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View Full Version : Sinus irrigation bottle - do you know about it?

11-24-2008, 12:00 PM
I wonder if Wegener people know about the sinus irrigation system for their sinuses. I know it sounds yukky BUT it may help you. There is is special bottle which is very squeezable plastic with a tube that goes to the bottom of the bottle to bring the liquid up to the top. So you put a sachet of a salt powder(works out about 30 cents each) in the bottle with body temperature water and leaning over a sink squeeze the liquid up through your sinus. It feels strange at first(I'm a person who hates having their head under water when I'm swimming) but you do get used to it. I sniff it back up to increase the exposure to the nasal cavities. The most difficult part is getting the water temperature right as you need to use boiled water. So I have experimented and I boil the kettle and fill to a certain mark on the bottle and I keep boiled water in a glass bottle in the fridge and then top this up to a certain line on the squeeze bottle. It's always the right temp then. Fess and Neilmed are the 2 brands I know of. I've just ordered more satchets over the internet. The initial kit costs about $17 which includes about 40 sachets. The Eye and Ear Hospital doctor recommended this to me.

11-24-2008, 06:45 PM
I used this method for a long time with great results. It is an ancient yoga practice called Neti and is more usually performed using a Neti Pot. However, I used to use a 50 cc syringe with my own mixture of table salt and sodium bicarbonate. Takes a little getting used to, but clears everything without blowing hard and causing more inflamation.

11-25-2008, 07:37 AM
Hi Carol...
Although I have sinus involvement, I've never tried it. You've made me think more about it though and I might give it a try. Thanks for the tip!

12-04-2008, 01:42 PM
Forgive me if duplicate posts show up. I was interrupted will writing an earlier one.

I use the NeilMed version 3 times a day in each nostril. Although I use my own cocktail rather than the packets (although I use those for travel). My cocktail is 1/4 tsp backing soda, 1/4 tsp pickling salt (no preservative or iodine--similar to kosher), and 8oz of warm water. My ENT has okayed tap water in my area, and most areas that are not from well water. So far no infections.

I've also used the hotel room microwave for about 15 seconds when I was a little uncertain about where I was.

The Neti pot just did not get the gunk out--not enough pressure after the sinus remodeling the WG did. My ENT uses me as an example for her medical students and always says "See, it looks as if we did sinus surgery in there."

One ENT says there is no need to rinse as often, but it doesn't do any harm and does help.

Try it!

12-05-2008, 04:22 PM
...after the rinse it is recommended to use a saline gel to keep the nostril and sinuses moist!!!

12-06-2008, 12:10 AM
Yes, to the moisturizer! I forgot to mention that my ENT recommended Ponaris which is more of an oil than a gel that was developed to protect the first astronauts' sinuses from drying out in space. It's applied with a dropper. It runs me about $13 for about 4 weeks supply. No prescription needed but the pharmacists usually needs to order it or know that you will be a regular buyer.

12-06-2008, 03:25 AM
I don't have sinus involvement, but used to get sinus headaches a lot about 20 years ago. Very hard to function. I have two suggestions that might be worth trying. I have no idea if they'll help, but they're easy to try.

1) For dried out nasal passages/nostrils/sinuses : Get some ghee (clarified butter-- buy it in health food stores or make it yourself Food-India.com - Ghee (Indian Clarified Butter) (http://www.food-india.com/ingredients/i001_i025/i007.htm)). Put a very small amount on your pinky and smear it around inside your nose. You can also put one or two drops of melted warm ghee inside your nose, like any other nose drops. Close off the other nostril and sniff it to get it up in there. As you breathe, the ghee gets carried deeper inside and is very moisturizing, healing and soothing.

2) Certain foods imbalance the earth/water elements, causing sinus problems. Not that such an imbalance would cause Wegs, but it could worsen your symptoms. That was the cause of my sinus headaches in the past. Classic food culprits are citrus, wheat, peanuts, dairy and bananas. Eating them on a regular basis should be avoided by anyone with sinus problems, or an excess of phlegm. They're fine to have occasionally. (The peanuts and dairy are a double whammy for Wegs, since they're also inflammatory!) Anyway, try avoiding one at a time, and see if your symptoms improve at all. There are other foods on the list, of course. If you're looking at an Ayurvedic website, look at the foods that increase/ aggravate Kapha. Those are the ones to limit.

Hope this helps, at least a little.

12-09-2008, 08:56 AM
I tried nasal irrigation a couple of times, and had the same result both times. The saline got stuck up in my sinuses and couldn't get out. I felt like I'd been swimming in the ocean in storm surf! In other words, my head was full of salt water, and all I could do was wait for it to clear out. The ENT doesn't want me doing irrigation anymore, just a gentle saline spray to keep everything moist. With my constantly runny nose, there's not much chance of it drying out. :rolleyes:

12-20-2008, 04:31 AM
I just started using the NeilMed sinus rinse - it has worked great for me, and I can breathe much more clearly after rinsing! On a side note, I did have to take an antibiotic for about a week before "re"starting it, as the first attempts left me with insane sinus drainage that hindered my breathing.
I don't use it every day, but keep it on hand for when things are congested up there.
Where do you find the gel? That sounds like something I could use.

12-21-2008, 08:16 AM
I just started using the NeilMed sinus rinse - it has worked great for me, and I can breathe much more clearly after rinsing! On a side note, I did have to take an antibiotic for about a week before "re"starting it, as the first attempts left me with insane sinus drainage that hindered my breathing.
I don't use it every day, but keep it on hand for when things are congested up there.
Where do you find the gel? That sounds like something I could use.

The Ponaris, which I mention is a drop not a gel. I get from Walgreen's but also had luck with my grocey store pharmacy. They usually do not stock it, but can order. Tip: have them order enough so you can keep a spare on hand. The bottle labeling makes it hard to tell when you are runnign low.

I had one ENT pamphlet that promoted using a nasal spray like Flonase or Nasalcrom first, but this was general information not for WG patients.

I've never had the "full feeling" but I've had so much sinus damage, I think it is virtually impossible for them to "fill up".

08-29-2010, 08:05 AM
any tips on getting this stuff in the uk??

08-29-2010, 06:37 PM
any tips on getting this stuff in the uk??

Just left you link on your other thread re neilmed. I found it great, easy to use left me feeling good, and can be used as you require it. First time can be a bit of an adventure but once you get into the swing of it , no probs.

You can also buy in Boots or Alliance Pharmacys although you may need to order them. Loads of online chemists have them too.

Oh, one word of warning, if you do run out of sachets, don't just use water as it stings like *ell!:w00t:

08-29-2010, 08:35 PM
1/2 pint warm, boiled water.
1 level teaspoon salt.
1/4 teaspoon baking soda.
50 ml syringe from chemist (add a short extension tube if you feel you need it).

Draw up a full syringe of solution. Lean forward over the sink and gently squirt it up your nose.
Repeat until you have used all the solution or feel that you have washed out all the crud.
Blow your nose gently.

I used to do this a couple of times a day and it not only kept my nose clear so that I could breath again, but stopped further damage from excessive blowing.

