View Full Version : Pronunciation

05-26-2009, 08:01 AM
Just a quick one guys - how do you pronounce Wegener's?

Is it Wegeners, like the word leg, as used in House?

Or do you use the German pronunciation of Vagueners, like the word vague?

Just been watching a lot of House lately and noticed the "say what you see" version, I've always gone with the German surname way.

05-26-2009, 08:08 AM
I've only heard it pronounced like leg. I guess since the doctor who named it was German, the proper pronunciation is probably vague-ners.

But would that make us "Vague-ies?"

05-26-2009, 08:12 AM
You pronounce the W as a V to sound like your example of "vague". It is the name of a German doctor (of questionable background).

05-26-2009, 10:08 AM
sangye i think it's our docs that are the vague-ies.

05-26-2009, 10:43 AM
I see my vaguey this week. Hope he's cleary.

05-26-2009, 11:36 AM
luce what have you started.

05-26-2009, 11:44 AM
Luce started the rabbit thing, too. For which I will always be grateful. Makes me laugh every time I think of it.

05-26-2009, 02:25 PM
vaig'-eh-nairs (the "eh" is short and high in the mouth)

The proper German pronunciation. I just go for weg'-uh-nurs because to pronounce it the correct German way here would be ostentatious to some, and confusing to others. There's enough confusion about WG without throwing in a correct German pronunciation, and who wants to be around an ostentatious twit? :confused::eek::rolleyes:

05-26-2009, 07:37 PM
Oooh I do love a good debate!

05-27-2009, 07:06 AM
Apparently my sister who is a doc was always correcting the nurses and other docs. I'm pretty sure they had a sense of humour about it. It's pronounced as a 'v' rather than a 'w'.

05-27-2009, 08:25 AM
I can barely get people to pronounce the "e" in the middle. Everyone wants to say "Wegner's" They think I'm mentally impaired when I say the e.

I can't imagine saying "Vegener's" then spelling it "Wegener's" for them!

05-27-2009, 08:31 AM
If you use a German accent, it works much better. Try it next time a stranger asks you about it :)

05-27-2009, 08:42 AM
Apparently my sister who is a doc was always correcting the nurses and other docs. I'm pretty sure they had a sense of humour about it. It's pronounced as a 'v' rather than a 'w'.

Ja, auf Deutsch ist das wahr. In English, it makes you an ostentatious twit. See earlier response! ha~! :rolleyes:

05-27-2009, 08:51 AM
Ja, auf Deutsch ist das wahr. In English, it makes you an ostentatious twit. See earlier response! ha~! :rolleyes:

LOL, absolutely! That's the point :D:D

05-27-2009, 09:11 AM
I've had people refer to it as "Wagner's disease". I think Hitler had it. There are many Richard-Wagner-strassen in Germany so it apparently still is acceptable to listen to the tedious music but forget the tedious bigotry of the man. :) (The Bayreuth festival is in a lovely Alpine area of Germany.)

05-27-2009, 10:13 AM
Doug, is that new avatar a picture of your birth or what?? :D

05-27-2009, 11:30 AM
omg sangye what a thought.doug if it is you must have tickled like hell on your way out.

05-27-2009, 11:30 AM
No. It reminds me of the Google Earth feature where you can type in an address, and it takes you down to street level. Once there, you peer through a world that has the look of the photo. Only, there never are any close-ups of people. If there were, they'd look like this. Haw! There's a slightly sinister quality to the Google Earth feature I mention. It reminds me of the bubbles that appeared in the British series "The Prisoner". You know, every time anyone tried to escape, they'd be tracked down and captured by them? :(
Oh, I found the photo ablum feature of this website just now, and downloaded a bunch of photos, including one of me made into a rabbit. Jack's version was much better!:) I think I'll add it to my album because you can blow it up and see it more clearly.