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View Full Version : Nose biopsy, I'm nervous!

10-11-2010, 10:37 PM
Hi guys,

I'm going in for my first ever nose biopsy on Wednesday (13th October) and it will be done under local anaesthetic.
I've had ear biopsies done before but that was under general anaesthetic...

I am extremely nervous about this, I know it's not really a "big deal" but for me, personally, it is, and I'm scared! :/

I was just wondering how it was for you guys that have had it done?
How did they do it?
Did it hurt much while they were doing it / afterwards?
How far "up" do they usually go?

Please tell me about your own experiences so I can get an idea of what to expect!


10-11-2010, 10:54 PM
I don't think anyone can tell you the answer to this one because they are all so different depending on the area they are taking biopsy from. I have had two -

The first was using local anaesthetic paste and was nothing more than a brief tweak from quite high in my nose.

The second was under general anaesthetic and was from the sinus area. I came round in the recovery room with nurses mopping blood from the floor and calling for the surgeon to come back! I spent the next two days in hospital. :(

Since yours is using local, I would expect your experience to be more like the first description, but I like to include the more dramatic experience too. It makes a more interesting story. ;)

10-11-2010, 11:36 PM
I had four maxillary sinus surgeries and I was under for all of them. Like Jack I too one time only experienced blood all over ( that was a more extensive surgery removing tissue and bone)and stayed in hospital one night.

10-12-2010, 12:28 AM
ive had it done twice for biopsy and putting in splints and once for biopsy alone alll done under general and over nught stays
not painful and only slight nose bleeds

10-12-2010, 01:16 AM
The ENT doctor took her sample when I was knocked out for my lung biopsy. Like Jack said, there is no one way this happens, malin. I was such a mess at the time that I suspect they had me on some pretty stout painkiller: I have no recollection of pain associated with the biopsy.

10-12-2010, 01:41 AM
In these situations I always tell myself that they are not going to do anything that others have not been through in the past and if it was unbearable they would have found a better way. In general, I always get along better with local anaesthetic rather than general. There is usually no pain involved and you don't have that horrible recovery period.

10-12-2010, 02:26 AM
Good Luck for this wednesday Malin,
I dont know if you are contemplating driving yourself there but without knowing all the details I would suggest getting a lift or taxi if you can.
Good Luck and keep us informed.:unsure:

10-12-2010, 03:21 AM
The first question I ask is why do they want to do a nose biopsy?

Don't you already have a firm diagnosis of Wegs?

My ENT told me that he would not do any surgery on nose or sinuses unless it was absolutely neccessary for survival because and cutting in nose can cause the Wegs to flare.

10-12-2010, 04:01 AM
Thanks for all the replies!

Geoff, my fiance will be driving me there and then picking me up later, so no worries there! :)

pberg, Yes I do have a firm diagnosis, with no changes to symptoms or anything like that during my whole WG "experience", even though I have had flares, they have never caused any "damage", just fatigue, joint pains and so on.

My ENT doc said he didn't think it was neccesary at all but since my rheumy was so adamant I have it, he agreed to do it.
Actually, ENT doc said that I've got the best sinuses he's ever seen in a WG patient!

10-12-2010, 04:07 AM
Malin, there's no way I'd allow them to do a biopsy in that case. The #1 question to ask before doing any diagnostic procedure is "How will the results change the treatment course?" With a firm dx of Wegs already, it won't. This is pointless.

The 2nd question to ask is "Do the risks outweigh the benefits?" In this case they don't, since there is absolutely no benefit in doing a biopsy in a well-confirmed case. Also, since your sinuses look great, the chances of getting a (+) biopsy are extremely low.

10-12-2010, 04:16 AM
Agree 100% with Sangye. If you are not looking for a diagnostic result or trying to determine the state of Wegener's activity there is only risk involved here and no benefit. Don't they do risk / benefit assessments at your hospital? They did this when it was proposed that I had ear grommets fitted last year and it resulted in the operation being stopped.

