View Full Version : My Voice

09-08-2012, 01:04 AM
Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while but thought I would.
I am currently 12 1/2 weeks pregnant. I am on a pre natal vitamin, albuterol inhaler, (another inhaler, forgot name) sinus rinse, and just started prevacid. About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I was around my cousin who was getting over being sick. She had a bad cough and lost her voice for about a week. Well a day or so after being around her (I was at the mall with her so not like I was sitting in a small room with her) my throat hurt a little then my voice was gone. It has slowly improved but now it is to the point where it is worse in the mornings and gets a little better in the afternoons. It is raspy like I'm a smoker. I have talked to Mayo Clinic, Dr. Specks actually had his nurse leave me a message because my doc, Dr. Keogh is out of town. Dr. Specks said it is probably just an upper respiratory something going on since I was around my cousin, but if it doesn't get better, call my local ENT or go to Mayo. The nurse said to also check my peak flow and that can help me get an idea if my breathing is getting worse. Well, my peak flow is good and I feel fine it is just my voice. So today, I put a call into my local ENT and will see what they say. Before pregnancy I was on a Symbicort inhaler and that worked really well, so I don't know if it is because I switched inhalers or what. It is also allergy season, I also have post nasal drip (I always do though). So there are many things I can chalk it up to. I just hope its not the start of a flare. I had CBC blood work and that was normal, I had my urine checked the other day, waiting to hear back on that. That was for a pregnancy check up but I told my doc to check for everything. I haven't had kidney involvement so I am hoping my urine is normal, it always has been.
Any thoughts?

Dirty Don
09-08-2012, 01:26 AM
Caught my first case of bronchitis since acquiring WG last year, scared me. Not like being pregnant and sick, but still scared me. Called my Mayo doc, she listened, sent me to my regular internist...turned out to be regular old bronchitis and was treated as such...was over it in 2 weeks. Like you I was just around a friend who was coming off a cold...it doesn't take a lot of exposure...good luck.

09-08-2012, 03:18 AM
Yeah, it can be scary not knowing if it is a flare or something else. Glad you got better!
My ENT called back, they told me to stop clearing my voice because it makes the vocal cords rub together and get inflamed. Also said to keep taking my previcid and I will see them in about 10 days. Of course if things change for the worse I will go in sooner.
Got a call back from my primary doc and the nurse said my blood work and urine was good.

09-08-2012, 03:50 AM
Congratulations on your pregnancy Brooke. This is great news and brings sunshine to our forum :biggrin1:

09-08-2012, 03:56 AM
Wishing you good luck with your health during your pregnancy. Hope all goes well but can understand and appreciate your anxiety when some new symptoms come up. Hoping it disappears quickly and you have smooth sailing till delivery. Congratulation on the pregnancy and best wishes for on going good health for both of you.

09-08-2012, 04:07 AM
I sure hope it is just a bug like your cousin had Brooke.

09-08-2012, 05:55 AM
Thanks everyone, I will keep you posted on how everything goes!

09-10-2012, 12:14 PM
Fantastic about your pregnancy, Brooke! Sounds like you are getting lots of great information to help you sort through your voice issues. We are so susceptible to germs, it wouldn't be a big surprise if it's some kind of virus. Hopefully you'll be good as new very soon! Take care of yourself and your little one!


09-17-2012, 07:36 AM
I agree that it's probably just an upper respiratory bug that's taking longer to clear. I get all happy thinking of you having a second baby. :biggrin1: