View Full Version : Another possible sufferer

08-31-2011, 07:11 PM
I'll start from the beginning. I am a 27 year old Science Teacher living and working in Reading, UK. For a long time I have been suffering with fatigue and in the past year or so I have been getting "colds" every term when I get run down, as well as having the constant smell of blood. I have put colds in inverted commas as these have not been contagious and any mucus has always been clear. Also I have had symptoms similar to IBS and a really swollen abdomen, getting rather fed up of being asked if I’m pregnant. So in Feb this year after much persuasion from family and friends I decided to go to my GP and get this checked out in case I had a thyroid problem or something.

After blood test 1 my GP said my white blood cell count was a bit high and we put this down to me always getting “colds”, but no sign of any other issues.

About a week after this I had two hyperventilation attacks after going up one flight of stairs, so I went back to the GP. Oxygen count fine, in fact 99% sat. and I was sent for a second blood test.

Now I always bruise, a family thing, but my arm was really hurting after this one. After a day or so the pain spread all the way down my arm, and eventually all through my right-side. I was limping and unable to use my arm properly, and at one point burst into tears because someone touched my arm. I was also exhausted, more than usual, and getting out of breath just walking up the stairs. I went back to the GP for the results of the blood test and again the white blood cell was high but no sign of any other issues. In face I was told your bloods show you are very healthy and he put the pain down to a stress reaction. After two weeks I was pain free and thought no more of it.

In mid May, in an after school meeting, my colleagues pointed out I was going red on the right-side of my face. There was a noticeable temperature difference between the two sides. The nest day I felt the pain reoccurring in my right arm, by the third morning I went to the GP, saw a different doc and he sent me straight to A&E thinking I may have had a mini stroke. I spent the whole day in the Clinical Decisions Unit where I had urine tests, reflexes tests and multiple blood tests. Here they found I had raised Anti-PR3 and CRP so I was sent for auto-immune bloods. When these came back negative (for the auto-immune diseases they tested for) they decided to refer me to the neurologist and also to send me for an MRI going down the mini stroke route.

Two weeks after my day in CDU I had my appointment with the neurologist, he did reflex tests and determined that I had not had a stroke or any other neurological condition but would look at the MRI just in case.

In the mean time I was in so much pain I was regularly being sent home from work. The pain was always on the right-side of my body causing me to limp, making it hard to use my arm and making me extremely tired. I went to my GP asking for pain meds in the hope I could start to function normally. He tried amitriptyline (10 mg) for two weeks, no pain relief, followed by gabapentin (900mg) for two weeks and again I felt no benefit. My GP was concerned that nothing was improving so decided since the neurologist had thought my pains weren’t neurological that he would write to the rheumatologist at the Royal Berkshire Hospital for advice. I soon received an appointment for late August to see the rheumatologist.

At this point I sat down with the deputy head and we decided that since I was clearly not coping that I would get myself signed off hopefully to return in September.
The pains continued and I had the MRI. It seemed an age before I got my second appointment with the neurologist, early August, and it was clear. No signs of MS or stroke. He thought I may have Fibromyalgia and recommended I see a rheumatologist, I told he that I had already been referred and he left it at that. Case closed for him.

So just over a week ago I saw the rheumatologist, first I saw junior doctor who was perplexed by my symptoms after I rolled of my medical history. She tested the tender spots for Fibro and decided to ask for a second opinion. I was then saw by the senior doctor who tested the movement in my joints and then asked me about the other tests I had had done. I told her about the CRP and my constantly smelling blood, stupid me forgot the Anti-PR3, and she said I think you may have a form of vasculitis but that I would need further tests to confirm this before I started treatment. So I have had more blood tests, given a urine sample and had a sinus/chest x-ray. She also referred me to the renal clinic for a sinus biopsy. My appointment for this is in November.

In all this time I have been in constant pain, varying from me just noticing my right-side more to being in so much pain I cannot sleep or walk depending on my activity level. My only relief has been sitting with a hot water bottle doing pretty much nothing but reading.

So this is where I am at, tomorrow I should be starting a new academic year, and I have no idea if I do or do not have vasulisits or when my treatment will start.

09-01-2011, 03:11 AM
It doesn't sound like wegs to me, but wegs can manifest itself in some pretty strange ways. I see that Sangye is reading your story. She might have a better idea.....

09-01-2011, 03:24 AM
I dont have much to add except to say that my first symptom was pain of varying degrees comming and going for over a year sometimes only on one side etc. There were probably other symptoms too but i was in so much pain that was my focus. My first year did not sound much like wegeners either lol. It was not until the lungs started to shed from the inside out that it was more obvious.

09-01-2011, 06:25 AM
I'm really not sure what type of vasculitis I have, if any. My next appointment isn't until mid-November, although I am badgering them for an earlier one, and I was looking for advice and support when I came across this forum.

