View Full Version : Cytomegalovirus

04-21-2011, 09:45 AM
As one who has for months checked in on this site 3-4 times a day, it has seemed odd not to have been able to so for a couple of weeks; but such can be the case when the old Wegs bites and we end up with those hospital visits and periods of protracted recovery. Of late, I've had two, for two specific reasons and both related directly to a secondary consequence of Wegs.
My habit when posting here is to try and do so only when it might add some information which might help even one of us or even one of the passers by. That's why I write today (the first day in which I've felt the strength to do so in weeks). I've checked the search mechanism herein; I've checked the listings of postings and I've found no mention of CMV of cytomegalovirus. Which strikes me as odd (even though I had never heard of it myself) because it seems as though it is very common in the world and that fully 80% of the US population has it.
At the eighty percent rate, many of us on this site have CMV and have likely had it for years and even decades; one simply never knows he or she has it - - as long as that good old autoimmune system is working like it should. Well, shut that down as many of us do and the door is open; you don't even have to contract it via a new exposure, it can simply pop out of yourself like the flowers in the desert after lying dormant in the sand for years - - not so pretty, though; CMV, like the old Wegs itself, is nasty. It can ravage the liver, it can cause blindness, it can damage the brain via encephalitis and it can be fatal.
I found no mention of CMV but found many posts on fevers, some of which I've written myself. We seem to find fevers of unexplained origin fairly often given our disease and its treatment. Well, here's yet another potential cause. I had fevers every morning for three weeks; got in to the upper 102 range, then the 103's and then finally the mid 104's before the culprit was found. CMV is known for producing protracted fevers and for an exceptional sapping of ones energy. I will say, "Amen" to that.
It is also a virus the test for which takes several days and is quite costly - - hence may not be routinely ordered by many doctors. Especially the test for CMV activity and not merely the test for it's presence (80%). Perhaps you've been tested for CMV when you mentioned fevers to your doc., perhaps this is an old hat virus to you, but thought it best I mention in case it wasn't so that you might ask about it yourself if the situation ever seems to fit. Because it can be nasty, because it's so prevalent, because we're apt to be harboring it within ourselves and because it can of a sudden come to life when we hit that certain point of immunosuppression.
After eight days in the hospital and a conversion from the IV to the oral form of treatment, I am fever-free (major improvement). So the treatment works; trouble is, there's only one known treatment. No alternatives, or so I'm told. Valcyte - -at the rate of $6,000 for the first month and $3,000 per month maintenance thereafter - - for as long as one is suppressing their immune system, ie: as long as one is actively fighting the Wegs. Because CMV can't be cured and can't be eradicated from our bodies; it can just be pushed back under the sand and kept quiet until we get a safely functioning immune system going again - if ever.
Hope I haven't added to the list of things that bring us fear along our Weggie way, but did want to add to this site's reference materials of things we may need to be aware of as we deal with the strangeness and complexity of our symptoms and things we may need to ask our doctors about if they haven't covered the possibility - - cytomegalovirus, for your consideration. Ron

04-21-2011, 10:26 AM
Oh boy! You sure have it tough there Ron! That is so expensive! Is that your out of pocket expense? I sure hope not.

04-21-2011, 12:23 PM
Hi Phil, No, I'm lucky - - decently insured. The company objected, but reason prevailed. But, many folks might not be so lucky and thus not get treated for something that could really prove to be seriously problematic - - and that's bothers me greatly. As does it for each of us dealing with these issues. I'm sure.

04-21-2011, 12:30 PM
I'm glad to hear your fever has broken and sorry to hear you are going to be dealing with this long term. I remember reading about this as a rare side effect of Rituxin and thinking how scarey it sounded. Hang in there!!! Hopefully the Wegners will get under control so you don't have to battle this for long!
Best Wishes!

04-21-2011, 02:09 PM
Oh Ron, I'm so sorry to hear that's what you've been up to! Glad they found the culprit and I hope the drugs continue to work well.

04-21-2011, 03:00 PM
Glad they nailed it down for you, but also glad that you didn't find any reference to it on this forum. That tells me that it is reasonably rare even among us. I read about it on a couple web sites and saw the mention of herpes zoster, which I believe is commonly known as shingles. Fortunately, I was able to get a shingles shot several months ago.

They wouldn't give me the shot while I was on mtx, but I had to go off mtx for a knee surgery, so I took advantage of the opportunity. No one questioned the need for the shot even though I had not reached the magic age of 60. Theoretically, the shingles shot will mostly protect me from getting it and if I do get it, it should be a mild case.

Glad to know about the CMV and sorry you had to experience it. Definitely does not sound like anything very pleasant.

04-21-2011, 10:18 PM
I managed to suffer from CMV twice while on Cyclophosphamide, but the treatment worked well and was no big deal since I was in hospital on both occasions anyway. The test takes about a week to culture and return a result, so treatment was started before the results were available.

04-22-2011, 09:29 AM
Thank you each for the kind regards. Ron