View Full Version : Ramipril?

04-02-2009, 11:35 AM
Anyone on Ramipril?

My GP prescribed it to me today for my high blood pressure. I have a pounding in my chest that started about 3 months ago and my blood pressure is usually around 135-145 over 95-105. Every time I have been on Prednisone my blood pressure goes up. I have been on 20mg/day since Jan. 8 and will hopefully decrease to 0 in June when I see my Rhuemy again. I e-mailed my Rhuemy to let her know what is going on and to get her opinion. Any input on this matter is greatly appreciated.

04-02-2009, 06:36 PM
I have taken Ramapril for many years on the advice of my Renal Consultant to both lower my blood pressure and also protect my kidney (transplant). However, the pounding in the chest that you describe is what I would call palpitations. For this, I take Atenolol, which I find essential.

04-02-2009, 06:45 PM
Thanks Jack

Are palpitations serious? What causes them?

What is Atenolol?

Over and Out,
Phil of the north

04-02-2009, 06:52 PM
I don't think that they are classed as serious, but they are very scary and can make you think you are about to have a heart attack! Atenolol is a Beta Blocker and is used to lower blood pressure, but it also regulates the heart beat. I only take a very small dose, otherwise my pressure gets too low, but it stops all the nasty heart beat feelings. I actually ran out of pills last night and have felt the affects already. I'll be going to the chemist's today!

04-03-2009, 05:17 AM

I too get High Blood pressure problems when on Prednisone. I am taking Propananol (sp???) and so far that has helped. I have been on 20 mg since Jan as well and am hoping for a cut down of pred...although I think my rheumy plans on cutting down very, gradually.
Lisa coffeelover

04-03-2009, 06:18 PM
I think that I will be joining you shortly, in the latst few days my pressure was 147 -157/ 91 - 93. My normal is 115/56 -64. My doc didn't feel its high enough for pills but I do have that extra strong feeling of heart beat