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View Full Version : Do you know about the Buteyko method?

07-26-2009, 11:55 AM
I wonder if the Buteyko method would be helpful to Weggies? As I have dropped my pred levels I have had a return of the semi blocked nose. I thought well how about the Buteyko method of clearing it and it certainly helps. My son and me the mother, went along for the course years ago - it's quite expensive but as I was an asthmatic as well I also learnt how to do it. I had always been a mouth breather and got asthma when I exercised. I haven't had to use asthma drugs for years. It could be very handy for controlling coughs, clearing sinuses, helping to open up bronchial tubes for Weggies. Anyway I'll leave it in your hands to google it - don't be put off with just all the asthma info. I suspect that why meditation works so well for me is that my beathing becomes very shallow and then healing can take place. Buteyko method helps you to breathe shallow and is very much against the deep breathing that is encouraged in this society. I can't remember all the info but am happy to email you with what I know. Regards Carol

07-26-2009, 02:38 PM
As I understand it, the method involves many of the techniques of Yoga Pranayama, but substitutes shallow breathing for deep. Perhaps this is effective in the particular case of Asthma, but does seem to be counter intuitive. I know that Yoga works and I've never tried the Buteyko method so I'll have to take your word on this one. :)