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03-29-2014, 01:55 PM
Took a second week off because I developed a head cold last weekend. Feeling nearly normal now. Weather here tomorrow is supposed to be crappy (again), so I hope to get a good walk in on Sunday when the weather is supposed to be better.

03-29-2014, 07:16 PM
Hi Pete,
I noticed that you were a bit "quiet" lately.... I am glad you are better....
take care.

04-01-2014, 07:02 AM
Finally - a beautiful spring day in Ohio. Took a two-mile walk through the neighborhood and felt ok. My first major activity in two weeks.

Woke the Boxster up from it's long winter nap today. It started on the first crank, so I took it out for a spin. It was too cool to put the top down, but those days aren't far off (he said hopefully).

04-01-2014, 07:07 AM
Yay Don! I'm not on hiatus because it's absolutely POURING! But, we need it so I'll take it. I may sneak down to the treadmill here at work and get 20 mins or so in. Assuming the gym isn't full. Our gym here at work is full at the oddest times!!!
I'll be starting back at my workout classes on Wednesday. I'll be cutting out soda/sugar/grains, etc tomorrow! Yes, I fell off the no-soda wagon when I got completely stressed out. BUt, I think I have it under control again.

04-06-2014, 12:40 PM
Hi All,

I've been hesitant to put this out there because heck, you just never know but….LORD WILLING, I will be completing a 1/2 marathon challenge next month. My plan is to wear a T-shirt to raise awareness for Wegeners. With that being said, does anyone know where I might be able to purchase a Wegener's OR Vasculitis T shirt? In box me if you do!

04-06-2014, 01:10 PM
Hi All,

I've been hesitant to put this out there because heck, you just never know but….LORD WILLING, I will be completing a 1/2 marathon challenge next month. My plan is to wear a T-shirt to raise awareness for Wegeners. With that being said, does anyone know where I might be able to purchase a Wegener's OR Vasculitis T shirt? In box me if you do! Here is a place you might find something. Weggiesunite | Zazzle.com Store (http://www.zazzle.com/weggiesunite) . It is put together and the merchandise is designed by one of our more fabulous members, Marta. The link, along with a couple of other interesting ones to her blogs, appears at the bottom of all her posts.

04-07-2014, 05:27 AM
I need to get back on track. I can't let depression win.

04-07-2014, 12:06 PM
I need to get back on track. I can't let depression win. How did the trip to the spa go?

04-07-2014, 04:54 PM
We mainly relaxed in the room because I didn't have a whole lot of money to spend on spa treatments. But it was nice.

I walked 2 miles on my break. I'm going to start a 30 day squat challenge tomorrow, as well as a plank challenge. I need to get some lbs off like NOW. I think it would help with my depression.

04-14-2014, 02:18 AM
Finally, back at it!! The weather has been nice here the past several days. I've walked the neighborhood loops at about 2 miles each day. Still have a bit of a cough left over from the cold, but Dr. VF said my lungs sounded clear when I saw her last Monday.

I also have been out in the yard raking up the last of the leaves, picking up sticks and twigs (need my grandson's help on this), and spreading the spring fertilizer/weed killer on the yard. When we get back from visiting friends this afternoon, I'll be cleaning up the sweet gum seed pods from the front yard. They look like spiky golf balls, so I've been hitting a few of them with my 6 iron. Since the pods are assymetric, I have no idea how well grooved my swing is, but I'm betting not very. :wink1:

04-14-2014, 09:04 AM
Oh, this is a great idea!

I try to get at least 45 minutes of cardio in each day, but I've recently started a strength training program that I do every other day on top of that. Working great so far, I can definitely feel the difference when I have to help move or brace my patients.

Nikki, let me know how your squats and planking go. When I first started doing squats, I thought I was going to die, I was sooo sore! But it goes away (give it time) and keeps getting easier and easier...until you ramp it up and start using weights! :P The plank is by far the best core exercise I've ever done. I'll never do another crunch or sit-up. You'll be a convert soon, too, once your abs get all crazy toned.

04-14-2014, 09:06 AM
What exactly is planking?

04-14-2014, 10:50 AM
The plank is a really awesome exercise for your abs and core. You basically get into a sort of modified push-up position, and then hold yourself static for as long as you can.

When you first start doing this, you might not be able to hold it for very long. Mine was something like 30 seconds. It starts getting easier pretty quickly, though. I also started working out my shoulders and arms, and I think that definitely helps you hold the plank for a bit longer, since it seemed like those areas started to fatigue sooner than my abs!

Here's a good video: Plank Exercise Guide and Video (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/plank)

That site is an awesome resource if you want to start strength training. :)

04-14-2014, 02:56 PM
Today was my rest day from squats. I'll start again with 40 tomorrow, and I was at 35 seconds planking. I missed a couple days because of my crazy work schedule ... and then running around at home. I also missed a Zumba class this morning. I am having a particularly bad day. Only walked 0.72 today ... not sure I'll be able to get to my class tomorrow morning but we will see how I feel when I wake up. It's SO early in the morning and I get off at 1am.

04-14-2014, 03:44 PM
I used to go to Zumba class to watch the girls.....:wub:

04-15-2014, 01:07 AM
The plank is a really awesome exercise for your abs and core. You basically get into a sort of modified push-up position, and then hold yourself static for as long as you can.

When you first start doing this, you might not be able to hold it for very long. Mine was something like 30 seconds. It starts getting easier pretty quickly, though. I also started working out my shoulders and arms, and I think that definitely helps you hold the plank for a bit longer, since it seemed like those areas started to fatigue sooner than my abs!

Here's a good video: Plank Exercise Guide and Video (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/plank)

That site is an awesome resource if you want to start strength training. :)

Thank for the info, Melly :thumbsup:

reminds me of the following exercise :wink1:


04-15-2014, 08:52 AM
40 squats, 35 second plank, and a 1.30 mile walk. I completely slept through the class at the gym this morning. Oops, but when I woke up, I'd slept for 8 hours and felt well rested. However, the fatigue monster is back with a VENGEANCE. I haven't felt this fatigued since I was doing my radiation for cancer. Holy cow.

05-29-2014, 12:27 PM
I've been derelict in both my fitness efforts and reporting. Now that the weather in Ohio finally has gotten summerlike, I have spent much of the past several weeks working in the flower gardens. This has involved a lot of lifting and digging. I have also learned that a 67-yo can't do what he did before wegs. So, I work more slowly. I did a 2.5 mile walk yesterday and felt ok afterward. Weight is holding steady at 183 lbs.

Tomorrow, it's off to the golf course, weather permitting. Otherwise, I'll wait until Friday. Plan to walk 9 on the "executive" course - par 30.

05-30-2014, 05:22 AM
First round of golf this year. Was 10-over par for the nine holes I played. Couldn't putt very well. Still whipped wegs, though!

Jayne 14
05-30-2014, 10:35 AM
Hello fellow wegs
I'm brand new on the journey

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

05-30-2014, 11:04 AM
Hello fellow wegs
I'm brand new on the journey

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Welcome, Jayne! There is a New Members Introductions section you can access from the home page and tell us your story and whatever you'd like to say or ask. You've come to the right place for info, support and friendship!

06-01-2014, 04:02 AM
I just wanted to say, I ADMIRE all of you who are keeping up any sort of regular exercise routine. I'm exhausted just reading about it… :lol: All i do is walk my little dog around the block. I try to tell myself that keeping up with my kids and doing the meals and clean-up is probably a lot of steps, but I'm sure some cardio and weights would be better! I keep planning to do more when I feel better, but I'm quite sure that's backwards.

06-01-2014, 07:46 AM
I just wanted to say, I ADMIRE all of you who are keeping up any sort of regular exercise routine. I'm exhausted just reading about it… :lol: All i do is walk my little dog around the block. I try to tell myself that keeping up with my kids and doing the meals and clean-up is probably a lot of steps, but I'm sure some cardio and weights would be better! I keep planning to do more when I feel better, but I'm quite sure that's backwards.

It will happen when you feel better. Just walking around the block can be a big accomplishment. I'm waiting on an back pack for my oxygen tank so I can tell myself I now have NO reason not to go to the mall and walk. So you aren't alone and don't feel guilty. It will come when you are feeling better.

06-01-2014, 09:56 AM
It will happen when you feel better. Just walking around the block can be a big accomplishment. I'm waiting on an back pack for my oxygen tank so I can tell myself I now have NO reason not to go to the mall and walk. So you aren't alone and don't feel guilty. It will come when you are feeling better.

...or not, I'm totally anti-exercise even when I feel well, I don't know why I hate it so much. I looooove yoga but anything remotely resembling a gym, exercise machine, aerobic exercise class... I will come up with any excuse in the world not to go. I do like outdoor stuff, so hopefully when I feel more up to it I'll ride my bike, and I'm praying we can put the kids in ski lessons this winter and I can--very carefully--try skiing again. I will have to have more energy because it's a hit of a schlepp to the mountains and getting two kids ready to ski, then dealing with my youngest's separation anxiety fort he first few lessons. It will be totally worth the effort, but I have to be ready for it. It's been many years but I still miss it. I know I would do it very differently than I used to, but it could still be fun. How long do you have to wait for your backpack, Cindy? I hope you get it soon!

06-01-2014, 10:08 AM
Yeah, I hate exercise too. I don't mind walking too much, but find as the neuropathy in my feet has progressed I like it less. Backpack should be here in a week or so.

06-01-2014, 10:16 AM
Now that my broken ankle has healed I'm scheduled to resume my pulmonary rehab which involves a bunch of cardio equipment as well as free weights 3 days a week for about an hour. I"m sort of looking forward to getting back into a routine, but also dreading it:sad:

06-01-2014, 10:20 AM
I just finished 5 weeks of pulmonary rehab. I would continue, but they want $50 a month and it changes from 3 days a week to 2 days a week. If it was 3 I think I would do it. I could also join the YMCA since I will have the back pack for the O2. They are also about $50 a month and I can go 7 days a week if I so choose. Good luck with returning to rehab Mary.

06-01-2014, 12:27 PM
Thanks Cindy!

06-01-2014, 04:48 PM
I have to chime in here. I'm the girl (in my 20s & 30s) who made a gym membership and never went. In my 40s did every aerobic or trendy exercise class, but nothing consistent. Now in my 50s (early) I must say, that I put my foot down and decided to try and lose the weight I gained from having children. Diets alone were not working. I joined a gym but this time got an hour free consultation. It helped so much I once I learned the correct way to exercise. A year later and I'm down 25 pounds and in the best shape of my life. I go 3 times a week and actually miss it if I can't! It was a godsend cause I only gained 7 lbs while taking prednisone. It's never too late to get moving!! And I'm not even mentioning how it helps with stress and clears your mind. I will admit that the first two weeks are tough but once those endorphins start flowing there's no stopping that healthy feeling!!

06-02-2014, 12:39 AM
Like I keep saying: Start. Somewhere.

Regular exercise helps me to be able to do many of the things I want to do and all of the things I need to do. While I do more structured workouts during the bad weather months when I exercise at the Y, during the summer, I work out in the yard, play golf, chase the grandkids, and occasionally power walk. With my lower pred dosage, I'm able to maintain weight. Yeah, I'd like to lose another 10 pounds and two inches off the waistline, but I'm OK with things as they are.

06-02-2014, 01:17 AM
all my life I HATED exercises, I used to invent original excuses for not participating in sport lessons at school, in the army I arranged myself exemption from sport and the like, and later I didn't move much UNTIL wg.....
then, at the beginning, one day, when I was depressed and desperate, from breathing heavly, from nose bleeding, from ears full of fluids, and hearing loss, and b4 clear dx.... then I saw at the ENT department at the hospital an expalantion that walking can release fluids from the ears.
so in a last desperate step I started to walk.
and it really helped me.....
5 years later and I am still walking.... every day at least 30 min, sometimes outside the house and sometimes inside, walking like in an aerobic exercise.
it clears my airways (lungs, nose), "opens" my "full" ears... walking for my joints is like the oil for the "Tin Man" in the "wizard from Oz".... and it keeps the figure as well....
like the say in "Forrest Gump": "run, Forrest, run" - I can say: "walk, weggie, walk" ....:thumbup:

06-02-2014, 03:20 AM
You're so cute... Thanks for the great advice. I didn't know it would help with the ear troubles etc. more motivation for me to get moving. Soon....:rolleyes1:

06-04-2014, 12:15 AM
Wow! I wish walking would help my ears. One tube fell out a month ago and now I have fluid again so exercising hasn't helped me in that dept. Prednisone reduced to 17.5, imuran increased to 200mg and I'm scheduled to have a tube placed on Thursday. Hoping I have ears left after the Rolling Stones concert tomorrow!!

06-04-2014, 01:18 AM
Wow! I wish walking would help my ears. One tube fell out a month ago and now I have fluid again so exercising hasn't helped me in that dept. Prednisone reduced to 17.5, imuran increased to 200mg and I'm scheduled to have a tube placed on Thursday. Hoping I have ears left after the Rolling Stones concert tomorrow!!

Does your ENT plan to remove the fluid when he/she put in the tube(s)? When I had my tubes, the ENT used a suction through the incision for the tube to remove most of the fluid before he put in the tube. Might help you get a head start on the excess fluid.

06-04-2014, 02:40 AM
Wow! I wish walking would help my ears. One tube fell out a month ago and now I have fluid again so exercising hasn't helped me in that dept. Prednisone reduced to 17.5, imuran increased to 200mg and I'm scheduled to have a tube placed on Thursday. Hoping I have ears left after the Rolling Stones concert tomorrow!!

wow, you are going to the Rolling Stones concert :hug3:
the walking should help. try it every day and be patient. when I had ears full of fluids only 30mg of pred for not less then a week dried them. I didnt agree to do tubes. it sounds to me too risky. but I know some weggies here did. you can open a thread about it. anyway, good luck and enjoy the concert ! Happy Shavuot !

06-04-2014, 09:11 AM
MikeG-yes for sure the ent does a suction. Problem is, as he puts it, it's a drop in an ocean of what's going on in my ears 😞

06-10-2014, 12:19 PM
Popping in to check with my work out crew!
I walk every day.
No sugar/grains/carbs etc.
Down 30lbs and counting. sayonara prednisone weight ... now I'm working on the rest of the weight.

06-10-2014, 12:45 PM
Just returned from vacation in Solomon's, MD, where we celebrated my nephew's retirement from the US Navy. While there, took a walking tour of Historic St Mary's City, Maryland's first capital city. Also pushed the tandem stroller with both grandkids on a 2-mile walk. Down about six pounds since January. Dropping almost a pound per month.

06-10-2014, 01:06 PM
Popping in to check with my work out crew!
I walk every day.
No sugar/grains/carbs etc.
Down 30lbs and counting. sayonara prednisone weight ... now I'm working on the rest of the weight.You are doing great! 30lbs. is a lot to lose! Congratulations!

06-11-2014, 03:09 AM
Popping in to check with my work out crew!
I walk every day.
No sugar/grains/carbs etc.
Down 30lbs and counting. sayonara prednisone weight ... now I'm working on the rest of the weight.

Right on Nikki,

I'm on the same program as you, and am also back to my pre-diagnosis weight. I'm joogly (i.e. no muscle like before when I was fit as a fiddle) but am wearing my old clothes and daing that feels good.
I was almost at 190lbs during the height of pred ugliness, and am hoovering between 142 and 145lbs. Wooohooo!
Now just to reacquaint myself with muscle mass. That takes a little more effort.


06-11-2014, 03:20 AM
I gave away a lot of my exercise equipment this weekend. About the only exercise I get now is the coughing and walking back and forth from the fridge and bathroom......lol

06-11-2014, 03:30 AM
Three days ago I started drinking a lot of water, I have sworn off all salt and most carbs. C'mon Deb is Italian. Any way I feel way better and the bloated feeling is gone along with what I think was fluid retention. Have done two, three and eleven mins on the exercycle. I feel better already, my feet are feeling better so, I keep going now. Will report next week. Nikki, so good for you. Marta, I would have to drop 70 lbs. to get to pre-weg. I would settle for a 50 lb. drop. Best to all, and Pete, you are so right when you say just take the first step.

06-16-2014, 01:53 PM
I started Weight Watchers Online since I don't like to be tied to meetings once a week. Didn't do too bad the first day and I wasn't hungry. Got in lots of veggies, some fruit and salmon for dinner.

Still waiting for the back pack for the O2 canister. Hopefully it will be here this week and I can start walking in the mall. I spent all weekend recovering from overdoing it the past two weeks. Hope I remember to NOT do that again.

06-17-2014, 01:45 AM
Still waiting for the back pack for the O2 canister. Hopefully it will be here this week and I can start walking in the mall.
can you explain, please, how will you use it, why and for what ? it makes me be worried about you :unsure:

06-17-2014, 07:38 AM
can you explain, please, how will you use it, why and for what ? it makes me be worried about you :unsure:

I currently have portable oxygen when I'm out and about. The tank is in a shoulder holder, which is hard on my shoulder to carry. I ordered a back pack specially designed for oxygen tanks so that it will be easier to take with me and less stress on the shoulder. I really want it so that I can walk in the mall.

06-17-2014, 09:55 AM
I started Weight Watchers Online since I don't like to be tied to meetings once a week. Didn't do too bad the first day and I wasn't hungry. Got in lots of veggies, some fruit and salmon n.
Congradulations with Weight Watchers on-line. I have it on my IPad and have been logging everything that I put in my mouth. Been signed up since last August and I've lost around 25 pounds with about 6 more to go. This is not about a diet but about how to eat. My wife is a great cook and pretty much has portions figured out. I had to eliminate cookies and sweets, then every thing else fell into place.


Debbie C
06-17-2014, 10:49 AM
Wow you all are doing GREAT. I am still trying to lose the 12 lbs,I have been trying to lose forever.:sad:

06-17-2014, 12:32 PM
Sad thing is I know how to eat correctly, but I don't want to. You need to say that with the correct inflection in your voice.....lol Didn't do as well today as yesterday, here's to a better tomorrow. I've done a good job of cutting out night time snacks. That was a biggie for me. Had to do it because my sugar just wasn't behaving. Things are much better now and I don't miss them too much.

06-18-2014, 02:39 AM
I have the same problem with the night time snacking. Gotta give up the salt and sweets and eat more fresh fruit.

I've gotten back to walking. Done 2-3 miles every day this week. Going to clean up the rec room so we can paint it.

Debbie C
06-18-2014, 12:28 PM
Well I went to my pcp today and he gave me a script for 40 mg Lipator,says my chlorestral is high. ( It has been for years ) I saw my cardio dr. last week and he said my good outweighs the bad so he isn't worried about it. I had the pharmy put the script on hold. Then I came home,put a sweat band around my waist and walked almost 2 1/2 miles up and down hills in the park in about 90 degree weather. I'll probably get on the scale tomorrow and gain 2 lbs. !!

06-18-2014, 12:29 PM
Wow, you must be in fabulous shape to walk that distance in that heat Deb.

06-18-2014, 12:31 PM
Well I went to my pcp today and he gave me a script for 40 mg Lipator,says my chlorestral is high. ( It has been for years ) I saw my cardio dr. last week and he said my good outweighs the bad so he isn't worried about it. I had the pharmy put the script on hold. Then I came home,put a sweat band around my waist and walked almost 2 1/2 miles up and down hills in the park in about 90 degree weather. I'll probably get on the scale tomorrow and gain 2 lbs. !!

'Twas a tad toasty today. I think we topped out at 93 today. Was well up into the 80s when I took my walk today.

06-24-2014, 12:24 AM
Just a heads up, there are lots of apps that can track exercise with friends. Strava, Myfitnesspal, Fitbit are a few. I did not read the thread so this might have already been mentioned. But I have been getting fitter and my work buddy and I have a competition to see who can get the most workout minutes in during the month. The qualifier is that you have to be working out, it is not a little walk, but you have to be pushing your limits. Anyway my 2 cents :)

06-24-2014, 06:00 PM

06-25-2014, 02:47 AM
I've finally gotten back into the swing of things after being a slug for a few weeks. Walked about 3 miles daily 6 of 7 days last week. Just finished 3 miles this morning. Feeling better, but still afraid to step on the scales...

07-01-2014, 02:03 AM
Continuing the routine of walking most days. Also spent a lot of time in the gardens last week in the heat. I was pretty tuckered over the weekend, but could do what I needed to do as we entertained old friends here Saturday.

I've printed out a copy of NikkiNicole's 30-day ab challenge. I'm going to start after I get back from vacation (penance??) and see how it goes toward shrinking my waistline. BTW, I think Nikki is a beast if she did this whole challenge!! :ohmy:

08-22-2014, 02:56 PM
Well, I'm continuing to walk 2 - 3 miles 4 - 6 times a week. But, I haven't started the ab challenge yet. At any rate, I feel better now than I did just before I got sick. The golf game is coming around -- slowly. Just gotta remember tempo (Don) and let the club do the work (Irish).

08-22-2014, 06:19 PM
That's great, Pete, especially the part about you feeling better than before you got sick. I don't need to give golf a second thought.... but the walking, that is a great example for me. Ab challenge? Guess I missed that or forgot about it.... better look back, I guess...

08-23-2014, 08:10 AM
Gonna be out of commission for a few days. Tweaked my back a little while moving stuff around downstairs yesterday and really aggravated it when I stumbled getting out of my easy chair this morning. Got a chiropractic adjustment this morning and have been using ice, heat, and ibuprofen to calm things down. Been over a year since the last episode...

Dirty Don
08-23-2014, 10:52 AM
Gonna be out of commission for a few days. Tweaked my back a little while moving stuff around downstairs yesterday and really aggravated it when I stumbled getting out of my easy chair this morning. Got a chiropractic adjustment this morning and have been using ice, heat, and ibuprofen to calm things down. Been over a year since the last episode...

I hate golf excuses...get well buddy!

10-19-2014, 04:26 AM
The days of summer are almost over here in Ohio. :(

I'll be returning to workouts at the Y. Will walk for 45 minutes 4-5x weekly and modify NikkiNicole's 30-day ab challenge in an effort to finish off the pred belly.

What are the rest of you doing??

Dirty Don
10-19-2014, 04:47 AM
Golfing 3 days/wk, walking courses partially (lots of hills), stretch 3x week for 20 minutes, practice golf on non-play days (includes walking, balancing, timing), aaaannnnd I drink too much Coke along w/ my coffee! LOL! Hey, gotta retain some bad habits, hate perfection!!!!! Hmmm, that sounded like a condescending 'old man' as some on here think I am...I guess they're right...LOL, who cares?!

10-19-2014, 08:48 AM
Have been faithful to gym four times a week, walk one mile, slowly, and cycle two miles for right now, feel good, still waiting for the pounds to start crumbling. Jealous of the golf, DD.

10-19-2014, 02:32 PM
Well, I'd been thinking about this thread, since I've gotten some workouts lately, so I'm glad you dredged it up. I wish my workouts were normal things like walking, going to the gym or doing yoga, or even golf. But they always end up being things that are actual work, like stacking firewood, and my latest was cleaning out a 200 sq. ft. portable rental storage shed on my property so I could have them take it away and I could stop paying for it. That took me about a week of moving things, contorting myself to put things in the crawl space under my house, stacking things on the porch or wherever I could, and with some firewood stacking in there, too, to get it out of the way of the truck that would haul the shed. That week really wiped me out as a Weggie and some symptoms came back, but I don't think its a flare, as they are dissipating with a little extra rest. I just didn't get much done this week, or at the rate I wanted to. The next stage will be lots more organizing and moving things around and maybe some trips to the dump.

