View Full Version : Risk of cancers?

10-17-2012, 04:47 PM
Today I saw a dermatologist who said I should have regular checkups for signs of skin cancer since being on an immunosuppressant drugs increases risks of certain types of skin cancers. I went in to get some lesions checked out and had a biopsy taken from one.

Anyone had these? Are others having regular checkups for this reason.

I know CTX increases risk of bladder cancer, lymphoma and all the numerous chest x-rays increase risk of breast and lung cancers? What other increased risks are there from out treatment? Some like increased risk of stroke and heart attacks also seem related some what to the disease itself like diabetes also does this.

10-17-2012, 06:45 PM
I have many lumps under my skin on my arms. I will probably have one biopsied when my doc gets back.

10-17-2012, 11:03 PM
Thanks for sharing this information, drz!.
When will you get the results of the biopsy?

10-18-2012, 03:46 AM
I heard the same thing. You may remember that I had MOHS Chemo Surgey back in July for DFSP (rare skin cancer- 1 in a million cases). However, I had this previously, before I started treatment as well. They explained that I may have more reoccurances due to the Weg's treatment. I always go every year for an all over check for skin cancer.

It can't hurt! I hope your biopsy comes back ok. Keep us posted

10-26-2012, 08:48 PM
Biopsy results indicate I have disseminated superficial (actinic) porokeratosis and here is link for info from wikipedia:


It often occurs in people with suppressed immune systems and kidney damage and elderly but can be an inherited problem for younger people. It is considered a low grade precancerous lesion and warrants check ups every six months where they can freeze the lesions if there aren't too many of them. I only have three so far that i have noticed on one lower leg but some of the pictures of this condition suggest it can be very extensive in some cases. Sun light makes it worse and it can drive people crazy with itching. Treatment appears to be generally of little help from what I read about it so far. I will just add this to the list of gifts from the Wegs and its treatment. It can evolve into a type of skin cancer so warrants regular check ups so I will add six month check ups to my list of regular specialists I need to see: endocrinology, podiatry, dermatology, rheumatology, opthalmology, internist, nephrology, pulmonary, and ENT or otolaryngology. I can drop urology as my TURP surgery appears to have been very successful. My gynecomastia appears stable too so only annual evaluations are suggested for now.

I see half of these every three or four months unless I have a symptom that warrants evaluation sooner. I see nephrology annually as the other doctors also monitor kidney function in their routine evaluations. I see ENT and dermatology every six months unless symptoms warrant sooner appointments. I have seen other specialists by referral like hematology, physiatry, cardiology, but don't see these now. I see mental health doctors as needed. Are there any specialists I should be seeing or ones you have found important in caring for GPA and its treatment problems?

10-26-2012, 09:43 PM
Oh my, I think you have missed off Dr Becker, Dr Quinn and Dr House from your list :flapper:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

A lady from work had these pre-cancerous lesions and she sees her specialist every 6 months......has to strip naked so he can check her entire skin, basically.
She has had many frozen off and had one cut off because it was a bit bigger than others.

I'm sorry that this is one more thing you have to add to your list

10-26-2012, 11:42 PM
Just one more thing, eh DRZ?! But you are certainly in-the-know and pro-active so you can head off serious consequences! My son (31 years old) has ulcerative colitis and immune compromised (has also had two severe staph infections from football knee injury) and is seeing a dermatologist for a precancerous lesion on his cheek. The doc was surprised because of his young age but noted his immune system as a possible contributor. Crazy stuff! I've had some eruptions on my chest that have the same look and plan on a trip to a dermatologist, too, although a topical Rx seem to have kept it under control now. Let's hope you have a good result as well!!


10-27-2012, 04:45 AM
I heard the same thing. You may remember that I had MOHS Chemo Surgey back in July for DFSP (rare skin cancer- 1 in a million cases). However, I had this previously, before I started treatment as well. They explained that I may have more reoccurances due to the Weg's treatment. I always go every year for an all over check for skin cancer.

It can't hurt! I hope your biopsy comes back ok. Keep us posted

DSAP is also described as rare but haven't seen any numbers on how rare it is considered. The risk of skin cancers from being immune suppressed didn't seem to be emphasized very much by the many doctors I have seen until I saw the last dermatologist who did the biopsy. I think it is just another thing we need to be vigilant about.

10-27-2012, 05:18 AM
Sorry DRZ as I know this can't be too fun. I know how scary it is and I too get regular follows ups for my DFSP. Good luck and I'll be thinking of you!

10-27-2012, 06:47 AM
Drz, you could just see Dr. Phil, the one stop shop.....lol.

My goodness, you sure see a lot of docs. Then again I have seen over 70 different docs in the past 10 years.

Hopefully this new thing does not give you too much trouble.

This reminds me too to get some lumps checked out as well.

10-27-2012, 12:43 PM
Drz, you could just see Dr. Phil, the one stop shop.....lol.

My goodness, you sure see a lot of docs. Then again I have seen over 70 different docs in the past 10 years.

Hopefully this new thing does not give you too much trouble.

This reminds me too to get some lumps checked out as well.

I would guess 70 doctors is probably the record here and you probably have spent the most days in house too with your high maintenance schedule. Phil might be just like an expensive sports car that requires a lot of attention by only the top mechanics to keep it running.

10-28-2012, 08:40 AM
I had to bring my mechanic in from the UK.....lol.