08-29-2010, 10:06 PM
i use the same the same as Jack and it worked for me too

08-29-2010, 10:39 PM
I use it twice a day and it keeps your nose squeaky clean!:tongue1:

08-30-2010, 07:42 AM
lol squeaky clean ay elephant?? Ok cool thanks for the tips guys. x

08-30-2010, 05:40 PM
I couldn't agree more with the regular rinse benifits. I just use small plastic bowl and snuff up the salt water out of it. I have tried all the other methods and for me I think I would vote for the Neil med bottle as probably the best. The water pik is also great but having to do it twice a day it seems a bit of a hassle to keep the thing clean and out of the way. My system is a bit lazyness driven you see. I agree with Jack about not creating more inflamation. If I get too much in a hurry and blow too hard it tears things up a bit and is not as good as being a little patient and letting things soak for just a bit before blowing things out.
I also use Alkalol in my solution sporadically, but every time if I am having trouble. It is meant for this and is very soothing and mildly antiseptic. It is a mucous solvent, I love the stuff. I only scrimp on it a bit because it is not cheap. So I am cheap as well as lazy - but I am getting by.
I suffered for years with terrible sinus problems and now they are doing pretty well with regular maintenance. I think the regular treatment is very important as well as trying different things until you find the system and combination of products that works best for you.

09-01-2010, 09:45 PM
Can't you guys get a Waterpik in the UK? I find it supperior to any other method.

09-01-2010, 09:55 PM
The Waterpik sold here is advertised as a high pressure water jet for dental cleaning. Is this the same device? I don't fancy sticking a high pressure jet up my poor nose.

09-01-2010, 09:58 PM
The Waterpik sold here is advertised as a high pressure water jet for dental cleaning. Is this the same device? I don't fancy sticking a high pressure jet up my poor nose.

Yes it is the same device Jack but you have to get a nasal attachment and it greatly reduces the pressure and you can adjust the flow as well. It is quite safe and recommended by many ENTs in the US.

09-08-2010, 01:16 PM
I have been an avid Netipot user since my problems started. I found the "squeeze bottle" method got to heavy and caused some ear infections. Warm water, saline packet, pour and blow. Works the best for me. Might try some baking soda. Thanks for the tip, Jack.

09-09-2010, 04:29 AM
That Netipot looks, well, scary to me!!

I have the squeeze bottle and used it for the first time last night...was weird but works great.

Highly recommend it

Happy Camper
09-09-2010, 01:17 PM
I have been using the "squeeze bottle" sinus wash for over a year and I LOVE it. I also have a machine that is a sinus irrigation. It was about $100 and that works even better. My Dad taught me this treat to irrigate the back sinus'. It only works with the eletronic machine b/c you have to irrigate for a longer time then it takes to just squeeze the bottle. If anyone is interested let me know and when I'm not being lazy (sorry long day with sick kids) I'll go look up the machine name and write down how to do it.

09-09-2010, 03:48 PM
I have been using the "squeeze bottle" sinus wash for over a year and I LOVE it. I also have a machine that is a sinus irrigation. It was about $100 and that works even better. My Dad taught me this treat to irrigate the back sinus'. It only works with the eletronic machine b/c you have to irrigate for a longer time then it takes to just squeeze the bottle. If anyone is interested let me know and when I'm not being lazy (sorry long day with sick kids) I'll go look up the machine name and write down how to do it.

Is it a Waterpik or Grossan Hydropulse? I would be interested to learn your technique. I have a Waterpik and used to have a Grossan Hydropulse.

09-10-2010, 01:50 AM
Happy Camper: I am interested in that machine. Most of my sinus problems are in the nasopharynx area in the back of my sinuses which is hard to irrigate. Would like to try something that flushes more thoroughly.

09-10-2010, 02:57 AM
After my sinus surgery, I have done this twice a day for years and it works great. I even took it high up on Everest along with all my meds.

Happy Camper
09-10-2010, 10:51 AM
Yes it is the Grossan Hydro Pulse. ]
Ok let me see if I can explain this I kinda suck at explaining things LOL. So I go up on the counter and tuck my head forward (like chin to chest) in the sink. So you are kneeling on the counter. You probably will need someone to help you because you get a little dizzy I almost fell once. So then you put the thing up one nostil like normal but then hold your other nostril closed with your finger. Then turn on machine and what is going to happen is it will come out the back your throat into your mouth. So keep your mouth open and try and relax and just let it flow. If your head is not tucked down enough it will go down your throat and choke you. It's kinda hard to do in the beginning but once you can relax enough and get the right angle it's fine. I then switch sides and do the other nostril. It also feels really weird the first couple times like the water is filling up your head and ears. It also blocked my ears up the first time maybe b/c I was tense, but once I got the hang of it that didn't happen anymore. My Dad got me doing this and when he told his ENT about it he said I'm suprised you figured this out it will help clear out the back sinus. Alright good luck and feel free to ask me questions if you don't understand my crazy explaination. Sorry LOL!

09-10-2010, 01:21 PM
Thanks Happy Camper. I may try this in the morning.

09-10-2010, 07:52 PM
Struth! Glad I never had to resort to anything like that. ;)

Armed with my trusty free syringe, I just squirted the saline up one nostril and then the other until it had cleared a pathway. It would then flow up one side and down the other, all this with my head face down over the sink. I would usually get through almost a pint of solution at one session, but that was almost free too so it did not matter. After a few minutes, I would then gently blow my nose to get anything out that had required soaking.

Happy Camper
09-11-2010, 10:30 AM
pherggren1: Any Luck???

09-11-2010, 11:33 AM
Phil? Phil??? Man, I hope he didn't fall off the counter. :ohmy:

Happy Camper
09-11-2010, 11:41 AM

09-11-2010, 12:55 PM
I have not tried it yet. I had a lot on my plate today. I can't use my PICC line to draw blood any more so I will have to go to the hospital Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for at least 5 more weeks. And on Fridays I have to go to the hospital early to have my blood drawn just before my dose of Amikacin, then go to the Home Care office for the dose, and then wait around for an hour and then go back to the lab to have my post Amikacin blood drawn. I also had a doc appointment today.

09-11-2010, 01:05 PM
You did have a busy day, glad you are back safe at home. What happedned to your picc line?

09-11-2010, 01:08 PM
You did have a busy day, glad you are back safe at home. What happedned to your picc line?

blood in an enemy of the line and the nurses just don't flush it out fast enough when drawing blood so we were not able to get blood out today.

09-11-2010, 01:37 PM
Do they think they can fix your PICC line? It didn't last very long. :sad:

09-11-2010, 02:44 PM
The meds will go in but the blood wont come out.

09-12-2010, 12:17 AM
Oh, well that's good at least! Otherwise you'd have to be in the hospital for your daily treatments. Hang in there, Phil. :hug2:

09-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Phil, how long will you have the treatment going. I wish I had a hang in there Smiley. BTW I live close to the Mission Racetrack and today they must have some super duper drag races because it sounds every couple of minutes like a jet engine take off.

09-12-2010, 10:00 AM
Phil, how long will you have the treatment going. I wish I had a hang in there Smiley. BTW I live close to the Mission Racetrack and today they must have some super duper drag races because it sounds every couple of minutes like a jet engine take off.

