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06-01-2011, 12:29 PM
Does anyone on the weekly dose of methotrexate every change the day by one or two. My son is always begging to wait a day if he has something going on socially because it makes him so ill (the injections were unsuccessful, he threw up on my feet as soon as he saw the needle). Can you do this? or do you have to stick to the schedule?

06-01-2011, 12:58 PM
I think the only time a doctor would change dosage if his liver enzymes go up. If you change the dose of methotrexate it could cause a flare.

06-01-2011, 03:03 PM
I think I would stick to the same day each week.

06-01-2011, 05:19 PM
My rheumy told me to always take it on the same day of the week so that the spacings are correct. ie. 6 days off then take it on the 7th day. If, like me, you take it on a Monday you then wouldn't be able to go and take it on a Tuesday or Wednesday and then back to Monday again after that because you are only getting 4 or 5 days in between dosages and not the 6 therefore, in actual fact, you are having, double the dosage that week, it would be twice within 7 days instead of once.

Does this make sense? It did to me when he told me .... maybe he was just trying to scare me into taking it on the same day, but it made sense.

I would stick to the same day

06-01-2011, 07:49 PM
I'm forever forgetting to take mine and have it a day late. I doubt that it makes any difference. But maybe you should not take your lead from me. After all these years, I've developed a fairly Cavalier attitude to taking pills and have been known to take the odd short cut. However, I like to think that I know what I can get away with.

06-01-2011, 07:57 PM
Does anyone on the weekly dose of methotrexate every change the day by one or two. My son is always begging to wait a day if he has something going on socially because it makes him so ill (the injections were unsuccessful, he threw up on my feet as soon as he saw the needle). Can you do this? or do you have to stick to the schedule?

When I changed from oral to injections I had to wait an extras two days whilst the prescription was prepared. This was OK with the consultant.

I also work strange shifts and often when on very early shifts either bring the injection forward or back a day to take it when more suitable to me. (ok'd with consultant)

When I go overseas for a week or two, I will take oral Mtx rather than have the fuss of the injection and disposal of the empties. What about the time zones? I still live!

I was told that if i was unwell and was sick after taking the med, then leave it till next week as missing one week would not be a problem.

So IMO, we have WG which is a life sentence, we do have to take our meds regularly to control the symptoms but we also have life to lead (thank you meds!) and by occasionally bringing dosage forward or backwards is not going to kill you. Anything done to excess can though!

Real answer, ask your rheumy:biggrin1:

Chris G
06-02-2011, 01:52 AM
I changed my dosing schedule many times. But, never by more than one day, either way. At the beginning, I had trouble timing the blood draws with the mtx schedule. They want the mtx in the body 5 days before the blood draw (to check liver enzymes). I was taking my mtx on Wednesdays, then trying to get in for blood draw on Monday mornings, before work. HA! Monday mornings are quite busy at the old poking station - I was late for work each time. So, I decided to switch to taking mtx on Mondays, and do the blood draw on friday or saturday. So, one day at a time, I moved it up....Tuesday one week, then Monday the next week. I've also moved it back by a day, if I had an event scheduled, and then gone back to Monday the following week. Once mtx builds in the system, it takes many weeks to leave, so moving it back by one day shouldn't do any harm.