View Full Version : swine flu

07-03-2009, 05:13 AM
the government has just announced they expect 100,000 new cases a day of swine flu by the end of august.the few deaths from this so far have been people with "underlying health issues ".does this mean i have to go to the supermarket in a space suit or steer clear of large groups of people.i think we need to try and find out the implications for weggies where swine flu is concerned.

07-03-2009, 05:30 AM
just had a quick look on the nhs website.it only really states the obvious that if your on immunosuppressants you're more at risk and to contact your doctor to possibly alter the dosage.think a chat with the gp is needed.

07-03-2009, 05:41 AM
I read about lowering your imunosuppressants too, but I'd rather risk swine flu than Wegener's! I think I'll just worry about it when the time comes if I have to.

07-03-2009, 04:50 PM
I go along with you Jack, if I get the swine flu, hopefully it is the mild version, if not, well we all have to go sometime, perhaps it would be quicker than some of the alternatives.

07-03-2009, 06:55 PM
I always hesitate to mention dying on here, but that is exactly what I had in mind. I dread the idea that I might slowly degenerate into a real mess and think of things like heart attacks and flu as perhaps being the easy way out.

07-04-2009, 05:58 AM
As long as we are on the subject. MN had a child die of the flu and the media explained the death to it's audience something like this "The first MN death due to swine flu, BUT the victim had an underlying condition that made him/her more likely to contract the disease"
In the back of my mind I was thinking I hope it wasn't a WEGGIE patient.:confused:

07-04-2009, 06:29 AM
All the deaths in England (3 so far) have been of people suffering from "underlying health issues" including one with a suppressed immune system.

I'm not exactly at panic level but am getting a little concerned as reports of people contracting swine flu move closer to home.

07-09-2009, 03:25 AM
Reasonable precautions will get us through, I think. I have had flu shots in past, but failed to get one this year. There haven't been any cases in this end of the state yet. I do wash my hands frequently, avoid children as much as possible (frankly!- watch my video on YouTube dealing with infection control!), move myself out of the way of people who cough more than a time or two, stay out of hospitals when they post alerts, as well as stay out of care centers when they post alerts.

I am a bit like Jack in that I hope whatever takes me out- a truck I don't hear because I'm deaf on my right side, an infectious disease, some idiot with a grudge and a handgun (this is the USA!)- is fast and complete. I don't thi9nk it will be my WG!:)


07-09-2009, 04:25 AM
I don't thi9nk it will be my WG!:)

Where did that "9" come from? Something to do with nine lives? ;)

07-09-2009, 06:36 AM
I've had a difficult 24 hours with aching, temperature 39/102, fever, sweats and cough. I was really worried first thing this morning and the doctor arranged some Tamiflu for me (although I haven't actually taken any). This afternoon I feel much much better and can think straight again. I've had these sorts of 'lightening bugs' before and although it's not looking at all like 'flu any more it was a bit worrying. I suppose it's difficult not to get a bit panicky but worth remembering that even when we feel very vulnerable it's not a done deal. Scary, though.

07-09-2009, 09:43 AM
From what I know the swine flu seems to affect the young more than us geezers, as far as I know no old people died as yet in contrast to a regular flu which prays on old people. But me to if I'm to go might as well be quick.:cool:

07-11-2009, 09:53 AM

I've had a rough week, but here in the UK have had the full 'swine flu treatment' and I'm now smiling again. Just.

The Rognon - Swine 'Flu (http://therognon.livejournal.com/4958.html)

07-11-2009, 11:27 AM
Where did that "9" come from? Something to do with nine lives? ;)

