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08-27-2011, 02:27 AM
Many of us are in the path of Hurricane Irene. I hope everyone will be protected. Please check in here in the coming days to let us know you're okay. I'll do the same.

Also, if you're on prednisone or have been on it in the last year you should have some extra to take as an emergency dose. That's because if you have an acute shock (accident, hurricane evacuation, etc...) your adrenals can go into Acute Adrenal Crisis, and you'll need to take more prednisone within 24 hrs or you can die. Dr Seo told me they double the usual dose in emergencies. Please check with your own doctor to see how much you should take in that situation, and make sure you have enough on hand.

Stay safe, everyone. :smile1:

08-27-2011, 05:34 AM
Thinking of you all ,please stay safe .DEEx

08-27-2011, 06:02 AM
More stuff:
-- Make sure your emergency kits contains face masks and hand sanitizer.

-- Make sure you can carry any emergency supplies (food, first aid kits, etc) in case you're alone and have to evacuate.

There are numerous nuclear plants in the path of this hurricane. So even if you don't have to evacuate for the hurricane, you should be prepared to evacuate for other reasons.

08-27-2011, 08:00 AM
Sitting here waiting for it. Have cleared the deck and tied anything down we could. I am afraid I will lose my tomato plants and am trying to convince Deb we should bring the pot in the house just before Irene hits. Still waiting for final direction of storm. All you NC folks take care, I know you've been down this road before too. Thanks for the tips Sangye. oops, my tomatoes are in pots!

08-27-2011, 08:05 AM
I did not know about your adrenals going into acute shock. Thanks Sangye for the update.

08-27-2011, 12:05 PM
Sitting here waiting for it. Have cleared the deck and tied anything down we could. I am afraid I will lose my tomato plants and am trying to convince Deb we should bring the pot in the house just before Irene hits. Still waiting for final direction of storm. All you NC folks take care, I know you've been down this road before too. Thanks for the tips Sangye. oops, my tomatoes are in pots!
ROTFL I have to admit I paused and reread that at first!

08-27-2011, 09:06 PM
Sitting here waiting for it. Have cleared the deck and tied anything down we could. I am afraid I will lose my tomato plants and am trying to convince Deb we should bring the pot in the house just before Irene hits. Still waiting for final direction of storm. All you NC folks take care, I know you've been down this road before too. Thanks for the tips Sangye. oops, my tomatoes are in pots!

lol, we had a HUGE storm the other night and the winds were unbelievable. My husband stood at the patio door very upset over his potted tomato plants. I got minute by minute updates on the ups and downs of his precious babies

08-27-2011, 09:29 PM
You folks on the East coast be safe!

08-28-2011, 03:09 AM
Some relatives on East coast have big parties planned for Irene. Some are taking in friends that have to evacuate their homes, some are evacuating and going to friends. They say some coastal islands like Long Beach Island and others are evacuated. I guess Atlantic City is closing down too so you know this is a big one with damage expected to be horrendous. Hope everyone can stay safe and dry. Post when you can cause it might get difficult when the power goes down.

08-28-2011, 10:07 AM
Some relatives on East coast have big parties planned for Irene. Some are taking in friends that have to evacuate their homes, some are evacuating and going to friends. They say some coastal islands like Long Beach Island and others are evacuated. I guess Atlantic City is closing down too so you know this is a big one with damage expected to be horrendous. Hope everyone can stay safe and dry. Post when you can cause it might get difficult when the power goes down.

I heard the LBI bridge is closed. And up near me they're expecting to shut down the Cape Cod bridges and possibly bring the Plymouth MA nuke plant off-line. They waived all highway tolls in MA tomorrow and I heard power company trucks are queuing in Wal-Mart parking lots.

Good luck and stay safe east coasters!

08-29-2011, 09:11 AM
Whew... 6 pm and my internet is finally back on.

