View Full Version : white cells

07-29-2012, 10:46 AM
my white cell blood test is high and neutrophils high also what does this mean?

07-29-2012, 11:08 AM
my white cell blood test is high and neutrophils high also what does this mean?

Real high WBC can be sign of infection. If it was real low before, higher readings but still in normal range, might mean you are recovering from a drug like CTX. Your doctor should answer this question in view of your history, current meds, and clinical impressions.

07-29-2012, 11:50 AM
Al would have replied to this, too. I was automatically looking for his response. What's it going to be like without him?


07-29-2012, 11:53 AM
We went through the same thing with Jack. I still frequently think of Jack and the discussions we had about MG's. Maybe I'll name my MG "Jack".

07-29-2012, 11:58 AM
I didn't know Jack, but have heard you all talk about him...what was he like?


07-29-2012, 12:22 PM
Wow, I'm going to need help from everyone on this question....

I didn't know Jack, but have heard you all talk about him...what was he like?
Jack was in a lot of pain for a long time, but he always had a smile and positive spin on things. We had many off-line discussions and he was so up-beat on everything. He was a little frustrated with some things such as getting a ramp put into his house. He could have engineered the ramp in less than hour, but the brit gov't wanted to take several months to do it.

Jack was always an inspiration and his death hit the forum pretty hard. A lot of us changed our avatars to what Jack had used in rememberance. I suppose it took several weeks before the last one was removed. He was loved and is missed to this day.

Dirty Don
07-29-2012, 12:44 PM
errr, what's the question?

07-29-2012, 02:06 PM
it was about high white blood cells, then im sorry it changed how many people have died on this web site? its so sad and i send my love xx

07-29-2012, 02:12 PM
My fault, greenjanet. I'm sorry.


07-29-2012, 02:34 PM
how many people have died on this web site?

Three..... We started the candle memorial when Jack (UK) passed in Oct 2011, then Param (UAE) in Jan 2012, and now Al (US).

07-29-2012, 02:40 PM
no probs, i dont know what to say, just keep your chin up, so sorry for your loss .

07-29-2012, 05:42 PM
my white cell blood test is high and neutrophils high also what does this mean?

Janet, my white cells and neutrophils were so high at one stage that they sent me to Oncology/Haematology because they thought I had Lympocyctic Leukemia.
After a few months under their care, they came to realise that it was the inflammation within my body that was causing false results in my blood tests.
They increased my MTX and the white cells and neutrophils have reduced considerably but are still not within normal range. It can also mean that you have an infection somewhere.

Now I am also taking Plaquenil and I have my first blood test, since starting these, on Wednesday. Will be interesting to see if the results are any better

04-23-2013, 01:11 PM
This is an old thread, but I am hoping that those previously engaged will respond. My daughter has recently been referred to a hemotologist(US spelling,)/oncologist for elevated neutophils as well. She has been suffering from frequent and severe sinus infections, and has been on mid to high levels of oral prednisone and antibiotics to control. I am assuming these might be reasons for the elevation.

Interesting that your doc Rx'd plaquenil Michelle. What were your results?

Many thanks,

04-23-2013, 03:36 PM
Hi Jane,

The plaquenil is for my RA and was working perfectly....... until I started reducing the pred. I think the pred and the plaquenil combined, reduced the joint pain.

I am now at 3mg pred and should be reducing to 2.5mg however my doctor has told me to stop because the inflammation markers have increased again.

As of yesterday, I have increased the plaquenil and not the pred, as it is felt that the increased inflammation and joint pain is from the RA and not wegs.

We will see how this goes.

04-24-2013, 01:22 AM
Hi Jane,

The plaquenil is for my RA and was working perfectly....... until I started reducing the pred. I think the pred and the plaquenil combined, reduced the joint pain.

I am now at 3mg pred and should be reducing to 2.5mg however my doctor has told me to stop because the inflammation markers have increased again.

As of yesterday, I have increased the plaquenil and not the pred, as it is felt that the increased inflammation and joint pain is from the RA and not wegs.

We will see how this goes.

I hope you will feel better. take care of yourself. :hug2:

04-24-2013, 10:55 AM
I'll keep the group posted as to Alison's progress...her appointment with the hemotologist is not until 6th of May.....we'll hope for infection induced elevation in the mean time. Hugs!
