View Full Version : Question about sweating

04-17-2013, 10:15 AM
I keep reading about night sweats, but does anyone else have them throughout the day? I know it's not menopause since I went through that about 10 years ago and I am done with that. I've mentioned to my various doctors and no one seemed concerned, but it drenches my hair several times per day...a bit annoying:confused1:. I read on another thread that it may be pred, not wegs? I just reduced from 30 to 20, but have had the sweats from the beginning in the hospital...having said that, that was when I started the pred...it all makes sense now...Never mind! :wink1:
It is still annoying however!

04-17-2013, 11:51 AM
Hi Mary,
My husband has wegs. He is in remission presently but he takes 7.5 of cortisone , from what I rread i think its this drug that makes him sweat he also finds it annoying has to take a couple of shirts to work. crissie

04-17-2013, 02:24 PM
I had severe sweating issues before I was diagnosed. I had sweating issues for about two years and I wondered why I had them; as I would get these sweat spells even when I wasn't doing much. It sucked. I don't remember when I stopped sweating either; probably somewhere around 20mg of pred. I am now on 5.

If I do sweat abnormally I know something is wrong.

04-17-2013, 10:46 PM
Good to know! Thanks!

04-17-2013, 10:58 PM
I used to sweat uncontrollably while on meds. Had to change sheet often, some times in the middle of the night. I am in drug free remission now and will break out in a heavy sweat with the smallest amount of exertion.
Just something else this disease left me with.

04-18-2013, 02:54 AM
I break into sweats all the time, and it is so embarrassing in public places. I have never been able to make it pass 15mg of preds without a flare. I think it is the preds but, don't know for sure. I can just think a stressful thought and breakout into a good sweat. Don't know if that helps answer anything for you.

04-18-2013, 04:07 AM
Hmm.... guess it's different for everyone. The only sweats I can remember lately were at night when I was flaring a couple of months ago. And when I was first sick enough to get a dx two years ago. Maybe some day sweats when I was sicker and on high dose pred, too. But nothing like the sweats of menopause, which I'm done with! My condolences to those who suffer with sweats on a continuous basis for whatever reason!

04-19-2013, 02:02 PM
Interesting. I thought it was just me, because of pit. I sweat for no reason sometimes. I wouldn't be a good candidate for a polygraph.

04-19-2013, 04:56 PM
It usually wakes me from sleep, at night only & I'm only on 5mg pred. I sleep with a fan near me & usually every night it will go on.