View Full Version : Recommended self-help books

08-28-2012, 07:28 AM
My family relative was suppose to have laser surgery to have her throat opened up this summer so she could breathe better but her throat is so closed up, the docs want her to go on a higher dose of steroids first. She went into the city for her doc appointment on Thursday and got into a car accident after her appointment. Not her fault. Her fault that she wasn't wearing her seat belt. So she had some injuries and then the rest of the weekend her breathing became more labored. She refused to go to the hospital. Finally on Sunday she allowed her parents to take her to the hospital and she is breathing better now. However, mentally she is not in a good place. She is in her early 20's and like any young adult, wants to be "normal". She has developed an eating disorder because of all the medication she has been on over the years and is afraid to get "fat". She has become degrading and controlling toward her parents who of course want to do anything to make her feel better. I am trying to convince her parents to schedule an appointment with a therapist while she's in the hospital because she has always resisted in the past. They are afraid that she will find out that they scheduled the appointment for her so they are trying to convince the doctors to pretend that it is part of routine care to be seen by a therapist.

I want to know if there are any self-help books that you have read that have helped you learn coping skills and dealing with anxiety and panic attacks as the result of wegeners. I am not sure if her parents are strong enough to follow through with keeping on her with seeing a therapist as they do not want her mad at them and getting herself into a panic attack. I would appreciate any recommendations!
Thank you!

08-29-2012, 10:29 AM
Encourage the parents to go see a therapist for help in handling their stress of the situation or going a support group of some kind. Sounds like the parents are probably getting rather overwhelmed by the whole situation and could really use some help. The self help books generally only help people who are ready to accept such help and actively searching for more information. Usually a therapist can recommend some reading that might be helpful since not all self help books may be appropriate for their situation.