View Full Version : CTX Side Effects

12-08-2013, 01:49 AM
Okay, I've been on CTX (200mg) for two weeks and Pred (down to 17.5mg) for the past week. I feel like crap. Some nausea which is probably the CTX, but also just weak feeling. The least little exertion, like taking a shower, wipes me out. Nooooo energy at all. Any ideas? I'm not sure if I need to call the Dr on Monday or just keep riding it out. Is it a case of you got to feel worse before you feel better? Thanks for any feedback.

12-08-2013, 04:44 AM
Hi Cindy,

Are you taking your ctx in a single daily dose or spreading it out over the course of the day? When I was taking 150 mg/day (my largest dosage), I would take a pill upon arising (before breakfast), at mid-afternoon, and about an hour before bedtime. I always drank a large (16 oz) glass of water with each pill. I never felt bad on ctx, but did start developing some urinary symptoms after I had been on it for about 14 months. These symptoms disappeared when my rheumy changed me over to mtx.

Hope this is helpful.

12-09-2013, 06:00 AM
I was taking all four pills in the evening thinking that if it was going to cause nausea I would hopefully be asleep. My insurance didn't approve the anti-nausea med. Go figure. So yesterday I split it up into two doses. So far no nausea, which is very good. Is the response time to feeling better a long time as in weeks/months? I am the inpatient sort and really dislike being down because I feel like crap. Sometimes I feel like a malingerer even though I can't do much. Missed my granddaughters birthday party yesterday because just taking a shower wore me out. :confused1:

12-09-2013, 07:52 AM
Hi Cindy,

You're probably looking at several weeks to feel anywhere close to normal. You should get a little better each day. Between the disease and the meds, it takes awhile for the body to adjust and recover. Glad to hear that splitting the dosage reduced the nausea. At least that's one improvement!!