : Hurting - Flare up?

03-19-2014, 05:04 AM
for the last week I have had pain in my left arm 3" above my elbow - I helped my daughter move, I really did not do a lot, but the pain started the next day and it comes and goes. I have been pretty lucky and have not had a lot of pain from Weg's but I wonder now if I have hurt or strained a muscle or if this is a flare up starting. If I move it around just right it will go away. I know Pred's can damage muscles so maybe that is why I am having problems. Anyone else have this occur?

03-19-2014, 06:20 AM
is it a pains in the joint of the arm ? is it only in one hand ? do you have other pains ? do you have more coughing ? nose bleeding ? ears aching ? red eyes ? how are your labs ? do you have fever ?

03-19-2014, 06:25 AM
is it a pains in the joint of the arm ? is it only in one hand ? do you have other pains ? do you have more coughing ? nose bleeding ? ears aching ? red eyes ? how are your labs ? do you have fever ?

No pain in joint and if I put pressure on it it feels better. It is about half way between my shoulder and my elbow and it hurts in one spot. No coughing or anything. Am on Pred (5mg), bactrim, luflunimide(sp?), nexium. Just wondered if anyone else has had issues with their muscles due to the medicine we are on. I am not one to complain about pain, had shingles last year and never missed a day of work, but this is getting really old. Just got out of the hospital in Jan with the flu, definetly do not want new bills coming in since I have not finished paying for the last trip to the hospital.

03-19-2014, 07:31 AM
I'm guessing it's some sort of muscle strain and not a flare up. Seems like with a flare you'd be having issues in other areas, as well. I have read on here of muscle deterioration due to pred, so it seems logical that that muscle underwent more than it was ready for. I should think if you go easy on it, it will heal and feel better. That's all just my uneducated guess.

03-19-2014, 08:50 AM
I agree with the uneducated guess. I worked physically hard all my life and now have to take it very easy or I pay for it for up to a week. And with all the questions Alysia asked I think we should at least know what you had for dinner last night.

03-19-2014, 06:39 PM
I think that if it is only in one spot then it is "local" and prob not a flare.... but always better to ask a doc... not to negelct it without treatment if needed.
btw, there is a question, that is also in the thread of Phil, about muscles pains and if they are related or not related to WG, to our meds, or whatever...
I just can say that after I got the last round of rtx I had pains all over my body for some time...
I hope you will feel better. please update us.

03-19-2014, 06:46 PM
And with all the questions Alysia asked I think we should at least know what you had for dinner last night.

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/a5/a5afeeb2d2a0230b5215b265a72e34c6e88c7291f1394fc807 5a8ef52ef781d9.jpg

03-21-2014, 01:06 PM
I have to agree with everyone else -- doesn't sound like wegs. Sounds like a sprain...

03-23-2014, 04:19 AM
I got Nasal blockage, destruction, bleeding first thereafter lung nodules with C anca positive report.

Now I am on Endoxan treatment.

03-24-2014, 05:04 AM
I got Nasal blockage, destruction, bleeding first thereafter lung nodules with C anca positive report.

Now I am on Endoxan treatment.

welcome Rama. when you will feel like, please share with us more about you. I hope that your treatment is helping you.

03-28-2014, 03:01 AM
After 2 weeks of my arm hurting it seems better, went to the Ortho doctor and he said it was tendonitus. Gave me pain pills and some kind of prescription cream to rub on it. I would like to say I was 100% but the pain has moved to my left shoulder, maybe because of the way I am babying my arm, and overall I have not felt well. If it starts hurting anywhere else I will call my Weg specialist and get some tests run. I have been in remission now for almost 2 years which my specialist is happy with and I am very thankful for.

03-28-2014, 04:27 AM
if it is moving from place to place (not "local") then it might be wg :sad: please update us.