09-01-2011, 08:15 AM
I'm really not sure what type of vasculitis I have, if any. My next appointment isn't until mid-November, although I am badgering them for an earlier one, and I was looking for advice and support when I came across this forum.

That is a long time to wait when it high degree of pain. Keep pushing for an earlier appointment or go clutter up the ER and urgent care facilities till some one comes up with better answers and some relief for you.

It pains me to read your story as it beings back lots of bad memories about my symptoms and pain for the two years before I was finally correctly diagnosed and treated for GPA.

09-01-2011, 08:51 AM
(LOL vdub, I was reading it this morning but was running late and couldn't reply)

Your symptoms are exactly how my own case began. For about 7 months the only symptom I had was increasingly severe migratory pain. It was highly active Wegs, and over the course of the next 3-4 months it degenerated into severe lung hemorrhage. It sounds to me like there is a very good chance of it being Wegs. I suggest you lean on them to get you evaluated sooner. Like immediately. Wegs can turn deadly quite quickly.

BTW I also had the same thing as you with the blood draw once. I was already being treated for Wegs-- unsuccessfully. The pain was unbelievable. I'd totally forgotten about that.

09-01-2011, 12:24 PM
It sounds like the beginning of wegeners disease or a vaculitis. Don't wait, be persistant..you don't need silent damage going on. Take care.

maria garcia
09-02-2011, 06:42 AM
Having a high CRP and PR3 I would say vasculities, probably Wegners! You need to have your Kidneys checked and lungs.

09-02-2011, 07:10 AM
Did your rheumatologist put you on anything in the meantime...any type of Meds like Prednisone? It does seem crazy to wait until November, I'm shocked that your rheumy isn't trying to get you in ASAP.
I am the same age as you, I was diagnosed in December, a month before turning 27. I wasn't in pain, just had cold like symptoms, and was hospitalized for a week while tests were ran and treatment decisions were made.
I hope you can get in to see someone soon. The sooner they can figure out what you have, the sooner they can start treating you and you can start recovering.
Best wishes to you!

09-02-2011, 04:20 PM
No treatment, the Rheumatologist wants to determine which type I have before I start treatment.

During the November appointment I will be seeing a doc at the Renal Clinic, along with my Rheumy, so I can get my kidneys properly checked but also because he has more experiance with vasculitis. This is also when I get my sinus biopsy.

On a more positive note I did speak to my head and I am on a two week trial with a reduced timetable. I'll only have two and a half groups, but these are my two examination classes (one of these is shared) and my SEN class.

09-03-2011, 02:43 PM
Oh man, that is NOT okay. Kidneys can be checked immediately by any doctor with simple blood and urine tests. If those show abnormalities then an ultrasound or biopsy might be in order. You have to get them to move faster. If you have Wegs (or something similar) you can lose your kidneys in just one weekend and have surprisingly few symptoms.

09-04-2011, 10:54 AM
Like Sangye said above, if your kidneys are failing you could be on dialysis by November or really in sad shape. They should be able to do a biopsy right away and sort out your diagnosis from some other simple tests like MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, plus routine lab work of blood and urine.

It is really distressing to hear about people not getting adequate medical care when it can be a life threatening emergency. Some of us here almost died from inept care and we hate to see anyone else going through such an ordeal.

09-04-2011, 08:43 PM
I don't think there is an issue with my kidneys yet, this is just a precaution the rheumatologist is taking and also the Dr in the Renal Clinic has more experience of vasculitis. So far the blood and urine tests have come back clean for kidney issues, as far as I know.

I am more concerned with the constant smell of blood, painful sinus and chest, as well as having to wait for the final diagnosis so I can start treatment. I am going to make another appointment with my GP to see if he can speed things along.

Thanks for all the support and I hope to be back this a more positive response soon.

09-06-2011, 06:00 AM
Good Luck Shooppoop, keep pressing and drop a few hints to your GP. No one expects them to be able to diagnose all illnesses straight up and sometimes its in the 'lap of the gods' as to how and when you get a positive diagnosis. Shorten the odds and share your thoughts with them. Keep us informed and be strong!

09-06-2011, 06:12 AM
Shoopppoop, since you're having pain in your chest I suggest you ask your GP to order a chest CT. A chest x-ray doesn't always show sufficient detail.

09-18-2011, 10:41 AM
Well saw my GP on Friday and he was very concerned about my chest pains, plus he found I had a pulse of 110. He rang the hospital there and then and got me booked in for tests.

I spent 6 hours in the CDU, having blood tests, urine tests, another chest x-ray and an ECG as well as being generally poked and proded. All the tests came back clear with the exception of my white blood cell count, c-ANCA and CRP which are all high, plus tachycardia and trace blood in my urine. The doc then discharged me with a note to come back if my pains get worse or I run a temp. No meds prescribed and I still have to wait till November to see my Rheumatologist again.