I think you'll have to go to Dan Brown (is it?) or Nicholas Cage for some guidance on the "thi9nk" mystery. As a Presbyterian, I don't ordinarily cavort with Jesuits, Knights of the Templar, Crusaders in general, curators in any known museums, CIA, M-16, KGB-wannabes, known terrorists or unknown terrorists, people with extraordinary skills of detection or perception (including those who are psychic, ESP-proficient, clairvoyant, or otherwise associated with UFOs or any known green, grey, or blue wee folks not of our parts), those who experience "speaking in tongues" or just have a fork in their tongues. Of course, I have a wide range of interests and friends, so I can't deny, totally, that I might sometimes have contact with those above. Whilst I neglected to mention the Pope, I do note that I travelled widely in Germany during my US Army days as a motion picture photographer, so you can't know if I didn't have contact with him in another circumst5ance, presumably cloaked in mystery, and associated with the Mayan Calender and the coming end of all things. Perhaps there is a clue in this posting. Perhaps not. :) I like Peugeot cars, though probably will never own one. A Citroen, too, is a quirky ride (an engineer's delight, I'd think!). I mention these as a possible connection to Paris, where I spent some holiday time, Strasbourg (ditto), ,and Forbach and the Restaurant Pigeon Blanc, where I ate lambchops sauted in butter with garlic: I sucked the bones dry! I chewed till my teeth hurt! They were a delight! Saarbrueken, across the border from Forbach, where I sat reading Der Stern.... "Faerht deiser Zug nach Kaiserslautern", the lady asked mysteriously, as the coach faced France. "Ja, hoffentlich!" I responded, glad my part of the conversation matched, largely, one from my 1st year German text at university, and it didn't require a great deal of liguistic agility.:D:p

07-11-2009, 05:18 PM
Thanks for clearing that up. ;)

I think I've mentioned your medication balance in the past? :rolleyes:

07-11-2009, 07:02 PM
doug, you got a still in your back yard.:eek:

07-12-2009, 10:43 AM
Not to alarm, but my usual (not to be confused with my "new normal") is pretty much what you encounter here. No drugs (legal or illegal, in extraordinary or normal dosages), no libations (whether in extraordinary or normal dosages) are necessary for me to go into these flights of fancy: I enjoy a good tale, and an amplified, slightly non-sequitured (sorry for the construction!) tale is all the better, the taller the better. It's a form of free association for the amusement of any who care to take the ride!:p:):confused:;)

07-12-2009, 10:46 AM
doug, you got a still in your back yard.:eek:

I am the son of a chief of police, and honor his memory by keeping my dealings with the law on a friendly basis and my behavior within the expectations of the law: no stills for me! :)

07-12-2009, 10:52 AM
Thanks for clearing that up. ;)

I think I've mentioned your medication balance in the past? :rolleyes:

Several years ago, a biker family (as in "Born To Be Wild", not 10-speed riders) lived next door to us. Oh, their cat was a bit of a scamp, setting up a feeding station where I fed wild birds, but the rest were pleasant if a bit overly decorated in tattoos for the quiet neighborhood where I lived. One day, their little girl, about 10, came outside wearing a t-shirt: "Reality is for people who can't handle their drugs." I suggest the truth is more like "Drugs are for people who can't handle reality." The soonest I can get off drugs, the better! That is my mantra: "no drugs, no drugs, no drugs". :eek:

07-12-2009, 04:30 PM
"no drugs, no drugs, no drugs". :eek:
Those were the days! I wish I could manage without the damn things now.:(

07-13-2009, 01:04 PM
Jack and John, you both had me splitting my sides laughing over your comments above. Boy have I missed that. You know when you read all this, it really does sound like a family sitting around a kitchen table, everyone teasing each other, catching up on each other's lives, etc....

07-15-2009, 07:55 AM
just had a quick look on the nhs website.it only really states the obvious that if your on immunosuppressants you're more at risk and to contact your doctor to possibly alter the dosage.think a chat with the gp is needed.

Regarding the warning for people on immunosuppressants, wouldn't this be the case for the normal flu too? Is there really any difference?

I'd still rather have Swine Flu than the WG any day. If the WG didn't kill me then pig flu aint got a prayer :D

07-15-2009, 08:03 AM
They've been saying the swine flu is LESS virulent than the regular flu. I don't think we're at any greater risk than we are every day, walking around getting exposed to all kinds of bugs.

Anyway, Wegs comes into our lives and just makes a pig of itself, like we're a buffet or something. So I think our bodies already know what to do if another pig shows up.

07-15-2009, 10:24 AM
from what i've read,in a normal healthy person it is no worse than normal flu.it is when it is contracted by a person with"underlying health problems"that it can become more serious.people like us and asthma sufferers are high risk.my 6 year old grandson fell ill tonight and he is being treated for swine flu.he is asthmatic so it's a bit worrying.i've told my son and his partner to stay away until he and they are clear.my wife suffers from asthma and has had a few bad attacks recently so we don't want to take any chances.after suffering with wg and overcoming cancer i'd feel pretty stupid snuffing it with the flu.

07-15-2009, 11:04 AM
I'd miss having you around to whip me into shape, John. I'm glad you are taking reasonable precautions to avoid swine flu.