I will have at least 5 more weeks of the IV Amikacin and Cefoxitin. If by the end of 5 weeks I have not produced any negative sputum samples then I will have to continue longer on the Amikacin. I am also on oral Clarithromycin and will have to stay on that for at least 13 more months.

I used to be into racing of all sorts but have lost interest over the last few years.

09-12-2010, 12:07 PM
Phil how is your stomach doing with all these antibiotics?

09-12-2010, 06:02 PM
Phil how is your stomach doing with all these antibiotics?

My stomach seems to be doing fine. My stools are sometimes a little darker though.

09-12-2010, 06:05 PM
Happy Camper:

I tried the technique you mentioned but when I closed off the nostril it would not go down the throat and the pressure in the nose would build up fast and I would have to release.

09-12-2010, 06:06 PM
This doesn't sound good, you should check for occult blood. Maybe ask your doc for home test strips that way you would be sure that you have no blood in your stool and have at least some peace of mind.

09-12-2010, 06:09 PM
This doesn't sound good, you should check for occult blood. Maybe ask your doc for home test strips that way you would be sure that you have no blood in your stool and have at least some peace of mind.

They did stool samples every day I was in the hospital and all came back good.

09-12-2010, 06:15 PM
That is good news

09-12-2010, 09:17 PM
Are you taking iron Phil? That can make your stools dark.

09-13-2010, 07:38 AM
Are you taking iron Phil? That can make your stools dark.

Yes, I am taking 300mg of Iron a day.

09-13-2010, 08:55 AM
I use the same as Jack too , I tryed some of th over the counter sprays but did nothing and I refuse to pay for salt water !! It works a Treat . use it once a day or when I need it ,
I have a vegiemite Jar with half salt and half Bi carb in it .. I just tip a bit in my squeezey bottle boilling water stir then cold water ,, and Im away . this jar last me about a month .. before I make up another dry mix . It lives in the bath room with my Mr squeezey Bottle :)

09-14-2010, 04:19 AM
Ahhh you're gonna like me Natalie i did pay for that salt water...but feel robbed now cos the Neilmed is so much better

09-16-2010, 05:36 AM
Hey all...bit concerned as i am getting a funny taste or sensation in the back of my throat/ post nasal drip from using this stuff...what am i doing wrong?

I heat it to body temp but i dont have the luxury of letting it run from one nostril to the other side because of the hole in my septum it would never get to the back of my nose...So i close one nostril and it comes out my mouth...

09-16-2010, 06:15 AM
Not sure that you can do anything wrong, it is just doing what suits you best. I've never had to flush the stuff through my mouth, but I can well imagine that you would both taste and feel it.

09-16-2010, 06:50 AM
Hmm... that's a good question for your ENT. I never thought about what to do if you have a hole in your septum!

09-16-2010, 08:18 AM
i have a whole in my septurm which does not cause me any bother other than it makes myy nose whistle sometimes !!
ENT said it can be reconstructed if i wanted and i have a friend who does not have wg who had it done but it did not last long , she said its likke two plastic plugs !! which sometimes come out
so i thinking i might stick with my whistle nose until it really needs doing :laugh:

09-16-2010, 09:14 AM
Whistle a way Dee.:biggrin1::flapper::tongue1:

09-23-2010, 07:55 AM
:eek::redface: I have a big hole in my septum and I cant just block one nostral and squirt up the other because its all one cavity . I have cleverly figured out a way to block off my throat with my tounge... then squirt shake my head around or breath in and this causes the solution to bubble around in there and loosen it up with my head tilted back stightly of course ..(im good but im not that good ) :tongue: . then just unblock my throat and let the solution run out again over a sink . I do that a few times then give a blow . the bubbling sensation really gets the ball rolling so to speak . reading this back sounds really weird but hey we do what we got to do :) how Are you going with it all Freak ?

09-24-2010, 05:40 AM
Hey Natalie...that does indeed sound weird. I wont be shaking my head about cos i'd probably fall over!
I've been doing it every other day now and that seems to have helped the situation. I used Sterimar inbetween (but only til the bottle runs out then its on a self inflicted ban) Not paying £8 a bottle now i've got the NeilMed which works SOOOOOO much better.

I wont be seeing my ENT for a while...til my Wegs is under control anyway. But i have been told i can have reconstructive surgery. My nose whistles too Dee...maybe we can start a wind orchestra?

09-24-2010, 07:44 AM
Yes I forgot how unstable I was as first .. Ok dont Shake your head around . good your not paying for the stuff now .
when I go for ENT visits and there are new Doctors on they will say :" so you ARE USING THE fESS SPRAYS FROM THE CHEMIST " I tell them its crap and dosent work and cost to much :P
home solution is the best . :w00t:

09-24-2010, 11:41 PM
Hahahahahaa! Natalie well i intend to have a go when i got back and tell them what i am using and hope to god they tell other people with stuffy noses like mine. I cant believe they told me to use Sterimar when it is about 70% less effective than NeilMed. Shouldnt they know this stuff??

08-27-2013, 12:27 AM
Been reading about nasal sprays so figured I'd bump this old thread instead of creating a new one as it has a lot of useful info.

I've been using a Neti can for years, I have used warm tap water and added some sea salt (which contains no iodine) and been very happy with the results. When I left the hospital with a Weg diagnoses the doc said it would be a good idea to hydrate my nose. However she did say it might not be a bad idea to use boiled water since my nose was infected. The tap water should be really good here though, from what I understand its better than most bottled waters so I've just used lukewarm water from the tap. Today I bought an saline solution (0.9% NaCL) since I figured I'd give it a try. It just makes me feel like an eco-terrorist, the thing is made in Germany, shipped to my country and I lug it in a plastic bottle at home. Not to mention it costs 3 euros / litre, while not much I can use 4 cans in a row which would consume the entire bottle. It also had a plastiky smell when I used it in my nose.

So what do you guys think? Should I continue using the tap water, and is there any use in buying some speciality salts (I noticed there are some super purified Neti salts availabe instead of my generic sea salt)? Or should I lug those plastic bottles from the pharmacy?

Another thing I was wondering was that some of you seem to use baking soda with the sea salt. I've only used salt, and I might use too much of it as I can certainly feeel it when I pour it in my nose. The saline solution I used today just felt like water, and I didn't feel the slight sharp pain that I usually feel when breathing through my nose after the rinse. Maybe if I added some of that baking soda or used less salt it would be better for my nose?