10-27-2014, 11:46 AM
I'm going to try a water aerobics class at the Y tomorrow. I need a change of pace in my workouts. I hope my exercise-induced asthma doesn't kick in. I have an albuterol inhaler in my gym bag just in case.

Debbie C
10-27-2014, 12:18 PM
Well I haven't done a darn thing since I got back from Fl. and I feel it :( . I hate the cold weather here and in 2 weeks we change the clocks...UGH !!!!! I think I have that SADD disease. I need the sun and the beach. The Y here is in the worst part of town and I don't think it is the cleanest place or safest to work out at. I loved doing the water areobics with the weights while I was away in my sisters pool ...but my tub isn't deep enough !!!!

10-27-2014, 02:37 PM
Well I haven't done a darn thing since I got back from Fl. and I feel it :( . I hate the cold weather here and in 2 weeks we change the clocks...UGH !!!!! I think I have that SADD disease. I need the sun and the beach. The Y here is in the worst part of town and I don't think it is the cleanest place or safest to work out at. I loved doing the water areobics with the weights while I was away in my sisters pool ...but my tub isn't deep enough !!!! Deb, maybe you should think about moving back to Florida; there must be some decent WG docs there who could consult with your docs at CC. Just an idea.

One other thing, I just checked to make sure, and daylight savings time ends on Nov. 2, so it is ONE week from now, instead of two, unless Ohio is different. I know of at least one state, Arizona, that does it differently, or half of it doesn't do it at all, or something like that.... Don? Anyway, sorry to break that news to you... I may have some of that SADD stuff going, too, here in rainy Washington. We had a stellar summer, lots of sun and heat, but now the drippiness is back. It can be depressing, when it drags on for days. Today was sunny, and people were noticeably more cheerful.

Dirty Don
10-28-2014, 01:32 AM
AZ has all the vitamin D and sun one could want...there ARE a few critters wandering around, but we feed the touristas to them! Lots of room here Deb, and 20% cheaper on the dollar than most other states! Beats dodging snow flakes!!!

Debbie C
10-28-2014, 01:47 AM
Deb, maybe you should think about moving back to Florida; there must be some decent WG docs there who could consult with your docs at CC. Just an idea.

One other thing, I just checked to make sure, and daylight savings time ends on Nov. 2, so it is ONE week from now, instead of two, unless Ohio is different. I know of at least one state, Arizona, that does it differently, or half of it doesn't do it at all, or something like that.... Don? Anyway, sorry to break that news to you... I may have some of that SADD stuff going, too, here in rainy Washington. We had a stellar summer, lots of sun and heat, but now the drippiness is back. It can be depressing, when it drags on for days. Today was sunny, and people were noticeably more cheerful.

Anne, I would love to move back to FL., in fact I was checking out apts. and sublets BUT I have my 87 year old mother that I can't leave and she won't go SO I will have to make due with little trips down there when I can.
Yea ,I knew the clocks change on the @nd but I was thinking I had 2 weeks...thanks !!!! I think in Ind. only half the state changing the clocks. It is supposed to go close to 70 the next couple of days then have SNOW flurries on Fri. I HATE IT :(

10-28-2014, 08:27 AM
I started the water aerobics class this morning. I finished the workout with no problem and no asthma symptoms. The water was comfortably warm. I think I may give lap swimming a try again. I'd rather do some more of that than strictly land-based workouts.

Debbie C
10-28-2014, 09:31 AM
AZ has all the vitamin D and sun one could want...there ARE a few critters wandering around, but we feed the touristas to them! Lots of room here Deb, and 20% cheaper on the dollar than most other states! Beats dodging snow flakes!!!

If only there was an ocean there Don !

10-29-2014, 08:57 AM
What have I been doing to work out?! Not enough! After surgery this spring (medial meniscus removal), I worked out with a physical therapist. Loved it! But alas a month after being released from PT, I needed a cortizone shot for the arthritis behind the knee cap. So I've heard from both the surgeon and PT I need to strengthen my quads. So I walk ... some. Otherwise, it's housework and trips to the store, etc. We have a Y nearby, so it's the best resort. My hubby likes a pool and our Y doesn't have one, so we can go to a nearby indoor facility or local university pool. But ... that's the problem! I have to get off my BUTT! :wink1:

Jayne 14
10-29-2014, 11:07 AM
I need to get my butt off too !!
Pred gain is a pain !!!

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10-29-2014, 01:27 PM
I need to get my butt off too !!
Pred gain is a pain !!!

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As the Nike commercial says, "Just do it!!!"

Jayne 14
10-30-2014, 11:41 AM
That's easy to say !!
I find I'm so bloody tired it's hard to get motivated & work out
I think I just need to start slow & build up

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10-30-2014, 12:08 PM
That's easy to say !!
I find I'm so bloody tired it's hard to get motivated & work out
I think I just need to start slow & build up

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Exactly!! Start. Somewhere.

Try to make it fun.

Jayne 14
11-01-2014, 07:31 AM
Well I started a bit , yesterday walked for hours all around Warwick Castle for a spook tastic Halloween event , even climbing up 530 steps to the highest tower & down again !!
It's a start & was really good fun 🎃👻

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11-01-2014, 09:17 AM
Good job, Jayne! 530 steps is a lot, in addition to all the other walking you did!

Jayne 14
11-01-2014, 12:01 PM
I know - my legs felt proper wobbly after !!
Had to sit down for a bit !!

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11-25-2014, 04:20 AM
My water aerobics class was canceled today, so I decided to do some lap swimming. Did 4x100 yards with 30 seconds rest between them. Felt OK, :thumbsup:but my shoulders were starting to send me a message to stop. I also had a tiny bit of wheezing at the end. I expect both of these symptoms to dissipate as I get back into swimming shape.

12-26-2014, 05:31 AM
Progress report:

Since I started this thread, I am compelled to report my progress...

I've lost 18 pounds as of December 22. I may have put some weight back on because I'm The Christmas Cookie Monster. I lost the first 10 pounds primarily by being careful with portion sizes, cutting out soda, and only drinking the occasional NA beer. I also ate more fresh fruit for snacks instead of chips or ice cream. The last eight pounds came off when I joined my wife on an eating plan. We eat very little processed food, and have begun eating more fresh (organic) produce, few complex carbs, and a few supplements.

I was pretty faithful with my walking, but less so with the weight training and crunches. My waist size went from a snug 36" to a relaxed 34". However, the pred belly is still present - albeit a little smaller.

The bottom line is that I feel great - as well as I did before disease onset. I'm really grateful for that.

More work for next year as I try to improve my physique.

12-26-2014, 05:45 AM
That's great, Pete! You are an inspiration to us all! Enjoy the Christmas Cookie Monster while you can, and all the other food and festivities!

12-26-2014, 03:20 PM
Great work Pete and you inspired me.

I can't bear the thought of going to a Gym and using the pool or machines after all the other sweaty germy people used them, so the options for my family this Christmas were

We build a swimming pool with one whole length shallower than the rest so that it could be used for exercising and/or water aerobics
Or; we purchase a treadmill and a spin bike of our own to use as required.

Lots of um's and ah's and in the end it was decided that a pool would need a whole lot of upkeep that would be done for a little while until the novelty wore off, so we went for the treadmill and bike.

So far, both are being used, but it is very early days yet. Only had it for 5 days.
The treadmill is massive with all the bells and whistles - I can even log on to the forum whilst walking.
It wont make me a cup of tea though :razz:

I'm hoping for some great results in the new year.

Thankyou Pete

01-07-2015, 07:11 AM
Well, it's a New Year, which means some changes to the routine. My nutritionist says I've lost enough weight. Now, I need to build some muscle mass. Came across this from Cleveland Clinic today... Your Guide to the No. 1 Fitness Trend of 2015 ? Health Hub from Cleveland Clinic (http://health.clevelandclinic.org/2015/01/your-guide-to-the-no-1-fitness-trend-of-2015/) Time to get busy.

The goals:
1. Maintain current weight +5 pounds.
2. Tone up my abs. Get from a party ball to a flask.
3. Continue with cardio fitness.
4. Work with docs to wean off all wegs meds (mtx, pred, bactrim, folic acid).

Here we go!! :D

Debbie C
01-07-2015, 03:23 PM
Thats is great Pete. ( Andrew,we need a workout icon !)
Well I started off with good intentions. I was going to start back at yoga but it was all cancelled until now ,but now I am sick with cold ? something? just feel a little crappy and don't want to go out in this below 0 weather...UGH !!!
But I put your workout routine into my favs,so I will check it out. I also got this online 21 day yoga routine.Here's a tip is if you drink a cup of hot water with half squeezed lemon ( or lemon juice ) and add honey to taste in the morning ( 20 minutes before you eat ) it helps burn fat and aids in digestion. Today was my first day..I don't think I lost anything yet !!!
I also went and bought 2 excerise balls , pilates ab worker, a machine that you step up and down on while pulling straps, jump ropes, and I have an old tai chi dvd that I dug out. I got something else...oh I remember...a nutra ninja juicer so I went out and bought a bunch of fruit to make my own smoothies. Guess what they are all still in there boxes but I will start as soon as I feel better. Happy ,Healthy New Year everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-08-2015, 02:01 AM
I am actually going to the gym with my bride and walking on a treadmill. Very slow in the beginning but yesterday, walked three quarters of a mile in 20 minutes. I am not supposed to be able to do that with my COPD, so I don't know how this is happening. I also trotted (jogged?) for 1 minute. My neuropathic feet yelled at me for a few minutes however they calmed down and this morning actually feel better than they have in years. Maybe I should just go on and keep abusing my body.

01-08-2015, 05:57 AM
Maybe I should just go on and keep abusing my body.

No pain, no gain!! Hope you continue to gain strength and feel better!!��

01-09-2015, 01:27 PM
I had lost 43 lbs but then I gained back 32 ... I am now down 5lbs again and working really hard to get BACK to where I was. Despite feeling absolutely horrific most of the time, I have done a Zumba class this week, I hiked up a really big mountain and walked my dog for 1.5 miles. Today ... I can't do much. I've been in bad health and getting worse but I am still trying.

01-09-2015, 01:40 PM
This isn't much, but I finally went for a walk today on my road, after procrastinating for months. I guess it was about 3/4 mile. I'm perfectly capable of doing this and much more, but I am a little out of shape. Thinking of Alysia and her daily walks. We will see if it happens again tomorrow with perhaps a faster pace, and adding a little distance each time. Perhaps I'll take a few pics to make it more interesting.

01-17-2015, 05:56 PM
It has been over a month since I have done much more than walking to and from parking garage still work. This week I started taking the stairs, at work, to the second floor. I then take the elevator to the 5th floor. It is a good start.

01-17-2015, 06:18 PM
It has been over a month since I have done much more than walking to and from parking garage still work. This week I started taking the stairs, at work, to the second floor. I then take the elevator to the 5th floor. It is a good start. Walking and climbing some stairs is a good start. I got busy and haven't walked for a few days. But I did it for three days, it could have been a mile, I'm not sure, but in any case, felt great improvement in how I felt doing it over those three days. When I have time, I think I'll have no trouble getting out there again and hope to add some distance and start going in the direction where there are more hills.

01-18-2015, 01:22 AM
Way to go, ladies!! Keep on keepin' on!!

01-18-2015, 02:48 PM
Way to go, ladies!! Keep on keepin' on!! I am not working tomorrow so I should be able to get a walk in if I don't allow myself to get distracted by other things. It is raining cats and dogs here, but I have an umbrella! Who wouldn't, living in western Washington! Anyway, thanks for the reminder, Pete!

Debbie C
01-19-2015, 01:18 PM
Well I think,like Nikki, I am going to make the 19th my birthday !! Tomorrow I am going to start at the gym. I went out checked it out Fri. and it is pretty nice ..alot of equipment. I just wish they had a pool. But I am determined to lose 8-10 lbs and some inches !!