The storm began hitting us at around 11 last night but did its worst a few hours later. We didn't get anything like people near the coasts got. Still, I was up all night. I had a badly leaking door and window--chronic problem that ran amok. Also the electricity literally blinked on and off for hours, and every time it blinked off it caused the house alarm system to beep until I got up to press Stop. Then we lost power for the last few hours of the night. Because of all the wet towels and wet wall, it reeked in here. No HEPA air purifier meant bad air. I was a wreck by dawn. Glad it's over and I hope everyone else managed okay.

08-29-2011, 10:07 AM
Glad things came out ok for you. Make sure you get the wet up before any mold can start!

08-29-2011, 10:16 AM
It's been going on several years. The leak is in the walls and it's all rotted in there. My landlady ignored it when it could've been repaired 3 yrs ago. Now they'll have to take down the entire wall in this one-room basement, which is incompatible with living in here or leaving my possessions while I stay somewhere else.

Instead of thanking me for staying up all night protecting her property, my landlady responded to my update this morning with "I'm going to give you 2 weeks notice so I can get it repaired." Right. Find a place and move, all within 2 weeks. I don't think so.

08-29-2011, 10:50 AM
Wow, Sangye! That is aweful!

08-29-2011, 11:28 AM
Yeah, she's very strange. We're on good terms but she has little empathy or gratitude. My lease includes weeding of the backyard I use. She hires a gardener every few months only after the weeds are chest-high and my dogs are terrified to go potty in it. Since it's a tiny yard no one wants to bother with it, so she has major hassles every time trying to get a gardener to come. Last week I offered to keep it weeded myself if she would buy an inexpensive ($30) weed whacker. (My plan was to do it when the weeds were very low--not a big job) Her response? "You can buy a weed whacker if you want." No thanks. I'm not interested in paying rent for a service and then having to buy the equipment to do that service myself. :glare:

08-29-2011, 06:27 PM
That sucks Sangye. This reminds me of a friend that was wrongly evicted a few years ago. He is on disability and can't work. He had a small one room basebent bachelore suite. He was paying, I think somewhere around 250 a month, and he did some extra work around the building like shovelling walks in winter and collecting rent, etc. Then the building was sold and the tennants were not informed. My frined did not even know the building was sold. It is a large 3 story building with 14 suites. The provincial governemnt bought it. They told the tennants they would all have to leave for a month to do repairs to the building. My friend was suspicious so he contacted the property management people and said what is going on here. There is no way all of us can find a place to move in such a short time. The building is not perfetct by any means but it did not need much repairing to make it better. My friend asked what repairs and they just avoided him. So he found another place but by the time he found a place real estate prices had gone sky high and were unrealistically inflated. He found another place but now has to pay over 700 a month. Anyway, the government bought the building and turned it into a halfway house for people with disabilities and drug problems, etc. This seems so unfair to me that all those people were lied to and had to find other places to live at over twice the price they were paying.

08-30-2011, 10:41 AM
It's been going on several years. The leak is in the walls and it's all rotted in there. My landlady ignored it when it could've been repaired 3 yrs ago. Now they'll have to take down the entire wall in this one-room basement, which is incompatible with living in here or leaving my possessions while I stay somewhere else.

Instead of thanking me for staying up all night protecting her property, my landlady responded to my update this morning with "I'm going to give you 2 weeks notice so I can get it repaired." Right. Find a place and move, all within 2 weeks. I don't think so.

If it has mold problems you might well want to leave for health reasons.
Several people I know got seriously ill from mold problems in their houses. A couple of houses were condemned and tore down for that reason.

Hope you find a better housing arrangement that gives you less stress.

08-30-2011, 11:15 AM
There is someone on the forum here that had mould in her house and had to leave for a while. A very bad situation. And she also had fiberglass all over the place as well. She did the flash light test at night and everything was a glow. You could see the fiberglass in the air. So she was breathing that in as well. I think the main mould she had was fusarium. She has a microscope and looks at the varioius moulds and also looks at stuff she coughs up and what comes out of her nose. Now the ENT thinks she doesn't even have Wegs but has AFS. Crazy!