At the hospital they gave me a nose spray, (Dexpanthenon 2% Mylan) which I was told I could use as frequently as I want and it does have a soothing feeling on my nose. Its fairly expensive though, like 8 euros for 20ml which is about 400 euros / liter of salt water. So I was thinking of ordering some of that Sterimar from Amazon as I could get five times as much for slightly less, and I essentially need it in my bag and on my night stand for the times I can't use the Neti can. The pharmacist also told me not to use any sprays with perservatives for long term use as they can effect the nasal hairs (or something like that). Just figured I'd mention it in case its of use for any of you :)

08-27-2013, 09:11 AM
Hi Wegetarian , I just use table salt Bicarb soda and warm to hot tap water . I get a small jar add half salt half Bicarb screw the lid on and shake it up so its well combined and leave it in the bathroom . then poor about a teaspoon worth into my nose spray bottle turn the hot tap on fill it about half way with hot water swirl it around till its dissolved then top it up with cold water . if its to strong a mix I tip some out and add more warm water . the warmer the better . i tryed the saline spray early on in my diagnosis but as you say it was just like water . never brought it again . . the salt keeps our noses very clean and healthy . I ve never worried about what water i use. yeah you have to get the mix right . trial and error mate . :)

08-27-2013, 09:31 AM
Wegetarian, we've been talking about some of this on the current thread whose title includes "I hate my nose!" It appears that it is better to have some baking soda in there and not just plain salt. It should be isotonic and not hypertonic. Don't ask me what those mean. May have to do with pH. The ratio of baking soda to salt seems to be a bit in question. My ENT nurse recommends one part salt to two parts baking soda. I'm not sure one needs that much baking soda, but that's what I use and it seems fine. It's mild, and I've had no issues. The packets that come with the squeeze bottle should be fine, too, even if the ratio is a bit different. Someone else might be able to explain better what the baking soda does to make it better than just salt.

08-27-2013, 10:22 AM
I got my new kit today, one squeezy bottle and 150 pre-mixed packets. First rinse today, nothing really came out while I was doing it but when I blew my nose there was blood and green crud everywhere. I felt OK for about 10 minutes and then things hurt again.
I brought some saline gel, and a moisturizing spray to work with me ... hope it helps!

08-27-2013, 10:23 AM
Of course, I tend to be a little bit biased to the NeilMed Kit because of my close personal connection to Dr. Mehta!

08-27-2013, 10:29 AM
Of course, I tend to be a little bit biased to the NeilMed Kit because of my close personal connection to Dr. Mehta! I think the NeilMed kit is the most common one used by forum members, though there are other brands available. NeilMed seems to be widely distributed and available the world over, according to the packaging. I'm glad that little Santa Rosa company is doing that well with a good product.

Just keep using it Nikki! There's probably a bunch of stuff collected in there and it will take awhile for it to loosen up and come out. And more will accumulate. I've been using it since 2.5 years before my WG dx, in other words, for 5 years, and I wouldn't do without it. I've never had that much pain in my nose, but I hope it helps ease that up for you over time.

08-27-2013, 10:32 AM
I remember years ago ... and I'm talking like 18-20 years ago, walking into the kitchen and seeing my Dad standing at the sink doing this godawful thing with his nose. It was his sinus rinsing he was doing at the direction of Dr. Mehta. He asked if I wanted to try it (using a different bottle) and I cringed and said absolutely not!!
I never tried one til last year and ended up with a lot of fluid trapped in my ears, needing to get tubes to relieve it. My ENT thinks it could have been me doing it incorrectly or that the WG was affecting my ears.
I'm so glad they are doing well too!

08-27-2013, 10:57 AM
If fluid is getting into your middle ears it is going there thru your eustachian tubes. If they are overly open, not closing themselves properly, maybe that could do it. I think Don on here has that condition but don't know if it affects his sinus rinses. Actually, I have had the solution go into my middle ears when I was plugging one nostril, which you don't normally do; I think I was seeing if anything could get through my e-tubes, which are pretty closed from the WG inflammation and/or damage. It was probably not a good idea, but it told me that fluid could get through, at least. Now, I don't know that it can. If you have some severe blockages in your nose and sinuses, I suppose that could create some pressure that could force the fluid into your e-tubes. I'd say, if that is anything remotely like the case, that this could lessen with time as you keep using the rinse and more blockages get cleared out. If you have an ENT doc, he should also be able to remove some of the mucus plugs which may be blocking everything up.

Auntie TooToo
08-27-2013, 11:55 AM
Yes ... wouldn't want to live with all this sinus involvement [including deviated septum/crusty build-up] without my Neli-Med! My ENT put me in line with this wonderful invention not long after diagnosing my deviated septum. This irritation process along with an extremely long hot shower is exactly what the doctor ordered and brings such wonderful breathing results! It's amazing how such two simple things can open up your sinuses so easily .... Very inexpensive, but I would pay more if had to just to be able to use it daily.

08-27-2013, 03:31 PM
Thanks for the replies. So I guess its only Phil who frowns on my usage of tap water :) We'll I'd much prefer to use it instead of buying water from the pharmacy.

I made a nice discovery too, was just about to throw away my old saline spray, but I discovered I could remove the cap with violence and fill it with my cheap isotonic pharmacy water. So instead of opening the 8 euro 40ml bottle I bought (was the cheapest saline spray at the pharmacy) I just filled up the old one. So I guess my new spray cost less than 10 cents (even though there is a mild plastiky smell. Seemed to work well and according to the bottle they would keep for a year, but I'll just fill it up a few times to be on the safe side as my methods might not be up to the hygienic standards of the medicine company.

First rinse today, nothing really came out while I was doing it but when I blew my nose there was blood and green crud everywhere. I felt OK for about 10 minutes and then things hurt again.
I brought some saline gel, and a moisturizing spray to work with me ... hope it helps!

Been using the Neti can for years before my diagnosis and was still a bit freaked out the first few times I used it after I got home from the hospital :ohmy: Now I can pretty much feel if there is something big there, like my nose will be a bit painful to the touch and feel clogged. Usually takes several cans to soften it out, and I don't want to blow my nose hard since last time I did it it was a bit painful. With the can and a soft nose blowing everything has been fine for now. Really lucky that I know about that can though, I wonder if they even would have mentioned that stuff at the hospital.

Would also be intersted in hearing more about the Neilmed and Waterpik gear. Like are there any worthy upgrades to a regular Neti can? The Waterpik stuff I saw on Amazon seemed like some industrial strength flossing stuff, but I understood from Phil there are nose adapters available and saw on their webpages that they also have a nose device available.

08-27-2013, 03:46 PM
Yeah, Phil frowns on my use of pressurized artesian spring water, too. I just buy distilled water in gallon jugs and it's not too expensive... when I am being good, that is....

I haven't heard of a Neti CAN, just a Neti POT, which is traditionally glazed porcelain, but lately comes in plastic, too... in fact, NeilMed makes a plastic one for people who prefer Neti pots to the squeeze bottle. I've never tried a Neti device, just the squeeze bottle, which seems more straightforward to me. Phil is the only person on here who uses the Water Pik, that I know of. I think it is an interesting idea and would like to try it, but of course always forget to look for one when I'm where they are sold.

I, too, can feel when there is something big in there. Luckily, I don't get much pain. But the congestion makes me feel crappy and it is so good to get that out of there. Sometimes I have to do the NeilMed squeeze bottle several times to get it out. I know we aren't probably supposed to do that, but if I know it is in there, I will do whatever I have to. It is such a reward to see it come out, and I feel so much better. I've been astounded at the size of those things, occasionally. Lately, there has not been anything big, and I sort of wonder what is going on.