01-19-2015, 01:33 PM
There is a new gym/fitness center being built 2 miles from my house, and I live in a mostly rural area. It is only in the beginning stages and I don't even know the name of it or whether it is a well-known chain, or what kind of facilities it will have. But it looks pretty big. It will be interesting to see, and if I like it, I'll be a lot more likely to go to it at that location instead of driving 8-10 miles or more into town.

02-07-2015, 06:04 PM
I would like to ask a question, if I may
Too bad, I'm asking anyway :tongue1:

Diamond Head in Hawaii - do you think it is possible, for someone in our condition, to walk this trail and stairs?

If you have done it - was it easy or hard? was it pre WG or after?

Debbie C
02-08-2015, 02:14 AM
Go for it Mish,they can always send a rescue up to get you !!!!

02-08-2015, 02:34 AM
I got a nice little workout by doing a quick cleaning of my gutters late yesterday, just before dusk.... with the rain we are getting, they sorely needed it and it will need to be done again soon. The workout was largely from carrying a heavy ladder around, and this was after moving heavy crates of lily bulbs around at work. I just have a small house, more of a cabin, so it was only about 58 feet of gutters, which in retrospect, sounds like a lot, but isn't, compared to most houses. I got it done in less than an hour but didn't have time to do the very best job. Just enough to keep the rainwater moving.

02-08-2015, 03:27 PM
Go for it Mish,they can always send a rescue up to get you !!!!

Debra, would the rescue people be 'hot' uniform type males :thumbsup:
I wonder how Trev would get back :wink1:

02-08-2015, 03:29 PM
I got a nice little workout by doing a quick cleaning of my gutters late yesterday, just before dusk.... with the rain we are getting, they sorely needed it and it will need to be done again soon. The workout was largely from carrying a heavy ladder around, and this was after moving heavy crates of lily bulbs around at work. I just have a small house, more of a cabin, so it was only about 58 feet of gutters, which in retrospect, sounds like a lot, but isn't, compared to most houses. I got it done in less than an hour but didn't have time to do the very best job. Just enough to keep the rainwater moving.

Anne, you are awesome :thumbsup::hug3:

Debbie C
02-09-2015, 01:14 AM
Debra, would the rescue people be 'hot' uniform type males :thumbsup:
I wonder how Trev would get back :wink1:

Ha Ha...I would think so,being Hawaiin, tan and probably walking around there all the time....heck I would even fake it just to see ! Pack Trev a lunch,he could make it down on his own !!!!

02-09-2015, 01:19 AM
Ha Ha...I would think so,being Hawaiin, tan and probably walking around there all the time....heck I would even fake it just to see ! Pack Trev a lunch,he could make it down on his own !!!! Heh, heh, Deb, I was thinking the same thing!

Jayne 14
02-09-2015, 02:00 AM
I was inspired by you Annekat saying you'd cleared gutters
I've just been for a bike ride with my son
Bright clear & cold here in the UK but it was lovely !!

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02-09-2015, 02:08 AM
I was inspired by you Annekat saying you'd cleared gutters
I've just been for a bike ride with my son
Bright clear & cold here in the UK but it was lovely !!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Thanks, Jayne. I'm not a powerhouse of physical activity but just decided I had to do it before the next big rain. And since my house is very small, and the gutters reachable with an 8 foot step ladder, it was not too bad. A bike ride sounds wonderful.... I used to do that a lot, but don't currently own a bike. I've found walking for about a mile on my road to be pretty invigorating.

Jayne 14
02-09-2015, 02:13 AM
I'm determined to try and do a little more
I've been so tired sometimes and feel if I make myself do a bit more it may help get me going again more !!

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02-09-2015, 02:56 AM
Jayne and Anne,

Go for it ladies!! One.Step.At.A.Time!! :thumbup:

02-09-2015, 01:28 PM
No mile last three days, opted for another two feet of snow. Tiring.

02-09-2015, 01:46 PM
No mile last three days, opted for another two feet of snow. Tiring.

That sucks. About 40 days until spring...

02-09-2015, 02:05 PM
That sucks. About 40 days until spring... The way I look at it, March 21st is really the middle of spring, which really starts in mid February. This philosophy makes me feel better. Stuff is already coming up here, some has been up all winter, and violets, hellebores, and rhododendrons are starting to bloom. I've seen robins already. Hard to fathom, I know, when surrounded by multiple feet of snow. It could even happen here, still, though it would be fewer feet. My "philosophy" is easier to understand in summer, when June 21st is actually the solstice, or longest day of the year, which makes it conceivably the middle of summer. Same in December, when the 21st is the shortest day of the year, and to me, the middle of winter, and things go uphill from there. However, I realize that most places, even here, it doesn't usually work out that way weather-wise, and I'm deluding myself quite a bit.... However, this season, we really did have our coldest weather in November and December. I shouldn't speak too soon.... knock on wood. But right now at 6pm it is 53 degrees and the low is supposed to be 47. Of course there is a 100% chance of rain tonight. But today was fairly clear and sunny. So no excuse for me missing my mile walk.

02-09-2015, 03:36 PM
March is in like a lion and out like a lamb. April showers bring May flowers. It seems to be a couple of weeks later than that in the past few years. I don't know about global warning but see the cycle of the seasons changing.

02-09-2015, 03:51 PM
March is in like a lion and out like a lamb. April showers bring May flowers. It seems to be a couple of weeks later than that in the past few years. I don't know about global warning but see the cycle of the seasons changing.
Dale I heard a weather expert on NPR who believes in global warming but says the current extremes going on in the US are not related to that, but to something going on in the tropics, causing a ridge in the west and a trough in the east. And we seem to be stuck in this pattern where we on the west coast are unseasonably warm and you are unusually snowy and cold, according to him. That's as far as I'm capable of explaining what he said. He does see global warming as really kicking in, if we don't change our ways, but not getting really bad until like 2035-2050, if I remember right what he said or implied.

02-21-2015, 07:12 AM
I found a fitness coach/personal trainer at my local YMCA who understands autoimmune diseases!! He has RA and has been on pred and mtx in the past. He's on humira now.

We had a good intake chat today during which he took a brief history of my wegs experience and asked me about my fitness goals.

My fitness goals are as follows:

1. Rebuild muscle mass while avoiding significant weight gain.
2. Have my clothes fit better. I want to wear my pants on my normal waistline instead of slung under my pred paunch.
3. Live to see my grandchildren grow up and be a positive force in their lives. Might be a bit of a challenge since I'm 68 and the grandkids range in age from 3 years down to a month to go before birth.

As a short-term goal, I want to be able to do my new exercise regimen comfortably. I will be expanding the current regimen to include more lap swimming and more resistance weight training. This should help me strengthen my core, build muscle, and improve my golf game (if spring ever gets here).

What are the rest of you up to???

02-21-2015, 07:48 AM
Hey Pete, sound like realistic goals to me. I can't do laps in a pool because of the chlorine smell, lungs don't like it. I do walk in our backyard pool in the summer at times. Right now, can't get to the gym to walk on the treadmill, so so cold and so much snow. It is impossible to look left at the end of the street for oncoming traffic, snow bank about seven feet high. Hopefully get back to it soon. Good luck with your regimen and your golf game. Played only once last year in a Wegener's Benefit. At this rate I expect the snow will be melted by end of May, early June.

Debbie C
02-21-2015, 08:13 AM
I haven't done a d#$@ thing in a week. I ,like so many others, am SOOOOOOOO sick of this winter and I just can't get the ambition to do anything. I want to get back to the gym when the temps reach at least 10 degrees !! Sounds like you have a good trainer and are on the right path. I haven't even done any yoga,all I want to do is curl up on the couch.

02-21-2015, 09:41 AM
I haven't done a d#$@ thing in a week. I ,like so many others, am SOOOOOOOO sick of this winter and I just can't get the ambition to do anything. I want to get back to the gym when the temps reach at least 10 degrees !! Sounds like you have a good trainer and are on the right path. I haven't even done any yoga,all I want to do is curl up on the couch.

Do.something!! You'll feel better physically and mentally!!

Debbie C
02-21-2015, 01:59 PM
I know ,you are right Pete. I actually feel quilty for not doing anything and I wake up each morning saying I'll do this....but I don't. Maybe tomorrow :)

02-21-2015, 02:14 PM
I know ,you are right Pete. I actually feel quilty for not doing anything and I wake up each morning saying I'll do this....but I don't. Maybe tomorrow :)

Just don't shovel the snow you're supposed to get tomorrow. I told my plow guy not to show up until the storm is over.

02-21-2015, 03:36 PM
The weather here has been fine for getting out and about, but I've been working at a lily bulb farm. Mostly working inside around a table, but this week I got a good workout hoisting heavy crates of bulbs around, helping unload a big truck, and loading up another so the boss could go to a garden show. Some of this lifting is right at the limit of my 5' 1", 62 year old frame. But I figure it is probably good for my bones. I'm careful how to lift, using my legs, all that stuff. When things are back to normal I'll start walking again. It's a nice time to do it, with some trees and plants starting to flower. Yes, spring is starting up here. Still expect some nasty rain and wind in March and April, though.

03-07-2015, 06:46 AM
The journey continues. I have had two meetings with a personal trainer at our local YMCA. I'm pleased beyond belief!! My trainer is a double amputee - both legs gone below the knee - and he understands autoimmune diseases as he has RA. He understands being immunosuppressed and dealing with the drugs we use. He's on humira now, but has been on mtx in the past.

He has put me on a program of twice weekly resistance training. I use a dozen different machines in our Y's fitness center and (once I learn how to use them all properly) will be getting a good full-body workout. It should help me build strength in my legs, arms/shoulders, and abdominal core. It should also help me redistribute my "pred paunch". So far this week, I've used all of the machines he taught me to use twice (Wednesday and Friday). My upper arms and shoulders are a little tired now, but I'm excited about getting stronger. It's interesting to see what other people are using on the machines. When I got on the chest press today, the guy who used it before me was pressing 240 lbs. I did 15 reps of 45 lbs, and the last few reps were hard!! And I also walk briskly for 35-45 minutes at least three times a week.

I also had my routine 4-month checkup with my PCP yesterday. He gave me a good going over, and reviewed the results of yesterday's labs. All is in good order. My BMI is under 25 for the first time since I was on high-dose pred. BP was 132/70, resting pulse was 70, and respiration was 16 bpm. He also kidded me about being able to wear Levi's. He said he has to wear Wranglers or Carrharts to be comfortable. :)

My wife and I continue to eat more healthily. We have time to cook more things from scratch, so we've almost eliminated pre-processed foods from our diets. A typical day's eating for me is: Breakfast - black decaf coffee and a bowl of oatmeal with a Tsp of coconut oil, a few drops of stevia, berries, and skim milk. Lunch is a small sandwich (PBJ or roast beef) on gluten free bread, a banana and a cup of yogurt (I really like Fage Fruyo.). Dinner is a big tossed salad made with darker greens (spinach, romaine, and/or arugula), cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, olives, pickled peppers, mushrooms, and topped with a little raspberry or balsamic vinagrette; a baked sweet potato, and a piece (4-8 oz) of lean meat or a grilled chicken breast or a piece of fish (I really like grilled salmon or tuna steak). In the evening, I may have another piece of fruit or some nuts. I try to drink 4 - 5 16oz glasses of water each day. My PCP was especially pleased when I mentioned not eating much in the way of pre-processed foods - too much salt, HFCS, and transfat as well as the other preservatives.

For me, the payoff has been great. I feel as good now as before I got sick. I still want to get off my wegs meds (mtx, pred, bactrim, and folic acid) and see if I can get to and maintain a full remission. I've been working at this since mid-year 2012, and continually remind myself that the results I want won't happen overnight. It's been gradual, but the progress has been steady...

03-07-2015, 11:12 AM
Awesome Pete. Final back to one mile walk, three times a week. Driving still an adventure, can't see over snow banks. Keep up the good work.

Dirty Don
03-07-2015, 11:51 AM
You're an inspiration Pete...truly...keep it up!