08-30-2011, 02:02 PM
Yeah, I definitely know living in this is a ticking time bomb. The HEPA does an amazing job-- main reason why I haven't gotten sick. I've been trying to get out of here since I moved in nearly 3 years ago. The rent in this area is unbelievably high. Even now I pay close to what I paid for my mortgage on a 3bd/ 2ba, 2-car garage home with giant yard, next to a pine forest.

08-30-2011, 03:39 PM
Sangye ,I hope things get better for you .:hug1::hug1::hug1:

08-30-2011, 09:21 PM
Yeah, I definitely know living in this is a ticking time bomb. The HEPA does an amazing job-- main reason why I haven't gotten sick. I've been trying to get out of here since I moved in nearly 3 years ago. The rent in this area is unbelievably high. Even now I pay close to what I paid for my mortgage on a 3bd/ 2ba, 2-car garage home with giant yard, next to a pine forest.

That stinks :( I hope you can find a decent apartment. Do you qualify for housing assistance at all? Given the illness I mean?

08-31-2011, 12:53 AM
I do qualify but it takes years for housing to become available. Yes, years. :glare:

09-01-2011, 05:23 AM
Praying you find a safe home to stay in and that you will not have to deal with old anymore.....sorry you are going throughj this...wish there was more I could do

09-01-2011, 08:33 AM
Thanks, LisaMarie. It'll work out. I'm aggravated about it, but not that much actually.

09-07-2011, 02:57 AM
Sangye hows the repairs situation going ,Im only asking to make sure your ok DEEx

09-07-2011, 03:47 AM
Huge rainstorm all last night and today...keeping me busy with the leaking. I haven't found a new place to live yet. I'm sure tired of this, as the leak is so much worse than it's been in the past.

09-07-2011, 04:36 AM
Sorry to hear that wish there was something I could do to help DEE x

09-07-2011, 08:45 AM
I do, too! :laugh::laugh:

09-10-2011, 12:05 PM
Sangye, are you still leaking....I mean your basement apartment?

09-10-2011, 01:24 PM
Sangye, are you still leaking....I mean your basement apartment?

I'm still leaking........lol

09-11-2011, 04:08 AM
We just had 5 straight days of non-stop downpours like nobody in this area has ever seen. The door was leaking insanely. Over 6 gallons of filthy water poured in in less than 2 hours. It's the wooden door frame so there's no real way to catch it, like a ceiling leak in the middle of the room. It was a day and night effort. I'm beat. I resorted to yelling at my landlady for her complete unwillingness to even help me. The carpet got soaked despite my efforts. The wall is soaked. The place reeks of mold and there is no way to air it out since it's too humid outside to open the door.

I haven't been able to leave here in 6 days. I couldn't even leave the door leak long enough to eat for most of Wed and Thurs, it was pouring in so badly. I'm trying desperately to get out of here.

Here's a video I took of it before it went completely wild. I needed bigger garbage cans once it did.


09-11-2011, 06:47 AM

I'm so sorry you are having this difficulty. It sucks enough to deal with house issues without being sick as well :(

09-11-2011, 12:31 PM
Sangye, that video says it all. Wish you could be in a nice dry and mold free place soon!

09-11-2011, 12:39 PM
Thanks you guys. I'm determined to get out of here.

09-11-2011, 09:37 PM
ditto elephants post DEE :hug1:

09-12-2011, 07:40 AM
I was visiting a friend's house today that had a great HVAC system. The air was so clean I couldn't believe it. It was the first time in over a week that I took a deep breath. Maybe in a long time, actually.

On top of the mold in here, I'm sure the air ducts have never been cleaned. The vents are filthy and stuff blows down from them. A couple weeks ago I saw a duct cleaning business working on a house across the street. I asked one of the workers to leave a flyer on my landlady's door, hoping she'd get a clue.

