View Full Version : Thickening Pluera

04-11-2013, 02:56 PM
It's been close to 2 years since I had my right middle lung lobectomy and upper wedge resection. I've been on Cytoxan/Pred/Bactrim for the last 16 months and the plan is to switc to Imuran in June. I had a chest CT scan last month and it shows that the right pluera has thickened from 6mm to now 1 cm. I was told this is normal healing from the surgery. It seems odd that it gets bigger/worse over time.

Anyone else heard of this or had a similar experience? I still have pain in the operated lung but I also have pain in the other lung that has nodules but has not been operated on. I was told that the pain, even in the un-operated lung, is from the surgery and normal healing.

If my foot hurts, should I blame it on my lobectomy? LOL!

04-12-2013, 08:22 AM
So, more info...it's not a thickening of the pluera but a thickening of a nodule on my left (non-operated on) lung. It was at 6mm and now 1cm. This just doesn't seem right. If my meds are working properly (16 months of CTX) why would it get bigger? Oh well, I'll bring it up to my Dr. again.

04-12-2013, 09:56 AM
That does seem odd that it enlarged,but what do we know. I hope you get a good answer for that, because you have been on the big dog for quite along time. I wanted to comment on the pain after your lobectomy and wedge resection. I had my left lung surgery 4/22/10 and still have pain in the lung and the nerves around the ribs. My surgeon told me that it was from the lining of the lungs being cut and not from the lung itself. I don't believe that at all, sometimes when I move a certain way it seems that my staples catch on something inside my lung.

04-13-2013, 02:38 AM
Jaha- thanks for your info. Yes, I have that pain too and I'm sure it's the surcigal clips that get stuck or caught in scar tissue. It feels like a charlie horse in my lung and last about 30-45 seconds and usually goes away. However, I have a completely different pain in the operated lung (where the nodules are) as well as in the un-operated lung (where more nodules are). They say both are form the surgery, but no way do I buy that.


Debbie C
04-13-2013, 08:16 AM
I had a partial right middle lobectomby done in June 2010,which I wish I would have never done,but they could not get enough sample from two nedle biopsys.But evey time I get a x-ray or scan it shows surgical changes,like the middle lobe is getting smaller. I asked my pulmy dr. and he just said to excercise more.
How many nodules do you have in yr lungs now? You really need to get off the ctx cause it isn't doing you any good at all. Have you had any rtx infusions,I can't remember?

04-13-2013, 03:46 PM
I don't know anything about lung involvement but I have to say, it sounds terrible.
I'm glad I had a sinus biopsy.

I had to google the term Charlie Horse that you use, having never heard that term before.
I now know the pain you must feel when you say Charlie Horse. In Australia we call it a Corky......or a cramp or spasm.
That must be so painful for you and thankfully it doesn't last very long.

I also agree with DebC, that the CTX really doesn't appear to be doing much.

04-19-2013, 06:49 AM
Sorry I'm just getting back online. Recouperating from a kidney infection. Yippee...no pun intended as it was not pleasant. I'm not sure how many nodules I have but they are in both lungs and other than this increase to 1cm, none are getting smaller. I need to check back with my docs on this as it doesn't make sense.

I didn't have an option of the needle biopsy due to the location of the nodules. I went in thinking it was an open lung biopsy/thoracotomy and came out with the lobectomy. I was in the ICU for 2 days, in isolation for 1 day as they feared TB and in a room for 4 more days. When they tried to take out the chest tube on day 5 or 6, my lung collapsed. I think the chest tube was by far the worst part.

LOL, so funny that I assume we all have the same language. A Corky? Yes, that sounds like the same thing. A muscle cramp in my lung. It's no fun but hey, at least I still have a lung to feel a cramp in I guess.

Debbie C
04-19-2013, 07:24 AM
Why are the drs. waiting till June to make the switch if the ctx is not working they should get you off that s*@# !!!
Was the kidney inf. caused by wg ???

04-19-2013, 08:31 AM
I ask them the same question all the time. They say it's working and that's why the latest info from my CT raises confusion. I'm guessing so. I get kidney stones and while it feels like it may be a stone (which is what usually causes my infections), I can't be for sure since my lung pain feels the same. 3 antibiotics later and it seems to be working.