View Full Version : In hospital at Mayo!

08-27-2011, 06:30 AM
Hello all,
I thought I would send an update. Almost everything I have learned about WG has been on this website so hopeing someone can learn from me.
First of all I already was scheduled to come see Dr. Specks, we were debating starting the Rituxin or not because the 25mg on MTX was not working. Ever since I started the higher dose of MTX I had problems.
But a few weeks ago I lost my voice and had a different cough. I went to my local dr and they told me it was a viral Laryngitis. They said to use benadryl for post nasal drip etc. I went home not feeling any better. As the week went on I got a lot worse. The cough got worse, I got a sinus infection that hurt my whole head. I could not stand the pain any longer and went to the ER. That dr just looked at me, no tests or anything and said it was also viral. He gave me vicodin for pain. I'm sure you can imagine the scene next. I was a complete mess a day later with vomiting and nausea added. My mom came up from Texas, and we heading on our drive here to see Dr. specks early. He admitted me to the hospital that afternoon. They at first thought I had Pertussis but that came back negative and are treating me for staph infection. I'm on IV prednisone, zithromax, levaquin and Bactrim right now. The staph is getting better as is the cough. I am having surgery here shortly to debride my nose of the crusting, dilate my throat and check for anymore infection. I am for sure starting on Rituxin but won't until the staph infection is gone. Sounds like I will here over weekend maybe longer. I am in great hands and have my awesome mom at my side. I just miss my husband and kids at home. Thank goodness my husband can do so well holding down the fort it really keeps the kids on schedule.

Any questions just ask, thanks to everyone for all the support, so nice to know all you lovely people are out there.

God bless, Jodi

08-27-2011, 07:08 AM
Wow, I hope you keep getting better, you are in great hands there! Very aggravating what you had to go through at home, do they know you have Wegener's? If so, I can't believe they would send you on your way. Keep us updated and get some rest!

08-27-2011, 07:54 AM
Glad they caught it now. Hope all goes well

08-27-2011, 01:34 PM
Wow, so glad you were scheduled to see Dr Specks. (I gotta say though-- IV zithromax, Levaquin AND Bactrim? That seems like overkill to me.) I hope you feel well soon and get to start rtx without delay.

08-27-2011, 08:26 PM
Take care and rest DEEx

08-27-2011, 09:27 PM
I'm sorry you are having these difficulties Jodi. I hope that staph infection clears up for you quickly.

08-29-2011, 10:56 AM
Take care of yourself and get to feeling better real soon!