03-07-2015, 11:56 AM
You're an inspiration Pete...truly...keep it up!

Thanks, Don. I just want to see my grandkids grow up.

03-07-2015, 03:01 PM
I just signed up to run the Columbus Marathon in October! I definitely need to keep up with this thread more often as motivation for exercising and eating healthy. I just ate a whole box of samoas girl scout cookies in one sitting (don't judge please)... I think I should follow your habits, Pete, and start eating healthier. But hey, when prednisone makes you hungry, you just have to grab everything in sight, right? haha!

03-07-2015, 03:47 PM
I could eat a whole box of thin mints right now! For me, avoiding temptation means not even bringing it home.

03-07-2015, 04:00 PM
I could eat a whole box of thin mints right now! For me, avoiding temptation means not even bringing it home.
I'm the same way, Pete. And eating a box of thin mints would make me feel very sick; it would actually increase my WG symptoms until the sugar wore off. But I would do it anyway, if the thin mints were here in my house!

03-07-2015, 04:19 PM
Awesome Pete. Final back to one mile walk, three times a week. Driving still an adventure, can't see over snow banks. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Dale. I'm glad to see your progressing well. I hope the snow melts soon (not too fast - don't need floods) so driving isn't any more of an adventure than it normally is in Boston.

03-11-2015, 06:23 AM
Well, the snow is melting, it's 47•F and raining, and my biceps hurt in a good way. I learn how to use the rest of the resistance training machines on Thursday, so I expect the abs to be a bit sore after that. I'll be glad to see the "pred paunch" go away...

03-11-2015, 08:07 AM
Another mile today. 50* today, things may be looking up. Trying to get my seeds started in the basement, but don't know when to start due to the snow.
So Pete, Rebekah and Anne, I have cornered the market on Thin Mints and Grasshoppers (the cookie) to help keep you from getting weak. It will be difficult but I will eat them all for you.

03-11-2015, 01:05 PM
I'm the cookie mom for my daughter's girl scout troop and have had up to 40 cases of cookies in my house these past couple months. If you all lived closer we would definitely try sell to all of you. LOL! Going to be wrapping it up the end of this month and looking forward to getting the temptation out of my house.:wub:

03-18-2015, 02:12 AM
Here's a link from Cleveland Clinic for five exercises that need only one piece of equipment --- us!

Your Guide to the No. 1 Fitness Trend of 2015 ? Health Hub from Cleveland Clinic (http://health.clevelandclinic.org/2015/01/your-guide-to-the-no-1-fitness-trend-of-2015/)

03-19-2015, 06:20 AM
I did some strength training exercises (lunges, squats, planks) this morning. Boy, am I exhausted... but I bought some new, bright pink sneakers to motivate me. I ran Monday morning since we had gorgeous 70 degree weather, but couldn't even run one mile without feeling like death. It sure was nice to get outside to enjoy the sunshine that day though. It's back to the 40 degrees, and I just want this cold weather to go away already.

03-19-2015, 09:09 AM
I'm with you, Rebekah!! When I do one cycle of reps on all the machines at the Y, I'm pretty wiped out for awhile. I am trying to get into the pattern of weight training on Tuesdays and Fridays. I still walk 2-3 miles 3-4 days a week. I'm trying to get motivated to begin swimming again too.

Just keep on keepin' on!!

Debbie C
03-19-2015, 01:58 PM
Well I went to the gym yesterday,worked on several different machines,walked 1 1/2 miles on the treadmill then came home a did a yoga/pilates video. Today I went to 1 grocery store,came out to discover my tire almost flat, it had some kind of metal in it so had to get it plugged,then went to another grocery store and came home and did 2 work out dvds. I'm beat,but gonna hit the gym tomorrow.
You missing Fl. yet,Rebekah !!I have 43 more days and I will be there for 3 weeks ( but whose counting )

03-20-2015, 03:35 AM
I'm so glad we're motivating each other! I did a little strength training before my Rituxan infusion this morning. I'm up and walking around 8 hours a day at my job at the pharmacy, and that definitely is a workout, especially when we get huge fluid orders in during the week and I'm lifting super heavy boxes to put them away.

Have fun in Florida, Debra! Pack me in your suitcase please - I miss the Florida sunshine and beaches!

04-11-2015, 12:41 AM
I shared this What Does Moderate Exercise Mean, Anyway? ? Health Hub from Cleveland Clinic (http://health.clevelandclinic.org/2015/04/what-does-moderate-exercise-mean-anyway/) on my facebook page earlier. It gives some good examples of what moderate exercise is and how to compute your optimum heart rate while exercising.

I've been doing fairly well with exercise over the past several weeks. I've had to be more flexible in scheduling with the arrival of grandbaby #3, but I still get to the Y twice a week (going today) to do some light weight training. Now that the weather is nicer, I'm also walking outside more. This old bod is slowly toning up. Almost lost the man boobs and the belly is slowly flattening. I can wear size 34 jeans comfortably.

04-11-2015, 03:07 AM
Good job, Pete! Losing the man boobs and belly would be a big one. I'd like to lose some of my extra bulk in those two areas, too. After all, I'm only 5 feet tall and don't need to be carrying around a lot of extra stuff. Your continued persistence with your exercise regimen is inspiring! It's good to know that the "old bod" CAN tone up!

04-11-2015, 07:25 AM
Well Pete you are doing well. Ah the days, wore 34" for most of my pre WG days. Won't say what i'm in now but have dropped one size. Yeah me. Anyway, still walking the 1 mile but may try to increase tomorrow. Close to a twenty minute mile. Oh, and the man boobs? Good for you. You are an inspiration of what we can do and become. Congratulations on number 3, my daughter just had number 6 for her.

Still got snow on the ground!!

Jayne 14
04-11-2015, 08:07 AM
Well done Pete with sharing & inspiring us
Weve been looking after a friends dogs this week so have been walking lots extra this week . 1 1/5 miles every night round the local lake , made all the nicer by the lovely weather . 18 & 19 highs : warmer than Spain ( rare for the U K )
Will try & keep it up next week when the pugs owner is home 👍

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04-11-2015, 11:49 AM
You guys are making me feel guilty about not walking, which would be so easy to do. A mile every three days would be doable, as a minimum. There's just always some reason not to... like right now, I'm firing my kiln and don't want to leave it alone, not safe. I'm also making bread in the bread machine and when it's done I'm going to eat it with butter on it! But keep up the reports, I need to hear them. I did pull a few weeds yesterday and got tired just doing that... but then my weeds are pretty extreme. Time to get out the weed eater, which is also not the easiest on my five foot body, but I can do it!

04-11-2015, 02:08 PM
I too would do lots of butter

04-11-2015, 02:11 PM
I too would do lots of butter
Dale I'm eating it right now.... hot and crusty with lots of butter. The best I've made so far in the bread machine.

04-11-2015, 02:24 PM
I too would do lots of butter

Me 3!!!!!!!!!!!

04-11-2015, 09:08 PM
I too would do lots of butter

Mmmm, yumm........and I would add some vegemite (and if Al was still around, he would pick on me)

Jayne 14
04-12-2015, 06:34 AM
Love fresh bread Anne, sounds mega

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Debbie C
04-12-2015, 11:31 AM
I don't think anything smells better than fresh baked bread. What is vegemite, Mish? I like agava (honey) on this bread I get at the store it is made with wheat flour and has cranberries and blueberries in it. OMG it is SOOO good.
But as far as working out I have just been walking.My chest is feeling better so I will get back into the yoga and gym routine again. Although I have been drinking a cup of hot water with lemon juice in the morning 20 min.before I eat and I have lost 3 pounds !

Congrats on your 6th grandbaby,Dale...Is you daughter crazy !!!!!!!

04-12-2015, 11:37 AM
I have explained time and again Deb, oh well yes she is.

Debbie C
04-12-2015, 12:02 PM
I have explained time and again Deb, oh well yes she is.

Sorry Dale if I missed something

04-12-2015, 12:10 PM
You didn't miss anything, I was trying to make a joke that yes my daughter is crazy.

Debbie C
04-12-2015, 02:11 PM
You didn't miss anything, I was trying to make a joke that yes my daughter is crazy.

Whew good...I thought I put my foot in my mouth. I know having 6 kids would make me crazy but the way you said that I thought maybe she actually had a problem that you might have mentioned before !! K.then

04-12-2015, 10:55 PM
:back on topic:

04-13-2015, 01:30 AM
I wondered when that was going to happen! I quit talking about my bread, at least. Deb, glad to hear you have been walking and feel well enough to get back into the yoga and gym routine!

04-13-2015, 03:16 AM
I want a Putin. Anyway, could only make half a mile today, feet were not cooperating at all, see what tomorrow brings. It can be a work out making bread, knead and roll, knead and roll, punch and so on.

04-13-2015, 12:56 PM
I want a Putin. Anyway, could only make half a mile today, feet were not cooperating at all, see what tomorrow brings. It can be a work out making bread, knead and roll, knead and roll, punch and so on.
Dale Yeah, except I made it in a bread machine. I used to make bread the old fashioned way and was pretty good at it. Actually, though, making pottery is more of a workout than making bread. There is a lot of kneading involved, clay is stiffer than dough, and I can get a little out of breath. In a good way, though. And I sometimes have to lift heavy things like 50# boxes of clay and kiln shelves. So I'm getting both aerobic and weight-bearing exercise.

04-13-2015, 01:07 PM
And. I am sure you wear a mask?

04-13-2015, 02:46 PM
And. I am sure you wear a mask? Ahem. Well, a mask is not necessary when working with wet clay, but any part of the process that involves dry fired or unfired clay dust, glaze dust, or fumes from the kiln, should not be done without protection. I often wear a bandana, as the typical dust masks make my glasses fog up and I can't see. For some things, I can take off my glasses. A good fitting respirator would be best, and one that didn't interfere with my field of vision. It's on my list. There are some semi-disposable ones available that aren't as expensive. Oh, and my kiln has a venting system with a fan that takes the fumes outside the building.

Debbie C
04-14-2015, 01:04 PM
Well I started of my day by raking a big pile of leaves left over from the fall and ended up walking 4 1/2 miles today. I have a watch that also tells me steps walk ( which was over 11,000 today !!!! ) calories burned and miles. So I had a pretty good day. It is so much better with spring here and can get outside.

09-18-2015, 03:45 AM
I was so looking forward to telling you all about my workout regimen and how I was able to lose 30 lbs. in the last three months. Deb and I had been walking, but I had to stop after a foot injury. Then I started my days with Ensure and that kept me going till 1 or so, small rollup with no bread or carbs at all. So I was going to come on this thread a boast about how well it was working. Well it wasn't. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Hence the weight loss. It has been caught early and hopefully the medication will be approved so I can start treatment. Dr. Monach had ordered my usual round of bloods for WG and noticed increase in WBC so sent me to Hematologist last week. Diagnosis was confirmed last Tuesday, I think, and had Bone Marrow done yesterday. Pretty sore today. Anyway, I will leave this on the Virtual Workout thread because I really wanted to make you all jealous. By the way Dr. was quite impressed at my propensity to attract rare diseases.

09-18-2015, 04:03 AM
We've talked about this by email. But it sounds like you were on a workout and diet regimen and at least some of the weight loss could have been from that! So, without the CML, you still might have lost, say, 15 lbs. in 3 months, which would have been pretty good. The walking and diet changes couldn't have hurt and could only have helped. I am glad that Dr. Monach caught this early and that you will be getting proper treatment, which will likely put you into remission from this, or get it under control. I don't see how the medication could not be approved.... best of luck with that.

09-18-2015, 04:52 AM
Hey Dale,

The CML diagnosis really sucks. That's enough rare diseases for you. Hope the treatment works quickly, well, and with no nasty side effects.

