View Full Version : Need some advice.

10-24-2012, 08:04 PM
Hello to all,
I need some advice, all my bloods have been normal & my ANCA is going down every month but I'm having a bit of trouble with my hands & feet.
Every now & again one finger will feel strange & will turn a blue/purple colour,then go white.This has happened to 2 fingers so far & they don't go back to normal.
When it's cold they go white with pins & needles.
About 40yrs.ago, after the birth of my daughter,I had to have blood transfusions & because of that I got "Raynaud's Syndrome"so the doctors told me at the time.
This went away after 6mths.with meds.so I was wondering if my Wegs has caused the Raynauds to revisit. will be seeing my GP soon but would like your advice .

10-25-2012, 02:18 AM
I have been told that it is common to have Raynauds with wegeners.

10-25-2012, 01:42 PM
Me too.....

As Jack says, just because you have one doesn't mean you can't have another :sad:

I hope, for your sake, that it hasn't come back, but it certainly sounds like it.
Good luck with your GP visit.......because that's all you need, more symptoms and more pills

10-26-2012, 04:39 AM
I know that Raynaud's doesn't go away. I had it before I got WG and it was nothing more than a nuisance so I never did anything about it. It hasn't shown it's little white, blood starved head since I got on treatment for the WG, as well as another AI thing I had going on (lichen simplex) but the treatment we go through for WG would eliminate anything I reckon. From all the reading I've been doing on autoimmune disease, once you have one, it opens the door to others and I've talked to many people now with multiple, scary autoimmune diseases, so try and avoid anything you might think is a trigger.

10-27-2012, 02:13 PM
Great that's all I need , another autoimmune disease to go with everything else. Usually I'm ok with what's going on with my body, I don't like it but I can exept it.
But every now & again I have "dark days" & they can be very dark. Don't like those days at all.