08-27-2013, 03:54 PM
Yes ... wouldn't want to live with all this sinus involvement [including deviated septum/crusty build-up] without my Neli-Med! My ENT put me in line with this wonderful invention not long after diagnosing my deviated septum. This irritation process along with an extremely long hot shower is exactly what the doctor ordered and brings such wonderful breathing results! It's amazing how such two simple things can open up your sinuses so easily .... Very inexpensive, but I would pay more if had to just to be able to use it daily. I might add to the idea of the hot shower, which is a good one. I've mentioned this several times and have gotten no takers. But a relaxing steam treatment with a bowl of hot, boiled water and some herbs is very good for opening up the passages and loosening up the chunks prior to the saline rinse. Just make sure it isn't TOO hot, don't want to scald your delicate tissues, and put a towel over your head to contain the steam and keep it warm longer. People have also mentioned the Vick's personal steam device, and I have one of those, but find the bowl and towel method to be much more satisfactory. I take the Vick's with me for places the bowl won't be convenient. I usually add peppermint to my bowl, but eucalyptus or other herbs would be good, too. Don't use plain water, it is harsh.... if you have no herbs, add salt to it.

08-27-2013, 04:50 PM
So, let's see here......hmm.......lol

Nikki: Try rinsing with about 6 or more bottles full of the Neil-Med thing. When I do it I use at least 8, usually 10. So in the beginning you might have to use at least 10 then to loosen up the bad crusties in the far back. Blow your nose in between of each bottle fill, but not too harshly. You have to be patient with the crusties. And even after 15 bottles full at one time you will prob still have bleeding. I always have bleeding, it never ends.

Anne: I am just a frowner.......lol

And isotonic, like what the Neil-Med packets are, is the best way to go. I experimented lots back in 2003 just before I got the Neil-Med and Waterpik. I did all the leg work.....lol. So please trust me when I say isotonic is the way to go. When mixing your own you have to have pure water like RO or distilled. Boiled water from the tap is a BIG NO-NO!!!! Then you also have to use pure salt with no additives like sea salt or coarse salt. Look on the package closely to make sure there is nothing added. And of course baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). It is best to use a bit more of that to make sure you have an isotonic solution that will not irritate the nose. I use 2 heaping quarter tea spoons of salt and 3 to 4 times that much of baking soda to one liter of water. If you have major crusties or are doing this for the first time then one might have to only use about twice as much baking soda as salt.

I hope that makes it a bit more clear to understand.

08-27-2013, 05:45 PM
Oh, wow, here I thought I was going to get yelled at for doing the NeilMed rinse several times in a row! Now I feel exonerated. I don't usually do it that many times, but frequently do it twice. If I feel there is a lot in there or something really big that is stuck, I may do it 5 or 6 times or whatever it takes. I'm not leaving that thing in there! I have often wished that they made a bigger version of the NeilMed bottle. So yes, Nikki, I'd say follow Uncle Phil's instructions and do the rinse a bunch of times at once and see what happens. You can always back off if you feel it is causing too much irritation or whatever. I know the rinse sounds yucky to people at first, but I have come to really like it and feel comforted by it. Of course, use warmish water, not hot, and you will know if it is too warm and then can add a little cold to the bottle to cool it down.

08-27-2013, 11:19 PM
Man, I knew I shouldn't open this thread while eating

I meant a neti pot, not a can - sorry. This is what I have:


Phil, I stil don't get what's the big no-no about tap water. I'm also further confused now, since I was planning that I might at least sometimes boil the water but now that's a big no-no.

Where do you guys even buy your water? They only had one liter bottles at the pharmacy, and I'd really hate to buy 15 litres of that water a month.

Auntie TooToo
08-28-2013, 12:14 AM
Oh no ... don't use tap water! I totally agree with Phil .... You can invite a whole lot more problems that you don't want using tap water than you already have and none of us need that on top of what we already have to contend with. I keep a couple of gallons of distilled water on hand at all times and when using my neli-med, I just warm the water for about 15 seconds and enjoy the experience. As others have commented, did take while before all was cleaned out; but once got over the initial cleanings I can;t imagine not using it throughout the day [I've often thought of taking it to work with me as well].

Please don't use tap water my weggie friend ~ it can be dangerous!

08-28-2013, 12:35 AM
I read some article that compared tap water over here to bottled water, and the outcome was that bottled water could contain up to 100 times more bacteria and that the tap water was of a higher quality. This is of course compared to regular drinking water from the store. I'm still confused where you pick up that distilled or RO water.

Was going to pick up some baking soda to try it out (might have some in the cupboard but its probably years old as I've never used some). Kind of unsure if you are all crazy for putting baking soda in your nose or if it has some benefit since I haven't heard about it before in this context and no one has said what its use is. Suppose its going to be a fun experiment :)

Auntie TooToo
08-28-2013, 01:05 AM
Not sure about statistics where you are Wegetarian ... but here in the area of Southeast Texas where I reside, there is ALOT of cholorine [and other bacteria that of course get denied by city officials] that is shown to be harmful. My ENT advises to use distilled water for safety / precautionary reasons enlight of problems associated with Weg's. I have a friend that actually got a bacterial infection in her sinusus and her ENT attributed it to the fact that she used tap water in her irrigation system long-term; needless to say, she doesn't any longer.

As for baking soda ... never heard of that either! I'm learning alot from this forum as well and we each have to make personal decisions and find what works for us individually. Sending you well wishes this morning ... :rolleyes1:

08-28-2013, 03:16 AM
Wegetarian, here in the US there is lots of distilled water sold in stores in plastic gallon jugs for around $1 or not much more. Unless I'm doing the mega-rinsings described above.... let's see, one gallon is 4 quarts, each quart has 4 "doses", or two days worth at 2X a day, so the whole gallon should last 8 days unless doing the multi-rinsings described above. Might be able to buy the distilled in larger dispenser jugs, too, haven't bought any for awhile. But it is displayed right along with the plastic jugs of "drinking" or "spring" water, and looks identical, you just have to read the label. People use it in their steam irons, car batteries, and I don't know what else. It is available on the shelves in any grocery store, drug store, convenience store, big box store, etc. I don't know what stores are like where you live.

I, too, fail to see the problem with tap water if it is boiled for 10 minutes or so. That would kill the bugs. I'd prefer not to have the chlorine, if it is there, though. But don't see that it would hurt in a pinch. I thought something about boiling water was included in the NeilMed instructions, but don't have them on hand, so can't check. Maybe someone can. I can only say that I've had no problem in 5 years with the water I'm using, which hasn't always been distilled.

As for baking soda, I do use that, because it seems to make the solution milder, and it is recommended by those who know more than I. It is cheap. I'd probably go ahead and use the old stuff in your cupboard. As for salt, I look for plain, non-iodized, though have used iodized in a pinch. One time I saw pickling salt recommended and bought some, and it had no additives and seemed finer grained. i would buy it again if I think of it and see it. But when I first started rinsing, way pre-Wegs, it was my PCP who got me started, and her directions just said 1/2 teasp. salt and she gave me a sample NeilMed bottle with no packets. She did say distilled water. I just used whatever salt I had and of course there were better options, but it worked until I learned more.

08-28-2013, 08:30 AM
I fell in love with the Waterpik when I first got if a few months after Wegs came along. At first I was just rinsing my nose at the sink or in the shower by snorting up the tap or shower water in the cup of my hand. But of course that is a NO NO because of the bacteria and chemicals in tap water.

Anne, I would never yell at you.

I get my RO water from a local company. I take my 5 gallon jug down there and fill it myself. Then every couple months I exchange the jugs for new pre-filled ones so make sure they get cleaned properly. It only costs me 2 dollars per jug.