Debbie C
09-18-2015, 01:43 PM
Dale ,sorry to hear about the leukemia dx. That does really suck, I didn't know you were going through all of this. What are they giving you for this ? They just found this from your blood work or were you having any kind of symtems ? Hope all is going well...keep us updated

09-19-2015, 12:56 AM
I was so looking forward to telling you all about my workout regimen and how I was able to lose 30 lbs. in the last three months. Deb and I had been walking, but I had to stop after a foot injury. Then I started my days with Ensure and that kept me going till 1 or so, small rollup with no bread or carbs at all. So I was going to come on this thread a boast about how well it was working. Well it wasn't. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Hence the weight loss. It has been caught early and hopefully the medication will be approved so I can start treatment. Dr. Monach had ordered my usual round of bloods for WG and noticed increase in WBC so sent me to Hematologist last week. Diagnosis was confirmed last Tuesday, I think, and had Bone Marrow done yesterday. Pretty sore today. Anyway, I will leave this on the Virtual Workout thread because I really wanted to make you all jealous. By the way Dr. was quite impressed at my propensity to attract rare diseases.

Dear Dale. I am so sorry. I hope you can beat this away with minimum sufferings. I guess some meds might beat the wg as well. Not sure. Hang in there. Sending my prayers and lots of love ♡

09-19-2015, 02:25 AM
Sorry to hear about the new disease but I understand the risk for several forms of cancer increases somewhat after treatment for Wegs. It is just very unfortunate when it happens but many people get cancer without having any treatment for Wegs so generally I don't think it is a worry we need to take on till it happens. The one good thing is we have some experience in getting and dealing with treatment for serious chronic diseases which should help us get through it. Best wishes for successful treatment and better health soon.

09-20-2015, 08:40 PM
That sucks Dale. If only you were less attractive then you wouldn't be attracting these other conditions, but hey, what's one more :wink1::tongue1:

I also went through 6 months of dealing with a leukemia diagnosis, until they realized that it was the inflammation caused by WG, that was giving false readings.

Best of wishes to you with your new treatment regime

10-19-2015, 01:19 PM
Just wanted to give a shout out to Rebekah Wade and Sheila Martin. Sheila completed the Columbus Marathon and Rebekah ran the Columbus Half-Marathon today. They're great examples of not letting our dumb disease keep them from competing!!

While most of us won't run long distances, getting in better physical condition can only help improve our quality of life!

As the Nike ad says, "Just do it!"

10-19-2015, 01:50 PM
Thanks, Pete! This was definitely the hardest race for me, but my favorite by far! For part of the run I couldn't even feel my legs... and they are killing me right now. I know I'll be super sore tomorrow (and for the next few days), but giving the kids at each mile a high five was so worth it! I am so glad I got to meet up with Sheila for a quick picture before the marathon, too! :)

10-19-2015, 11:35 PM
Such an awesome achievement Rebekah and Sheila.

Well done :thumbsup:

10-20-2015, 04:24 AM
Thanks, Pete! This was definitely the hardest race for me, but my favorite by far! For part of the run I couldn't even feel my legs... and they are killing me right now. I know I'll be super sore tomorrow (and for the next few days), but giving the kids at each mile a high five was so worth it! I am so glad I got to meet up with Sheila for a quick picture before the marathon, too! :) We'd love to see the picture, if it is available. What a great achievement, and congrats to you both! Now if I could just get myself walking on the road every day....

10-20-2015, 05:32 AM
Our marathon runners!! https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12088024_10153754482216095_4231753730626128277_n.j pg?oh=01587ed0268148a928bca446f5cee69c&oe=5690BED7

01-12-2016, 03:15 PM
Happy New Year -belatedly!!

I'll repeat the invitation made at the top of this thread for those who want some virtual support in an effort to get more fit.

I have been a bit of a slacker the past few months. My son and daughter-in-law sold their starter home and bought a newer home during 4th quarter of last year. That meant my wife and I were providing child care for three kids 4 yo and younger 3-4 days a week so they could get their old house ready to sell. Different kind of exercise.

I'm now getting back into the swing of things. I go to the Y 3x weekly and walk for about 35 minutes. Today, I resumed light resistance weight training. Hope to do this once or twice a week and swim occasionally.

What's everyone else up to??

BTW, tomorrow (12 Jan) is the fifth anniversary of my GPA diagnosis. I continue to do pretty well. I hope everyone on here can see improvement in their health this year.

01-12-2016, 04:18 PM
Pete, that's great. But happy anniversary seems a little off to me? I'm up to no good, and hate excersise, always have. So there's my my answer, regardless weather you wanted it or no.... Pete, I'm happy for ya..... Deb.

01-12-2016, 04:19 PM
Ignore my double my.....ect. ect... Deb.

01-13-2016, 05:49 AM
Pete, I enjoy your periodic reminders about this. The road is still out there for me to walk on any time. Am about to start my seasonal job in the lily bulb business which will involve some fairly heavy lifting some days. Thanks for the reminder.

01-14-2016, 02:32 AM
I rode my scooter to and from four buildings already this morning. Does that count as exercise?


Can't wait for my foot and knee to be healed so I can get back to an exercise routine!

01-14-2016, 04:18 AM
I rode my scooter to and from four buildings already this morning. Does that count as exercise?


Can't wait for my foot and knee to be healed so I can get back to an exercise routine!

That should count as light exercise for your sense of humor!!

01-14-2016, 04:54 AM
That should count as light exercise for your sense of humor!!

Should be more than that since it was 5 degrees when I did it!! I think I shivered enough for it to be considered exercise! (-8

01-14-2016, 08:54 AM
Should be more than that since it was 5 degrees when I did it!! I think I shivered enough for it to be considered exercise! (-8

Agreed!! Perhaps some work is needed on your sanity for riding your scooter when it's that cold out...

01-14-2016, 10:03 AM
Perhaps some work is needed on your sanity for riding your scooter when it's that cold out...

No kidding, 5 degrees can destroy the batteries.

01-14-2016, 03:29 PM
Hey, I would love advice on maintain my weight as well as how to lose weight. I'm on prednisone and is been quite hard.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

01-14-2016, 03:42 PM
Hi, not at all sure what to call you, and now can't veiw you're user name? But, my advice, though not yet on pred, is higher protein less carbs. Carbs need to be watched, and since on pred, you're blood sugar as well. So in all, my suggestion is high protein, or moderate, make sure you're kidneys are healthy enough first, then low carb. Ask doc, for meter? See if you're spiking? Anything over 120 after meals, say the two hour mark, should be under this. Doctors will call over pre diabetic, don't listen, you're a diabetic. There is now pre. Just a question of how much damage has been done. Glad my endo, agrees with this one. Blood sugar spikes will cause weight issues, although if you get high enough, you can actually lose weight. Check with you're doctor, as high protein is hard on the kidneys, if there not healthy enough...GGood luck! Please ignore that extra g..... Deb.

01-14-2016, 03:45 PM
Please except, my sincere apologies on my typos!.... Deb.

01-14-2016, 04:06 PM
Oh, forgot to add, since pred causes blood sugar to go higher, you also need to be careful of fruit, even some vegetables. For example an apple or banana, will cause a spike pretty much equal to a Klondike bar. Hi starch vegetables can also spike you're blood. Spiking causes weight gain, also makes it difficult to lose, if you're not aware. Look for high fiber, as the high fiber can off set the spike. Fiber is you're friend. You can somewhat deduct the fiber grams, from the total carb count. Although this is cheating, ya gotta live a little... And never say diet, or weight loss, cause you're body hates this! It will fight you, so just say, my new healthy way of eating. Hope you find a little helpful? Deb.

01-14-2016, 04:21 PM
I ate lots of veggies and rice, with some protein added, when on pred. It tasted great to me and I didn't need to reach for the sweet stuff or the processed snacks. Of course, rice is carbs, but some carbs is OK, just not too many, and maybe avoid wheat, since that packs on the pounds the most for some people. Brown rice is best, and things like quinoa. Baked potatoes are good because they have a lot of potassium if you leave the skins on. Salads are good, because you can add a few croutons or potato chunks if you want and some protein like shrimp, chicken, or eggs. As long as you have the pred hunger, I wouldn't deny it, just don't overdo it. Drink lots of water, that will help fill you up and you need it anyway, to keep hydrated and flush the meds through your system, especially if you are on cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, CTX). Not sure what to suggest about losing weight, beyond exercise along with the healthful diet, as some can't exercise. But as soon as you can, start, a little at a time. Some have more trouble with pred weight than others, but most have at least some.

01-14-2016, 04:28 PM
how to lose weight.

My method starts with the bathroom scale, every single day without fail, that's the motivation part. First thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything and sans clothes so it's just me, at the lowest weight of the day.

After that it's diet and will power, so reasonable portions, low fat and low cal. Lots of veggies goes well with most meals and they fill you up.

01-14-2016, 05:45 PM
I miss all the fun! Anne, and Birdie. Well story of my life... Sweet potatoes, Anne, a power food. I love baked potatoes. Quinoa, I started making a few years ago. Kinda pain, but worth it. Good fats, like olive oil, real butter, raw milk? Need to be careful and have a soarce. Ah... Food! Deb.

01-15-2016, 01:50 AM
Hey, I would love advice on maintain my weight as well as how to lose weight. I'm on prednisone and is been quite hard.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

First of all, don't expect to lose weight quickly - especially at pred dosages greater than 10 mg daily. The things that helped me lose weight are:

1. Exercise. You may have to work up to this. When I first started, it was an effort to walk 100 yards. I gradually worked up to about 3 miles daily (took about six months). I've since done water aerobics and light resistance weight training.
2. Portion control.
3. Eating more fresh foods and really cutting back on or eliminating processed foods and low-fat foods. I use fresh fruits and raw veggies, real butter, whole milk, coconut oil and olive oil. I try to eat oily fish (tuna or salmon) a couple times a week. I usually eat sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. I eat very little bread. I sweeten with stevia instead of sugar. I don't drink soda at all. I drink water (2-3 16 oz glasses a day), black coffee, unsweetened tea. I have a beer or a glass of wine a couple of times a week. My snacks include nuts, fresh fruits, and a few squares of a high quality (Chocolove or Kind) candy bar.
4. Persistence. It took me over a year to lose 25 pounds. I weigh myself about every other day. If there is an upward trend, I increase exercise and cut back on snacking.

It helps that I have several grocery stores nearby that sell "healthy food". My typical daily menu is:
Breakfast. Black coffee, small bowl of quick oats sweetened with stevia, whole milk, and some berries.
Lunch: Siggi's Icelandic whole milk yogurt and a piece of fruit and maybe a handful of nuts (cashews or almonds).
Dinner: Tossed salad with Italian or a vinaigrette dressing, baked sweet potato or roasted sweet potato fries or chips, and 4-8 oz of meat, chicken, or oily fish.

Hope this is helpful...

01-15-2016, 03:52 AM
Pete, hi. I noticed coconut oil on you're list. Me too. Have you tried coconut cream? If you need a good company to order from, go to tropical traditions. Can we post links? Any way, they have a lot of great stuff, not just coconut oil, ect. Even grass fed meats ect. Been ordering from there for years... Deb.

01-15-2016, 03:53 AM
Agreed!! Perhaps some work is needed on your sanity for riding your scooter when it's that cold out...

I think the wegs took that away in April of 2012!

01-15-2016, 04:05 AM
Pete, hi. I noticed coconut oil on you're list. Me too. Have you tried coconut cream? If you need a good company to order from, go to tropical traditions. Can we post links? Any way, they have a lot of great stuff, not just coconut oil, ect. Even grass fed meats ect. Been ordering from there for years... Deb.

Haven't tried coconut cream. I usually put a spoonful of coconut oil into my oatmeal before I cook it. I haven't really learned to cook with coconut oil yet.

I usually shop at Whole Foods. They have the grass fed meats, store-made deli meats, spices, and organic produce that we use.

01-15-2016, 04:13 AM
Pete, hi. Ya, back in my shop days I did as well. Actually more trader Joes, because they don't have whole foods up here, so went there while visiting family in Boston. The oil and cream, you don't have to just use for cooking. I put the cream in my coffee, ect. Sometimes just put the oil on whatever. Anyway, there stuff is quality, and free ship offers, so a win, win... Debra.