09-18-2011, 11:13 AM
That is not good. They should also do an echocardiogram. Wegs can affect the heart and it usually does it silently.

I also suggest that you ask your GP to do labs (blood and urine) every 2 weeks until your appointment. (Complete Blood Count, General Chemistry, CRP and urinalysis) You need to have some type of monitoring while you wait.

09-18-2011, 11:07 PM
Thanks Sangye, I did have an ECG and it showed tachycardia but a regualr heart beat. The docs weren't overly concerned by this due to a clear chest x-ray and normal blood pressure.

I will speak to my GP about regualr blood and urine tests as he seems as concerned as I am about the progress of this disease.

09-19-2011, 12:13 AM
An ECG shows the electrical function of the heart. An echocardiogram looks at the mechanical function. One does not substitute for the other. The echocardiogram is the test that's necessary to rule out Wegs affecting the heart. I'm guessing your GP was only looking for more usual heart problems that can cause chest pain but not for Wegs. It's a good idea to make sure he knows.

09-19-2011, 02:05 AM
A couple of years ago I had reacurring chest pain and was seen by a Cardiologist who ordered a Echocardiogram. I don't know who but I always had to be on a Beta blocker to keep my heart rate down. Don't know if its the WEgs or medication. You might want to ask your doctor if you can go on a low dose of a beta blocker to lower your heart rate. I agree with Sangye.

10-16-2011, 07:45 PM
Hi all,

Long time no see, but finally my computer has let me on to here without telling me it doesn't exsist.

Well a couple of weeks ago I spent 3 days in hospital as I was having pain associated with my gall bladder/liver area and I was still experiancing tachycardia. They re-did all my bloods and did a ultra sound on my abdomen, more chest x-rays and more ECG's and luckly they found no problems and my CRP and c-ANAC have dropped on their own. They think that I might be having muscular problems associated with the vasculitis as this all started when I twisted to quickly and now if I sneeze or move to quickly I can pull a muscle.

They have now put me on monthly blood and urine checks as well as quartly Rheumy appointments to keep this in check.

However I am still waiting on the final diagnosis of which type of vasculitis I have, all the docs are convinced it is WG but won't diagnose it till I've had my biopsy.


10-17-2011, 04:30 AM
Shooop, I had my gallbladder removed two years ago secondary to having on/off pain in my liver and gallbladder area. The surgeon was not surprised, given the history of my prednisone and other medications. The Hida scan detect a sluggish gallbladder, not the ultrasound of the Gallbladder.

10-17-2011, 05:01 AM
I will speak to my GP about this as the pain is still there, but no where near as painful as when I went into hospital. As for it being a result of drugs the hospital is still refusing to put me on anything, especially since my last blood test showed a drop in my CRP and c-ANCA. All I am taking is ranitidine for acid reflux which is one of my new symptoms that may or may not be related.

10-17-2011, 09:39 AM
If your on prednisone, yes you need a ranitidine. I still take Nexium on/off because of the immunosuppressants and I am on 3 mg of prednisone.

10-17-2011, 07:29 PM
I would understand the acid reflux if they had put me on prednisone but they keep refusing to put me on anything as they don't want to mask the symptoms before they've made a final diagnosis. Apparently this isn't an issue because I've only got mild symptoms and no kidney involvement.

maria garcia
10-27-2011, 04:29 PM
Shooppoop, I have somone who I can finally relate. My daughter had eye issues that didn't go away I was sent to a rheumatologist. I went to a rhemy had blood work done and she was positive for Panca and MPO. Per her RHEMY.(which I dislike) this was not a diagnoses just Markers and didn't make a big deal. He said we just have to go by symptoms to figure out which vasculities she had. 6 months later we still don't know. He ruled out her eye problem as NOT being vasculities related. But after four doctors and her condition kept getting worse I just went to the best specialist in eye care her in Miami even though he is not participating with her insurance he specializes in eye conditions due to immune disorders. immediately he said it was related to vasculites and he sent her of to do a Biopsy in her eye. But told us it was vasculities and will be puting her on Meds most likely MTX. We are still waiting for the result. Maybe we can finally find out what type. Please keep a close eye on all your symptoms. Which ever vasculities if its immune related doesn't make much difference. There all very serious and medication for remmision( same meds are used) will be needed. Please try to get answers. I have been to 4 eye doctors and also 2 ENTs for the inflammation in her nose but they to did not want to perform biopsy and disregarded as Allergies etc. even though I insisted she has an auto immune and inflammation. Its been very hard to find answers. And bcse I have an HMO insurance its been much harder. Good luck. Please keep me posted.