08-28-2013, 08:32 AM
Baking soda acts as a buffer against the salt. Without it the salt would be too harsh on the nose.

08-28-2013, 09:57 AM
I did a little searching on the NeilMed site. They say it is OK to use boiled water as an alternative, although they recommend distilled. They did warn against tap water because of the chemicals. My tap water has no chemicals in it as it is from a well on my property. The Olympia artesian spring water also contains no chemicals. It comes from deep in the ground, under pressure, has nothing added to it, and doesn't sit in any holding tanks where it might become contaminated. And it is tested regularly just to be sure and for public policy reasons. I am OK with using distilled, but will not hesitate to use boiled spring or well water, with no chemical additives, in a pinch.

I am going to have to look up RO. I think that is reverse osmosis, no? I think I have a small RO system that I'm not using, but I wasn't under the impression that it would kill bugs, I thought it was to remove minerals and such. Will have to investigate more. I also have a UV filter system that I have not installed. It is used and was traded for rent of an RV site. I'm not sure it is complete and there will be some technicalities to work out. So I procrastinate. I do not drink my well water because it is from a shallow hand dug well, and don't use it for sinus rinse, even if boiled, for the same reason. I have used it in cooking occasionally as long as it is boiled. I mostly use the artesian well water for everything.

I didn't mean "yell" literally, Phil! I cannot imagine you yelling at any of us.

Happy Camper
08-28-2013, 01:02 PM
I use the Neil-Med with the prepackaged salt packs and mix it with distilled water. My ENT has me doing the rinses with Mupirocin and Budesonide. One is a steroid and one is an antibiotic ointment (that I melt in the water). My sinus have never felt better. I can't believe no one suggested me to do this years ago. I do my morning rinse with the Mupirocin (I squeeze one tube in a half gallon of distilled water) and in the evening I do the rinse with the Budesonide ( its a steroid that's you would use in a nebulizer. You pour the liquid steroid in the distilled water and rinse with that). Each half gallon last me about 5-7days. I see Dr. Langford from the Cleveland Clinic, she said it was OK to do this. Ask your doctors about trying this. Last yr. I was on heavy Antibiotics 7 times. 5 months I have not had to use any Antibiotics. On a side note my sinus have never been that bad for a Weggie. I had more issue with lung involvement (granulomas).

08-28-2013, 01:45 PM
Those sound like interesting things to rinse with, Happy Camper. They sound like prescription meds, I guess they are. I should write them down and ask my ENT about them next time I see him. The pulmy who treats me for Wegs wouldn't be interested, I don't think. He's kind of narrow minded.

BTW, I have occasionally used herbs with antibiotic properties, such as goldenseal, in my sinus rinse. I felt they were helpful. I forget what the other ones, were, i think maybe one was yerba santa and there was another. I used them in the form of tinctures, just a few drops added. I don't suppose everyone would approve. But it might be sort of like using Alkalol, mentioned in a related thread, but with different herbs. I think this was mainly before I knew anything about having Wegs, and I was having what I thought was a whole bunch of sinus infections.

08-28-2013, 05:08 PM
A gallon of distilled water lasts my daughter about 2 days. She does multiple rinses. The regular Neti pot did nothing against WG crusties so she now uses the squeeze bottle. We just buy the packets to make it easier on her (and more hygienic.) I will add that I read on the reviews of NeilMed sinus rinses on Amazondotcom to see what users recommended and was surprised to read of adding a drop of baby shampoo into the bottle. I was VERY surprised to hear the ENT say, when we finally started seeing one, to add a drop of baby shampoo to the bottle. Because she's a stud, my daughter followed the suggestion. (!!!!) When we finally started seeing a GOOD ENT he said she could discontinue the shampoo - which she was so relieved to do. And now the smell of baby shampoo makes us both nauseous!

08-28-2013, 05:42 PM
Happy Camper is correct.

08-28-2013, 09:48 PM
I'm with Phil in regards to the normal tap water.

You should always use distilled or if not, boiled water that is allowed to cool.

There was an article written a few years ago about someone who used tap water and the bugs and germs actually got into the persons brain through the nasal rinse and caused a heck of a lot of problems.

I've been trying to find the article and when I do, I will post it on here.........it will really make you change your mind, the way it did for me.

Please listen to Dr. Phil

Happy Camper
08-28-2013, 10:31 PM
I Forget me ENT did say if I had bad crustie (which I don't) that he would also add a drop of baby shampoo to the water. And the reason I don't use tap water, which someone said above, is bc of some talk about people dieing from ameba's (bug) that went to there brain from the water. I'm sure I'm just being a lil paranoid, but you never know. lol. Also ENT said to use Distilled. I just put in microwave for 15 secs. Otherwise it burns a lil if too cold. I should have also mentioned I use the squeeze bottle (works MUCH better then the neli pot) There is an electric one that is available out there. THe pulse is pretty strong and it hold much more water. Google it, I think it was 100$ on amazon. I do use that when I have infection.

08-28-2013, 11:22 PM
Really glad to see this thread so active. Camper, I'm also gonna ask my doc tomorrow about that dope you put in the water. To my understanding the antibiotics I take twice a day is just to prevent nose-infections, so it would feel smarter to use it locally.

Yeah, I've heard about the ameeba you can get from water and which eats your brain. My friend said there would have been one case in my country, and I'd guess the person got it from some travel (but apparently through rinsing his nose).

Been real happy with the neti thingy, but I don't mind trying out other stuff. I'm surprised Waterpik doesn't sell their stuff in Europe, nor would they ship it from their online store. Amazon.com and drugs.com wouldn't really ship it either. On their site they even list a device that's just made for the nose. Doesn't looks like some industrial strength tooth brush like the other devices I saw:
Water Pulsator - Natural Sinus Rinse for Easy Allergy Relief (http://www.waterpik.com/sinus-health/products/water-pulsator)

The neilmed thingy isn't too expensive, so I might just get the squeeze bottle, electric thingy and some of those salt bags to give em a try. I mean the squeeze bottle is like $11 and the battery operated thingy is around $45 and I'd get 45 bags of salt to try out. Doesn't sound like such a bad investment if its beneficial for my nose, and hearing that the neilmed guy is a nice fellow makes it even easier to order. Too bad many of the Amazon comments say the battery operated device breaks down quickly, guess I'll save the salt packs for that so hopefully there should be some warranty in case it breaks. Surprised many said they prefer the squeeze bottle.

08-29-2013, 12:17 AM
I have tried the water pik and every other method. I too prefer the cheap Neilmed squeeze bottle and their prepared salt/soda packets. Maybe you could try just that first before laying out the big bucks for the electric jobbie

08-29-2013, 01:23 AM
I have tried the water pik and every other method. I too prefer the cheap Neilmed squeeze bottle and their prepared salt/soda packets. Maybe you could try just that first before laying out the big bucks for the electric jobbie

You are too late :) Already ordered both of the Neilmed thingies. Besides, how will I know its useless unless I buy it and try it ;)

Actually both of the cheapo battery operated devices got pretty good reviews (http://longevity.about.com/od/reviewsbooksandmore/fr/Neilmed-Sinugator-Review.htm) in a place I read. I think you can easily find a review for the bottle and the waterpik from that review too.