09-12-2011, 09:39 AM
Hi Sangye I wish you all the best to get out of your place , no one should have to deal with is sort of neglect of there dwelling by there land lady .. mother nature can be a curse and a blessing . lets make this a blessing in disguise . I reason to get out and into a better place xx

09-12-2011, 09:55 AM
I sort of know what you are going through Sangye.

The basement that I live in smells musty most of the time and I can smell the natual gas from time to time as well. The guy from the gas company says that natural gas is not harmful. I then asked him why at my Aunt's house they had a has leak and my lungs burts and my airways? He did not have an answer for that.

I think we will be moving if my parents can sell the house.

09-12-2011, 12:59 PM
Natural gas is quite toxic. I don't like electric stoves (at all!) but they are safer health-wise. I don't think the gas company guy is a health professional LOL

09-12-2011, 01:28 PM
I sort of know what you are going through Sangye.

The basement that I live in smells musty most of the time and I can smell the natual gas from time to time as well. The guy from the gas company says that natural gas is not harmful. I then asked him why at my Aunt's house they had a has leak and my lungs burts and my airways? He did not have an answer for that.

I think we will be moving if my parents can sell the house.

I think natural gas is odorless but very dangerous so they add a chemical so you can smell it. Many a house has been leveled when it explodes if it leaks and builds up inside.

09-12-2011, 01:42 PM
Natural gas is quite toxic. I don't like electric stoves (at all!) but they are safer health-wise. I don't think the gas company guy is a health professional LOL

How come ya don't like lectric stoves der Sangye.......lol?

09-12-2011, 10:39 PM
Sangye, if the landlord relationship is gone, perhaps you could call the local Board of Health for an inspection of the premises. If it is a multi family you may not be the only one with a problem.

Phil, if the gas is metered, which I am sure it is there is a vent on the meter which, from time to time will let gas escape which it is designed to do to prevent pressure build up. To put your mind at rest you could also hire a plumber or gasfitter to put a test on the piping system to assure there are no leaks. I would have that inspected by the local inspector also. Do you have licensing of the trades?

09-13-2011, 03:57 AM
How come ya don't like lectric stoves der Sangye.......lol?

lol, for one thing electric are much slower. The temperature is always easier to adjust with gas as it is instant. Also, have you ever tried to pour liquor in your frying pan and then set it on fire with an electric stove burner. I did. It did not work. I guess an open flame is needed for that.

09-13-2011, 04:26 AM
How come ya don't like lectric stoves der Sangye.......lol?
Because you can't adjust the temperature quickly. Things are constantly either boiling over or not hot enough. Bleh.

09-13-2011, 04:33 AM
Sangye, if the landlord relationship is gone, perhaps you could call the local Board of Health for an inspection of the premises. If it is a multi family you may not be the only one with a problem.

Thanks Dale. Right now the problem isn't that she's preventing me from leaving, it's me not having a place to go. If I report it I'd have to leave immediately and would be up a creek (which actually might be drier than this place! :laugh::blink:) I took lots of pictures and the video just in case she gives me a hard time about leaving without 30 days' notice (if it comes to that).

It's a townhouse and I have wondered if her walls that are rotting on the inside will affect the neighboring units. I don't know how they're built-- ie, if they have some type of separator between them. I hope the others are okay and that her actions won't cause the whole building to be condemned.

09-13-2011, 06:06 AM
In theory if it's a town house I think they have to have a cinderblock firewall between units. That might depend on the age of the house though.

09-13-2011, 02:26 PM
That makes sense! I hope that's the case.

09-13-2011, 04:13 PM
I totally understand now about the electric stove.

We had a guy come in from the gas company and check things out but could not find any leaks.

09-13-2011, 10:37 PM
I had a gas leak at a previous house that I kept smelling. Couldn't figure out where it was until we determined it was in the front yard (a patch of grass finally died). Maybe the leak is outside but near the house?

09-14-2011, 08:36 AM
I could never smell anything. But then again my smell is the shits. I don't think mom or dad smell anything anymore. I can't see how there smell would be that great either being they have smoked all their lives.