View Full Version : Stand Up and Walk Around Every 20 Minutes

05-11-2012, 12:37 AM
I heard this interesting interview yesterday on NPR. I don't agree with everything Reynolds said in it, but a lot of the info is very good.

I'm incorporating the idea of standing up every 20 minutes--hopefully walking around when I do, but that will depend on energy. I'm at least going to stand for 2 minutes. I found a great computer timer that I can set for 20 mins. I'm just amazed at how quickly 20 mins goes by. I thought I was getting up from my chair much more frequently than I am!

Stand Up, Walk Around, Even Just For '20 Minutes' : NPR (http://www.npr.org/2012/05/09/152336802/stand-up-walk-around-even-just-for-20-minutes?ps=cprs)

05-11-2012, 06:22 PM
I haven't checked the link yet, but it sounds like a good idea. I used to work in a windowless studio, so it was natural to move often, just to seen the out of doors. I would to the next floor up, to check mail, get some water, and so on. It always amazed me that up there the cubicle denizens would never move except for lunch, if then. That can't be good.


05-11-2012, 11:17 PM
Because of neuropathy I need to stand and walk around frequently. If I sit for a long time like when traveling in car or plane or bus my feet and legs go very numb. Walking and moving my feet around helps the circulation which reduces the numbness. In one of my exercise classes they teach us to move feet in circles, side to side, up and down or what ever when sitting still watching a movie or TV or on internet just to keep circulation going. This is real easy to do when listening to a good band playing nice dance music. I usually walk around any time I talk on phone too. Walking is still considered one of the best ways to exercise for everyone who can do so.

05-12-2012, 12:35 PM
Good idea Sangye, I must admit I sit far too long in my taxi. When I am sitting at the rank I must try and at least walk round the car every twenty minutes.