On the British Amazon site they also had some monster electric thing (http://www.amazon.co.uk/SinuPulse-Elite-Advanced-Irrigation-System/dp/B001CWT4JI/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1377699785&sr=8-6&keywords=nasal+irrigation)that seemed like it would take half the space of my bathroom, got really good reviews but cost more than all of my Weg paraphernalia combined. I bet all my visitors would ask about that, and frankly don't really have room for it, but it looked interesting.

08-29-2013, 02:56 AM
I tried the battery operated Water Pik and found it quit after a few days. I was really disappointed in it since my Water Pik for cleaning my teeth is decades old and still works fine. The batteries corroded in the one for sinus rinses and it wouldn't work anymore so I bought a plug in electric one called Grossan Hydro Pulse. It holds more water and the pressure can be adjusted. It works good on tough stuff. When the nose seems pretty clean I just use the NeilMed squeeze bottle with homemade solution and packets when I travel.

08-29-2013, 06:06 AM
The batteries corroded in the one for sinus rinses and it wouldn't work anymore

Sounds like you had the first generation device with a design flaw that allowed the salt water to reach the batteries...

"Note from the Longevity Guide: Water Pik is offering updated replacement SinuSense devices free of charge, since some early models leaked fluid into the battery compartment. See below for details."

Waterpik SinuSense Review (http://longevity.about.com/od/reviewsbooksandmore/fr/Waterpiks-Sinusense-Water-Pulsator-For-Nasal-Irrigation.htm)

The link they have for the free replacement is dead though. You could of course mention it to waterpik in case they'd still honor their warranty. Also read the power button comes easily off the neilmed thingy, but they will replace the device if that happens. Man, I wish companies would put some effort on making quality stuff.

08-29-2013, 06:36 AM
The Grossan Hydro Pulse is the same thing as the Waterpik. The Waterpik is just much cheaper.

08-29-2013, 02:27 PM
Sounds like you had the first generation device with a design flaw that allowed the salt water to reach the batteries...

"Note from the Longevity Guide: Water Pik is offering updated replacement SinuSense devices free of charge, since some early models leaked fluid into the battery compartment. See below for details."

Waterpik SinuSense Review (http://longevity.about.com/od/reviewsbooksandmore/fr/Waterpiks-Sinusense-Water-Pulsator-For-Nasal-Irrigation.htm)

The link they have for the free replacement is dead though. You could of course mention it to waterpik in case they'd still honor their warranty. Also read the power button comes easily off the neilmed thingy, but they will replace the device if that happens. Man, I wish companies would put some effort on making quality stuff.

I threw the piece of junk away and told the pharmacist at Walgreen it was junk so they stopped stocking it to spare other customers the frustration. I was really disappointed cause Waterpik brand at one time meant good quality.

08-29-2013, 02:28 PM
The Grossan Hydro Pulse is the same thing as the Waterpik. The Waterpik is just much cheaper.

Can't be same because the Grossan seems well built and not junk like the battery operated one turned out to be.

08-30-2013, 02:30 AM
I do have sinus involvement. My doctor recommended it to me and it didn't help me at all. It didn't help or hurt. But I know many people who swear by it.

08-30-2013, 02:55 AM
I do have sinus involvement. My doctor recommended it to me and it didn't help me at all. It didn't help or hurt. But I know many people who swear by it. If you only did it one or two times, you might not have seen any improvement. There can be a lot of old mucus built up in your nasal cavity and around the openings to your sinuses. It can take multiple rinses to get this out. It helps to inhale steam ahead of time, from a long hot shower, leaning over a bowl, or a personal steam appliance like the Vicks model. I am surprised at what sometimes comes out if I rinse multiple times. Getting that stuff out of there will help a lot.

08-30-2013, 06:50 AM
I never used the battery Waterpik, just the plug in one with the 1 liter reservoir. They usually last me about 2 years or so. I get them for about 50 dollars here.

08-30-2013, 02:20 PM
I never used the battery Waterpik, just the plug in one with the 1 liter reservoir. They usually last me about 2 years or so. I get them for about 50 dollars here.

Almost worth a trip to Canada, eh?

08-30-2013, 03:21 PM
Its funny how I wasn't at all surprised that Phil has a power tool for nasal rinsing. He just seems like the guy who tools like that. I bet he does a Tim The Tool Man Taylor grunting sounds when he picks up the machine too :D


You know we love you Phil :) :hug3:

08-30-2013, 04:18 PM
You know it Wegetarian.....then I have my girl in the background assist me.......:wink1:

08-30-2013, 08:36 PM
Yup, but the picture should say Nose Improvement instead. I think that drill could clear up my airways in an instant.

08-31-2013, 02:05 AM
I never used the battery Waterpik, just the plug in one with the 1 liter reservoir. They usually last me about 2 years or so. I get them for about 50 dollars here.

My Grossan only holds 500 ml so they can't be the same machine. Your toy is bigger and cheaper, so I am jealous now!!!:biggrin1::mad1:

08-31-2013, 02:42 AM
Your toy is bigger and cheaper, so I am jealous now!!!

Where does he get those wonderful toys????

08-31-2013, 03:20 AM
My toy is basically the same because it has the same pump inside. That is all that really matters. I buy mine from Walmart all the time.

08-31-2013, 03:21 AM
But I do have to order a separate nasal attachment from amazon or some dental online place I forget.

08-31-2013, 05:19 AM
Its funny how I wasn't at all surprised that Phil has a power tool for nasal rinsing. He just seems like the guy who tools like that. I bet he does a Tim The Tool Man Taylor grunting sounds when he picks up the machine too :D

You know we love you Phil :) :hug3:

Hi guys,
you are so funny

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I love you all :love: :hug3:

08-31-2013, 05:44 AM
I'm taking applications for another lovely assistant.......:drool:

Dirty Don
08-31-2013, 07:49 AM
I'm taking applications for another lovely assistant.......:drool:

Wellll, big tool guy...I'm available..................ohoh, this thread has turned...time to get back to reality?!?!?!??! LMAO!

08-31-2013, 02:54 PM
I'm taking applications for another lovely assistant.......:drool:

Application approved with delight.

08-31-2013, 02:55 PM
Wellll, big tool guy...I'm available..

Sorry Don, but I think I was before you asking for that job.

08-31-2013, 02:56 PM
.time to get back to reality?!?!?!??! LMAO!

Who needs reality ? we need some good laughs to heal us :biggrin1:

09-01-2013, 01:02 AM
I'm taking applications for another lovely assistant.......:drool:

Wait... you are looking for multiple assistants? I'm getting real worried about you here. Soon we'll read how you need the assistants to rig some nasal attachment you bought from some shady on-line place onto a firehose. Just stick to your power tool :)

09-01-2013, 02:45 PM
But I do have to order a separate nasal attachment from amazon or some dental online place I forget.

AHA!! :flapper:Mine came with two nasal attachments and two for cleaning your tongue as saga of bragging rights for the best power toy continue. Wait till we start comparing our BAHA versus cochlear implant. Phil should excel in that one.:biggrin1::biggrin:

09-01-2013, 05:58 PM
Mine came with 3 teeth and one tongue cleaner.....lol.