01-17-2016, 11:47 PM
I was recently diagnosed late October of last year so I'm fairly new and still lost and confused about many things. Thanks for the advice. What is a meter? What kind of foods do you recommend to eat and avoid? I'm 19 if that helps.

01-17-2016, 11:52 PM
I ate lots of veggies and rice, with some protein added, when on pred. It tasted great to me and I didn't need to reach for the sweet stuff or the processed snacks. Of course, rice is carbs, but some carbs is OK, just not too many, and maybe avoid wheat, since that packs on the pounds the most for some people. Brown rice is best, and things like quinoa. Baked potatoes are good because they have a lot of potassium if you leave the skins on. Salads are good, because you can add a few croutons or potato chunks if you want and some protein like shrimp, chicken, or eggs. As long as you have the pred hunger, I wouldn't deny it, just don't overdo it. Drink lots of water, that will help fill you up and you need it anyway, to keep hydrated and flush the meds through your system, especially if you are on cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, CTX). Not sure what to suggest about losing weight, beyond exercise along with the healthful diet, as some can't exercise. But as soon as you can, start, a little at a time. Some have more trouble with pred weight than others, but most have at least some.

Pred hunger that's what it is? I'm always hungry and it's not really helping me maintain my weight. I try munching on healthy alternatives like nuts, fruits, salads, etc... but it doesn't really help especially when my body craves lots of food. Any tips?

01-18-2016, 12:28 AM
Hi... Doesn't anyone, have the name John anymore? Just kidding, but have no idea what to call you either, cause now I can't see you're profile! I'm not sure, but think youre reffering to a blood sugar, meter? Might of been me back a few posts.. its to test you're sugar to make sure you're not spiking. Blood sugar should stay under 120 after meals, anything higher is going into what some call pre diabetes, but there is no pre, in reality. Pred, causes spikes in sugar, as you may already know, since youre dealing with this sucky sickness too... Are you being treated? Dont know if you already did an intro, buteither way, we would love hearing about you? Nice meeting you, even if I don't know what to call you... Deb.

01-18-2016, 12:38 AM
Hi... Doesn't anyone, have the name John anymore? Just kidding, but have no idea what to call you either, cause now I can't see you're profile! I'm not sure, but think youre reffering to a blood sugar, meter? Might of been me back a few posts.. its to test you're sugar to make sure you're not spiking. Blood sugar should stay under 120 after meals, anything higher is going into what some call pre diabetes, but there is no pre, in reality. Pred, causes spikes in sugar, as you may already know, since youre dealing with this sucky sickness too... Are you being treated? Dont know if you already did an intro, buteither way, we would love hearing about you? Nice meeting you, even if I don't know what to call you... Deb.

Hi so sorry my name is Itzel, I thought you could don't really know how to use this site very well still. Call me itzy if you'd like. Oh ok and would my doctor give me the meter or could I just buy one? Yes I am I started treatment in November and had my second infusion of rituximab in December just waiting on my follow up with my rheumatologist right now. Haven't done an intro either sorry. Nice meeting you as well.

01-18-2016, 12:47 AM
Itsy, hi! Ok, not John, but that's cool. Nice meeting you.. good you're in treatment. You can just ask you're doctor for the meter, as they usually have them to freely distribute. Why buy it, if you can get it free? You're doc, will explain how to use it ect. Well the nurse more than likely. Still would love to here more about you? When you're up to it? As far as not knowing how to use the site, join the club! It's like a little adventure on my end! Hope to see you, around, Itsy... Debra.

01-18-2016, 12:49 AM
Itzy, sorry. Not itsy... See what I meant? And it gets worse. A lot worse! Deb.

01-18-2016, 01:03 AM
Itzy! Haha.. you're profile picture was not there when you first posted! Thus, the john comment... So funny... Making me look more nuts than I am! Deb.

01-18-2016, 01:09 PM
my body craves lots of food. Any tips?

Prednisone speeds up your metabolism so you actually need to eat much more. Go ahead and watch your weight but watch your Wegener's far more closely.

01-18-2016, 02:27 PM
Prednisone speeds up your metabolism so you actually need to eat much more. Go ahead and watch your weight but watch your Wegener's far more closely.

Yeah, the trick is to find the amount of food your body needs for nutrition without gaining weight. It's difficult to lose weight while on more than 10 mg/day of pred. Exercise, monitoring portion size, and a healthy diet should help.

01-18-2016, 02:43 PM
Hi, Itzel, Itzy, I really like your name! I would go ahead and enjoy the eating you get to do with pred, just try to focus on what you already know to be the most healthful foods, the ones you would use if you weren't taking pred for any reason but still had a weight problem. You need some carbs, but limit them, eat plenty of salads and other veggie dishes, combine meat or eggs with veggies in stir-fry, and serve on brown rice or quinoa. Include some fats like in aged cheese and whole milk yogurt, but go easy on them. Avoid sugar and any processed foods or snacks! Surprisingly, for me, I had fewer cravings for the less healthful foods, and the more healthful stuff tasted extra good while I was on pred! A note on sugar, for me, personally, it was about the worst thing I could eat in terms of how it made me feel! It still is. I eat sweet things here and there, but if I binge on them at all, I feel absolutely lousy, the coughing and sniffling and lack of energy comes right back. Just use common sense, and enjoy what you do eat, and know that for most people those pounds will drop off once they are on lower levels of pred and are feeling well enough to get out and exercise. :)

01-18-2016, 04:46 PM
I have been off the forum for a long time. feeling ready to jump back in. Will take me forever to catch up. this thread caught my eye. I am ready to get back on the treadmill...literally..tomorrow. I am hoping that the snow they are talking of holds off.

fortunately, prednisone does NOT make me extra hungry. But it does raise my blood sugar and messes with my usually sunny disposition. My poor husband dreads it. I have recently discovered that I am allergic to grains. Have tested it only on wheat...but my reaction was so bad, I don't intend to test any other grains. Because of the elevated blood sugar, my PCP put me on Dr. Mark Hyman's Blood Sugar Silution 10 day detox. That was back in Sept. amazingly, it broke my continual cycle of "infection, prednisone and antibiotics, feel better, start all over syndrome". For the first ten days I was off all sugar, processed food, ALL grains, and all dairy. After that, i added dairy back with no ill effects. I felt so much better that the only thing else I added was a little fruit. Then Christmas. I ate four TINY cookies, homemade with all organic ingredients. All hell broke loose. Head to toe fiery, itchy red rash, followed by shortness of breath, unable to manage much else besides breathing, and back to a high does of pred. Now i am back on the wagon. I have found some amazing substitutes for the things I can't eat. Have lost 27 pounds and feel MUCH better. This is my lifetime eating plan now.

Happy to meet a new person on the forum. Hopefully I will be able to catch up a little....

01-21-2016, 01:10 PM
Well, I came here to report that I finally really did go for a walk on my road, and it felt great! It was only about a mile and I'll go for more next time. The last one I went on was maybe in October or so and was much more difficult for me, so something has improved! I am chalking it up at least partially to having a good, supportive pair of walking/hiking shoes. I have problem feet and need this kind of support. Last time, I didn't think about the shoes, as the issues were showing up everywhere else, shortness of breath, back pain, etc. None of that happened this time. My pace may have been a little slow for some people, but it felt positive and great when I was done. I am also convinced that bad foot support, with my problem feet, contributes to my tendency to have episodes of vertigo. The feet, eyes, and ears all work together to send the brain messages about balance. That is my theory, partially suggested by a doc, and info seen on the web.

01-21-2016, 02:59 PM
Yay, Anne! Did something for you! Good Anne... Salt and pepper first Anne??? Deb.

01-21-2016, 03:29 PM
Yay, Anne! Did something for you! Good Anne... Salt and pepper first Anne??? Deb. Nope, never even crossed my mind.....

02-22-2016, 04:52 AM
I signed up to run the Columbus Half Marathon again! I started training and worked out this morning... I feel like I used all my spoons for the day already. I'm so glad we have this page to help keep me motivated to work out though, especially during the cold weather. Is it spring yet?

02-22-2016, 05:26 AM
I signed up to run the Columbus Half Marathon again! I started training and worked out this morning... I feel like I used all my spoons for the day already. I'm so glad we have this page to help keep me motivated to work out though, especially during the cold weather. Is it spring yet?

Good for you!! Hope the training builds your strength. You had a nice day to start training today, but it sounds like winter will return by next weekend...

03-31-2016, 04:29 AM
Had to try something different for fitness today. My left hip has been (painfully) telling me for several weeks that it doesn't like power walking. Today, I made my first serious attempt at lap swimming since Autumn 2011. After swimming 600 yards, I'm pleasantly tired. I swam 2x100 and 8x50 to get there. Plan to go back Friday and give it another go. I hope I can get back to swimming 1,500 yards nonstop 2-3 times weekly like I was before wegs...

03-31-2016, 08:15 AM
Hey DAY 4 of being released from a broken foot, and a cortisone injection in my opposite knee on Friday.

I already am increasing the number of steps I take. Yesterday, 5,000--today, 8,000, tomorrow, hopefully 10,000!!!

It is taking some time to learn to walk correctly again after limping since September!

03-31-2016, 08:28 AM
Good for you guys... my walking regimen ended as soon as it started, due to back pain and major fatigue along with more SOB than usual..... turned out I'm quite anemic but it's all being checked out, no blood anywhere it shouldn't be, and it looks like my diet has been at fault. So eating better foods the last couple weeks, more meat, or other protein, and veggies, less of the bad filler stuff like bread, and taking high potency iron pills 3X day for 3 months. I feel better already and am not flaring, and my iron numbers are improving. We have beautiful weather this week, so I'll try to give walking a shot, even though it is spring allergy season.

03-31-2016, 10:31 AM
Hey DAY 4 of being released from a broken foot, and a cortisone injection in my opposite knee on Friday.

I already am increasing the number of steps I take. Yesterday, 5,000--today, 8,000, tomorrow, hopefully 10,000!!!

It is taking some time to learn to walk correctly again after limping since September!

I had to get some Physical Therapy to correct my gait since I have limped all of this year. I have been walking on a broken foot for seven weeks and it took an MRI i requested yesterday to diagnose that it was broken. Earlier X-rays didn't show it. Before the broken foot I was slowed down with hernia and recovery from that surgery. Today I got a knee scooter so I can get around with the air boot cast brace I have to wear for three months. I think using that will give me quite a work out too.

03-31-2016, 10:39 AM
Sorry about all that, drz, but it does sound like you'll get a workout! I hope the foot heals nicely and quickly.

03-31-2016, 11:11 AM
Now, for the hard part (for me, anyway). I visited a dietitian a couple of weeks ago to find out what I could do to reduce my pred belly and still get proper nutrition. I am eating more vegetables, substantially reducing gluten (a bit difficult since I like beef), and trying goat milk. Now, I realize that my after supper "nibbles" need to be curtailed. Wish me luck...

03-31-2016, 12:05 PM
Now, for the hard part (for me, anyway). I visited a dietitian a couple of weeks ago to find out what I could do to reduce my pred belly and still get proper nutrition. I am eating more vegetables, substantially reducing gluten (a bit difficult since I like beef), and trying goat milk. Now, I realize that my after supper "nibbles" need to be curtailed. Wish me luck... There's gluten in beef? Or did you mean bread? In any case, I have the same problem and am trying to do better.

03-31-2016, 01:16 PM
I actually meant beer. Lol

03-31-2016, 01:53 PM
I actually meant beer. Lol Aha! That makes a lot more sense, although I had never thought about there being gluten in beer. I used to drink beer but no longer do, except maybe once in a blue moon, so no issues there for me.... but bread is one I need to watch out for.

03-31-2016, 03:12 PM
Good luck! I am getting back to my treadmill routine again.

