View Full Version : Feeling better

01-27-2012, 02:20 AM
So after three years of a downward spiral of health issues I seem to be coming out of it. My pulmonologist said that I'm clear to slowly work up an exercise routine. It feels weird...I keep waiting for bad news, but maybe I'm out of that mode now for a bit? Down to 5mg of Prednisone with minimal issues. RTX seems to have really worked well for me. It just feels odd to be feeling better...is that weird or what? I should be thankful, but I seem to have developed a level of paranoia. :cool1:

01-27-2012, 02:29 AM
Great news Bob - i had a friend who reached remission with her disease and she said it was weird and she didnt know how to feel.

We had quite a deep discussion since i've had 2 infusions of RTX and hopefully its worked for me too, we talked about how strange it is to trust in remission and how we were each worried about turning paranoid than any little ache, pain, sniffle etc could be a sign of a flare.

Unfortunately for her remission only lasted 1 whole month, but she said it was great cos at least she knew she could get there and could work towards it again.

Good luck and good health to you.

01-27-2012, 02:33 AM
I think that is a pretty accurate assessment of how I'm feeling right now. Hard to trust the situation. I know I'm feeling better because suddenly things I used to do as sources of entertainment, but hadn't been able to really think about are interesting me again :)

01-27-2012, 02:53 AM
Thats great Bob.

Like with my friend, even if remission doesnt last at least you've reached it. She was even thinking about getting pregnant as her and her partner are in their mid twenties and didnt know if this would be the only chance they'd get. Thank the gods they didnt get pregnant as she's in a fully blow flare and cant get the meds she needs.

As long as you can recognise the warning signs of a flare you'll be ok.

01-27-2012, 02:55 AM
This is really great Bob. Seize the day! I read posts daily but do not post much and am uplifted by this news.

01-27-2012, 04:17 AM
I love what Brian said... I'm so happy for you!

01-27-2012, 04:28 AM
Fantastic news, Bob!! Thanks so much for sharing in your celebration! Here's to continued remission and healthy days!!


Chris G
01-27-2012, 04:48 AM
That's great news bob! Try to enjoy your new found health, and not worry too much.

01-27-2012, 05:46 AM
That's fantastic, Bob! :thumbsup: :w00t:

I had the same feeling the first time Dr Seo told me the Wegs was finally "under control." I imagine it's fairly common for people in similar situations, where all the energy they've put into something suddenly shifts--like soldiers who've been in war zones coming home, or a prisoner completing his sentence. I'm with Brian on this one-- Seize the Day!

01-27-2012, 06:05 PM
Excellent, fantastic news Bob.

It's been a while for you, so I can understand feeling hesitant............but, go out and let your hair down (so to speak).

I hope it lasts and lasts and lasts

01-27-2012, 06:20 PM
Great, Bob! I know that it is hard not to feel the paranoia when it is obvious that They are out to get you, but perhaps, just perhaps, you have eluded Them--at least for now!


01-28-2012, 05:19 PM
So after three years of a downward spiral of health issues I seem to be coming out of it. My pulmonologist said that I'm clear to slowly work up an exercise routine. It feels weird...I keep waiting for bad news, but maybe I'm out of that mode now for a bit? Down to 5mg of Prednisone with minimal issues. RTX seems to have really worked well for me. It just feels odd to be feeling better...is that weird or what? I should be thankful, but I seem to have developed a level of paranoia. :cool1:

I think after many months on the Weg roller coaster I kept hoping for the ride to flatten out but when it does I start waiting for next drop. It is great when things are on the upswing but after a long ride you just know there has to be a down side coming up too; just hope it is a long way off and that maybe you will reach or have reached a flat area of the ride where things will stay stable for a while. congrats on the 5!

01-28-2012, 05:31 PM
I think that is a pretty accurate assessment of how I'm feeling right now. Hard to trust the situation. I know I'm feeling better because suddenly things I used to do as sources of entertainment, but hadn't been able to really think about are interesting me again :)

I have been out of the nursing home for almost a year and half but recently moved into an assisted living complex where I see many people with similar health issues who have been here years. It made me realize that I could also live another couple decades and I started having a lot of anxiety. Some of it from worry about many uncertain and unresolved health issues I am trying to get checked out and then the financial stress from greatly increased health care costs and reduced access to health care given Medicare cuts. Physically I am in best shape since diagnosis I guess or hope, yet I often felt better emotionally when I had the prednisone euphoria and real sort term focus due to severity of illness. Trying to adjust to having a serious chronic illness or recover physically and emotionally can be rather challenging but my therapist assures me it is normal. They remind me to focus on short term things since they are apt to be more doable. Enjoy your recovery Bob!