Alysia, you are hired as my lovely assistant......:wink1::wink1:

09-01-2013, 06:18 PM
Alysia, you are hired as my lovely assistant......:wink1::wink1:

wow, great, thanks. I did it. I got the job :thumbup: I will not disapoint you. I promise. you will see.

09-02-2013, 02:18 AM
Alysia, you will also have to fill in for Batgirl........:wink1:

Dirty Don
09-02-2013, 02:20 AM
Batman Batman, how can you ignore me like that???? I coulda...I coulda been a champion boss...sighs, gonna go talk with Superman, maybe he needs a Pancho Villa!!!!

09-02-2013, 05:52 AM
I plan on becoming Wonder Woman and seeking my own assistant.

I missed my morning rinse this morning since I had to rush around and get to work for an overtime shift. I am definitely feeling the difference. The sinus rinse leaves me feeling less dry and crusted. I still am working on trying to break through what I feel is jammed up in there. One side is barely a trickle while the other side it flows out freely.

09-02-2013, 06:25 AM
I'm starting envy Phil for his gadgets with a one litre reservoir. Just feels like my small neti pot with its 1/4 litre capacity never does it, at worst I might need three more fills.. **Looks at that 10 litre watering can in the yard and wonders where Phil gets his nasal-adapters**
Oh well, the neilmed thingies should arrive next week.

09-03-2013, 05:15 AM
Nikki, I will be your assistant.......:wink1:

11-21-2013, 06:56 PM

11-21-2013, 07:03 PM
Very good. I have been to this doctor but he wasn't calling himself "Phil" at the time.

11-21-2013, 07:24 PM
Well, in my pic it is our Phil .I post it with THANKS to Phil for his helping.

11-22-2013, 03:53 AM
Ha, ha, Alysia! You are very good with inserting the pics. I will have to work on that some more.... used to be able to but have had problems lately. I may PM you and find out what methods you are using. I guess I could learn to draw cartoons of myself getting whacked with a stick of firewood, too....

11-22-2013, 04:03 AM
Getting whacked with firewood is not currently an FDA approved form of sinus treatment- but don't let that deter you. Let us know how it is working for you. Pics and graphics like Alysia has made would definatly be informative

11-22-2013, 04:12 AM
Getting whacked with firewood is not currently an FDA approved form of sinus treatment- but don't let that deter you. Let us know how it is working for you. Pics and graphics like Alysia has made would definatly be informativeHa, ha, Kirk! i have to say the firewood whacking has neither helped nor hurt my sinus issues, so far. And doesn't seem to have caused any lasting damage. Will have to check out that cartoon site... sounds like fun.

So, kinda cold this morning in the Oly/Shelton area, eh? First really cold weather of the year. 22F. at my house, or -5.56 for you Celsius people. Yes, I know that's not so cold for some of you. But the firewood whacking did provide me with some warmth this morning!

03-29-2015, 03:14 AM
So, let's see here......hmm.......lol

Nikki: Try rinsing with about 6 or more bottles full of the Neil-Med thing. When I do it I use at least 8, usually 10. So in the beginning you might have to use at least 10 then to loosen up the bad crusties in the far back. Blow your nose in between of each bottle fill, but not too harshly. You have to be patient with the crusties. And even after 15 bottles full at one time you will prob still have bleeding. I always have bleeding, it never ends.

Anne: I am just a frowner.......lol

And isotonic, like what the Neil-Med packets are, is the best way to go. I experimented lots back in 2003 just before I got the Neil-Med and Waterpik. I did all the leg work.....lol. So please trust me when I say isotonic is the way to go. When mixing your own you have to have pure water like RO or distilled. Boiled water from the tap is a BIG NO-NO!!!! Then you also have to use pure salt with no additives like sea salt or coarse salt. Look on the package closely to make sure there is nothing added. And of course baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). It is best to use a bit more of that to make sure you have an isotonic solution that will not irritate the nose. I use 2 heaping quarter tea spoons of salt and 3 to 4 times that much of baking soda to one liter of water. If you have major crusties or are doing this for the first time then one might have to only use about twice as much baking soda as salt.

I hope that makes it a bit more clear to understand.

this was a funny thread with lots of wisdom and humor of dr. Phil
the picture that I attached above is not showing up, so I post it again..... In memory of the good old days when my sweet dr. Phil was around to take care of us....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1461401_1433095023569310_701947650_n.jpg?oh=c418af 738851cc7a41304d7d229584ed&oe=55BB1EFB&__gda__=1437264338_84875ddaf3f9dfaf11c8f5ae2bf27c1 c

03-29-2015, 03:23 AM
I searched in the pictures and I found Phil's water pike. I should have taking a video of him making his nose irrigation. we both wanted but delayed it.... it was very impressing. the nurses wanted to watch him doing it. and he explained to them so kindly. its amazing how many memories this picture is bringing ... I can vividly see him irrigating... I miss him so much..... tears....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10995819_1615201118692032_9033279684189732348_n.jp g?oh=7c7c72bf961028ee0512fae44587ff36&oe=557075A4&__gda__=1438522868_128e2dcda6e253f02f41c9bbbe278a1 1

02-05-2016, 04:54 AM
Such a nice thread with good advices from my beautiful dr. Phil... I miss him.. Thanks God & andrew for old posts...
I attach a comics I made then..

02-05-2016, 04:57 AM
I still look near his name, when I see my sweetie's posts, hoping to see the green light...

02-05-2016, 05:18 AM
Your cartoon shows a lot of talent Alysia.

02-05-2016, 05:24 AM
Your cartoon shows a lot of talent Alysia.

Thanks but I didnt draw it, only wrote the titles. Its an application on facebook called bitstrip.

02-05-2016, 05:45 AM
Miss you, Phil! Feel like I knew you... I guess I was lucky enough, that I kinda did... Such a blessing to this group, and will live on as such... See you in person, soon enough Phil... Deb...

02-05-2016, 05:48 AM
Oh, wow, kicked to a new page, hey Alysia! Hope you're doing better... Hello, Birdie, hope likewise for you... Deb...

02-08-2016, 02:15 PM
We might want to avoid introducing to many random thoughts into our messages.

This forum is one of the best and only places for people to discuss the technical aspects of wegs and it would be nice to stay focused on that. If we start to waunder off topic and put in too many messages concerning unrelated items, then new members searching for specific answers to their questions will have a much more difficult time wading through the information. The everyday issues would be best left to the many facebook postings on wegs or do pm's.


02-08-2016, 03:14 PM
I agree, new members noticing the title about sinus irrigation bottles could be a little confused, and this has happened on other threads, too (and I can't claim to be guiltless in participating in or responding to random thoughts).... Maybe there could be a special thread for just shooting the breeze, under Off Topic Discussion. So, if you are interested in sinus irrigation bottles, please scroll backward through the other 13 pages here to see that discussion, and then ask or say whatever you want about them.

02-08-2016, 03:25 PM
how about you go make a thread called random thoughts or something, then we'll know nothing serious is in the thread and we can ignore or whatever. that might work. good suggestion.

02-08-2016, 07:04 PM
Sorry, Vdub! I know I'm guilty here... Will try harder, and seeing Putin, straightens me right out! Starting right now... Debra...