Going grain free has been a challenge, but worth it in improved breathing. And the weight I have lost has been primarily in the belly. There are three things that have got me through.

1. greek yogurt with finely chopped nuts and a teaspoon of honey

2. chunks of banana spread with peanut butter

3. Grain-free biscuits. Recipe below.


Author: Cook Eat Paleo
Serves: 8-10 biscuits

Preheat to 325


3 cups almond flour. USE FINELY GROUND flour made from BLANCHED almonds. The regular kind is OK - but the blanched kind seem to come out a bit lighter.
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon sea salt
2 eggs
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 TBS almond milk (I ise milk or half and half or cream. Not paleo, but i am not strict)


Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Mix dry ingredients in large bowl. Make a well in center and add wet ingredients. Stir wet ingredients in center, then stir into almond flour mixture until dough is formed.
Drop by large scoop onto cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten to 1-1/2 inches using a small piece of parchment paper.
Bake until lightly browned and cooked through, about 17 minutes.

04-07-2016, 04:23 AM
Making progress in the pool. Today, I swam 600 yards (6x100) on three minute cycles (swim 100 yds in 2 minutes and rest for one minute). For me, the pace is glacial when I compare it to when I was in my prime 60+ years ago, but I'm glad to be able to do this again.

I've been trying to eat cleaner. More veggies, no ultra processed foods, no gluten, less after dinner snacking. The weight is slowly coming down - lost 2.5 pounds in 3 weeks.

Came across a new way to do crunches. The video is in German, but the gist of it is to strengthen the abs and lose the "love handles". http://m.gofeminin.de/fitness-video-videos/crunches-video-n227442.html

Hope everyone is doing well!!

04-07-2016, 04:45 AM
Monday, we had a massive power outage that went in phases between our campus buildings. One went, then another, one came back on, etc. So all in all, I put on 24,000 steps that day, and climbed ap and down at least 10 ladders to reset projectors! YIKES! I was tired, but I am glad all the PT is doing well on my knee, or I would have never been able to do what I did on Monday.

04-07-2016, 05:20 AM
I liked the video of the crunches, Pete (though my 4 years of high school German didn't help me much). They don't look difficult, but I haven't tried them yet....

04-07-2016, 06:16 AM
I liked the video of the crunches, Pete (though my 4 years of high school German didn't help me much). They don't look difficult, but I haven't tried them yet....

I've done three sets of 10 of these crunches. They seem pretty easy. I feel a little burn in my belly. Hope it helps get rid of the pred belly.

04-16-2016, 06:06 AM
I've been lax (aka given up) doing the crunches. Just don't like that form of exercise.

The swimming is going well. For the last two weeks, I've hit the pool 3x each week doing 6x100 yards on three-minute cycles. Next week, I'll try 4x150 yards on four-minute cycles. The longer term goal is to do 1,500 yards non-stop in less than 40 minutes, which I was doing before wegs forced a long hiatus.

I've continued to eat pretty clean. I've lost almost four pounds in the last month, and the pred belly looks a bit smaller.

04-23-2016, 12:28 AM
Warning to self. Be careful of overdoing. On Tuesday after grandson left, I power washed our deck (about 450 sq ft). Had to move and clean furniture as well. Took about four hours. Was over-tired afterwards to the point where I could not get to sleep. Today (Friday), I think I have enough energy to try a light workout in the pool.

07-26-2016, 05:08 AM
Since our return from Europe, I have been swimming 2-3 times weekly. I'm now up to 3x250 in about 20 minutes. And wouldn't you know, the pool will be closed for two weeks starting next Monday. Goals are to be doing 6x250 by September 30 and 1,500 yards non-stop by Christmas. Hope to be able to swim full distance in about 30 minutes.

I know Rebekah and Shiela are training for the Columbus Marathon.

What's everyone else up to??

07-26-2016, 06:39 AM
Just read through all 48 pages of this thread!
I just started doing some running again, which I did a lot before getting sick and diagnosed. Feels amazing too finally feel well enough to go working out.
Before all this crazy stuff happened I could easily do a 10K in under an hour. I think I want to either enter a 10K or half-marathon race next spring. Don't want to set my goals to high and get disappointed if I "fail".

07-26-2016, 08:20 AM
Hi Hege!

Glad you've started running again. Hope you can continue to build your strength. I guess we all need to just keep moving.

07-26-2016, 08:57 AM
What's everyone else up to??

Still in the boot for my foot until August 11. But, I am putting on about 5 miles a day on my electric scooter! (-8 LOL!

Debbie C
07-27-2016, 11:34 PM
But, I am putting on about 5 miles a day on my electric scooter! (-8 LOL!

And Mike,you didn't think you would be able to "ride" this year !

I have been attacking a big pile of leaves left from last year ( before they start falling again this year !) and clearing out some an ivy area. Got poison ivy. Trying to have a garage sale...what a pain in the a**. I think I am just going to get rid of everything, besides that not to much. Planning a trip for Sept.

07-28-2016, 02:56 AM
Planning a trip for Sept.

Where are you going? Someplace good I hope!!

Debbie C
07-28-2016, 11:03 PM
Where are you going? Someplace good I hope!!

Not nearly as nice as your trip Pete.I am going to a beach. I am thinking the west coast of Fl. and may look for a place for the winter.

07-28-2016, 11:58 PM
Not nearly as nice as your trip Pete.I am going to a beach. I am thinking the west coast of Fl. and may look for a place for the winter..

Australia has some of the best beaches in the world :wink1:

07-29-2016, 12:04 AM
Not nearly as nice as your trip Pete.I am going to a beach. I am thinking the west coast of Fl. and may look for a place for the winter.

Beaches are nice!! Planning a trip to Carolina Beach next summer.

08-09-2016, 03:33 AM
I ran 3 miles yesterday - I had to walk part of it since my heart rate reached 203 bpm. I wish my little heart would learn to slow down.

I decided to exercise at home this morning to give my heart a break from what I put it through yesterday. I still have a lot of training to do, but I'm getting excited for the half marathon coming up! :)

08-09-2016, 06:32 AM
Be smart about exercising. Don't want you getting too much of a good thing.

08-18-2016, 04:40 AM
Just couldnt resist posting this one.... ;)


01-07-2017, 07:41 AM
Just got back from the Y. No, this is not my new year's resolution. Just trying to be a little accountable. I swam 800 yards today - the most I've done in several weeks. I plan to ramp up distance and intervals. My goal is 1,500 yards non stop in 40 minutes or less.

I have not been walking as much as I would like. My left hip really starts to ache after about a mile. My chiropractor will take x-rays on Monday to see if he can see anything related to what he read in my nerve conductivity study/electromyogram. I hope some adjustments will help me.

How are all my virtual workout buddies doing?

01-08-2017, 04:19 AM
Hi Pete. I hope your hip is already better and is nothing to worry about. Please update us. I remember myself as a child in sport lessons, having this kind of pain. I guess its something about not breathing right while exercising.
Thanks for refreshing this thread. Its one of the refreshing threads :)

Dirty Don
01-08-2017, 05:08 AM
Still walking, still golfing, still stretching! Yea! Weight still down too! Double yea! Pete, I have bad hips also...bursitis along w/golf. Takes ice, pain reduction, and a lot of putting the pain away in the back of my mind. Have had 2 shots already...doc says no hip replacements, but may have to live with it. Great on the swimming! Keep it up!

01-08-2017, 05:58 AM
Good on you, Don!! I'm hoping that some chiropractic adjustments will make things better. I also guess that I'd better start remembering to take a couple of tylenol before exercising. So you've had a couple of cortisone shots in the hips?

Plan is to play some golf this summer. Last summer, between being out of the country for most of June, bad weather, and hurting my hand in a fall, I didn't play at all.

02-18-2017, 07:05 AM
I've had a good six weeks with the exercise routine. I walk two miles twice a week and am gradually ramping up the swimming. This week, I did 8x100 yards on 3-minute cycles (swim 100 yards in 2:15 or so and then rest until the next cycle starts). The pace is glacial compared to when I was competing, but I'm still leading an active and happy lifestyle.

Just curious about how some of you are doing. I think rebekah is gearing up for another half marathon, and NikkiNicole has lost over 75 pounds! Hope to hear other success stories. Just keep moving!!

Debbie C
02-21-2017, 11:42 PM
I'm still working on the leaves from last fall :( Yestrerday I spent all day raking the flower gardens out and pulling weeds. FUN DAY !!!! I think its going to be like ground hogs day for awhile here, still have a ton of leaves.

02-22-2017, 06:49 AM
I hope this counts, when I got my new phone, there was an app for keeping track of your vitals and such. It tracks walking and stairs and even steps. I average 3 miles of walking when working at the big box store. I have even dropped another five pounds. Yah! Best to all, I know I don't say much but do check in every morning.

02-22-2017, 07:18 AM
Hey, Dale! I have the same app on my iPhone. It's pretty useful.

Glad to hear you're out and about. I guess the message is just keep moving!

02-22-2017, 01:55 PM
I was supposed to run another half marathon in April, but I'm not sure that's going to happen... medical issues (nothing major) have kept me from training. They have a 5k option so I'm going to try to at least do that. So glad to hear others are doing well and getting some exercise. :)

Debbie C
02-23-2017, 02:22 PM
I hope this counts, when I got my new phone, there was an app for keeping track of your vitals and such. It tracks walking and stairs and even steps. I average 3 miles of walking when working at the big box store. I have even dropped another five pounds. Yah! Best to all, I know I don't say much but do check in every morning.
Yea that counts Dale. That's a lot of walking,good for you. Glad to hear you are feeling better :) What is the app?

02-23-2017, 03:16 PM
Yea that counts Dale. That's a lot of walking,good for you. Glad to hear you are feeling better :) What is the app?

On my iPhone 6, there's a Health app that came already installed. You can enter your meds, emergency contacts, activities, and vitals among other things. It seems to have a built-in pedometer to track walking/running distances, number of steps taken, and number of flights of stairs climbed. I can also manually enter my swimming distances.

Debbie C
02-24-2017, 12:58 AM
Oh..that doesn't come on my old flip phone !!! I have a trac phone but I only use it when I am bored at the drs office to go on facebook. I did have those fitbit bracelets but that was too much of a pain having to input everything you eat and drink so I sent it back. I use my pedometer when I am walking that tells me the distance,time,csalories burnt and steps so that's good enough. I just need to get my rear in gear !!!

02-28-2017, 04:33 AM
I got a Garmin Vivoactive HR for Valentines day, and I have been tracking my steps and activity. Every day is a struggle right now for me, as my knee is in need of some work. I'm scheduled for a shot of Synvisc (or hyalgan) the middle of next month. I hope that gives me some relief so I can start being more active.

Regardless of my knee issues, at least every other day, I reach my goal of 4800 steps. Shoot, today it went up to 4900!! Darned watch! LOL!

02-28-2017, 04:59 AM
I'm scheduled for a shot of Synvisc (or hyalgan) the middle of next month. I hope that gives me some relief so I can start being more active.

I call that stuff "Slick 50". ;)

02-28-2017, 05:27 AM
I call that stuff "Slick 50". ;)

So have you had one of these injections Pete? I have read about them, but never known anyone that has had one.

02-28-2017, 07:42 AM
Hey, Mike! No, I've never had any injections for joint pain. My mother-in-law (age 88) has been getting cortisone shots in her knee every six months for the past few years for arthritis. She also had a dose of Slick 50 a year or so ago. She goes to the rec center and walks 30-45 minutes. She lives independently and looks and acts at least 20 years younger than her age.

02-28-2017, 09:32 AM
Hey, Mike! No, I've never had any injections for joint pain. My mother-in-law (age 88) has been getting cortisone shots in her knee every six months for the past few years for arthritis. She also had a dose of Slick 50 a year or so ago. She goes to the rec center and walks 30-45 minutes. She lives independently and looks and acts at least 20 years younger than her age.

Thanks, but um, you're making me feel really OLD right about now...