10-12-2010, 04:30 AM
My ENT told me that he would not do any surgery on nose or sinuses unless it was absolutely neccessary for survival because and cutting in nose can cause the Wegs to flare.

Have to agree with Phil's comments here. Before I had my DX for WG I was being seen by an ENT guy with regards to my deviated septum (see photo) 2 months after the operation to 'straighten' or clear the passageway and my first big attack with multiple syptoms started. I wonder if the operation let the WG 'out of the box' - bit like Pandora's Box.
I'm no expert but I would have thought a rhinoscopy or perhaps a CT scan would be more appropiate given your already positive diagnosis.

10-12-2010, 04:42 AM
When I was in the hospital they had arranged an ENT appointment for me after I got out. When I went to the ENT I asked them why exactly I was there, and they told me that I was scheduled for a nose biopsy, but they wouldn't do it because I was already diagnosed, so they thought it was unnecessary and also possibly could cause damage because of the drugs. These were two ENT doctors who work with WG patients and they refused to do the biopsy. I think you should double check why they are doing it and like Sangye says ask about risk to benefit ratio.

10-12-2010, 04:50 AM
I'm amazed to come down on the side of my least favorite specialists, ENT doctors, but I agree with yours. Please present your rheumatologist with the two questions Sangye brings up. I have no doubt both doctors have your best interests in mind, but the rheumatologist has to bend to reason when there is no clear, apparent benefit to you, and some potentially serious dangers.

10-12-2010, 05:44 AM
Sounds like the rheumy is going for the 'gold standard' and that's really not necessary in your case. You're 90 percent certain with a positive c-ANCA and clinic symptoms. I'd say look for biopsiabl material if he is already in there -- that's what my ENT did in my throat. But I wouldn't undergo a biopsy as a fishing expedition

10-12-2010, 05:46 AM
Hi Malin, I'm waiting for a date to have my nose biopsy, it's being done under general. Just like your ENT mine didn't want to do it but the rheumy wanted it. In my case althrough i've had jiont pain mouth ulcers, lesions and a pos ANCA also nose bleed and tree episodes of when my nose wouldn't stop running also in febuary a hacking cough for over three weeks. the ENT said my nose didn't look to bad but the left sinus is full of musocal thickening this also shows on my cheek. What i don't get with these docters why they disagree perhaps someone on here can tell me.

10-12-2010, 05:59 AM
My rheumy wants the biopsy done so she will know wether or not I've "got WG in my nose". I have had some sinus problems since this spring/summer but I think that was mostly down to having hayfever for the first time. Other than that I have sometimes get sinus pains when I have a headache, get a blocked and hurty nose/sinuses if I sleep in a hot stuffy room.

I feel ok about having it even thought I'm a bit nervous about the actual procedure, I think if my ENT thought the risks were too big he wouldn't do it, he seems like a good ENT doc so I feel I can trust him. As far as my rheumy goes, she's good but sometimes I think she overreacts and wants to push for things that might not be neccesary. Like when she wanted to put me on cyclo instead of MTX because of a slightly high CRP/ESR level. :/

10-12-2010, 06:12 AM
Yes thats why my rheumy wants it done to see if WG is in my nose, my rheumy didn't even increase my pred even through esr and crp were both at 50. I'm on 7.5 pred and plaquenil and he wants to increase the pred and start me on imuran if the biopsy is pos, but i want go to adenbrooks but i don't know if they will accept me till i get a pos biopsy i'm ringing them tomorrow.

10-12-2010, 06:20 AM
Oh Malin. Good luck!!

I still would've thought a CT scan could tell if Wegs was in your nose? Tho i dont know half has much about diagnostic tests as most people here.
I wouldnt have anyone poking about in my nose unless it was absolutely necessary.

10-12-2010, 06:25 AM
Oh Malin. Good luck!!

I still would've thought a CT scan could tell if Wegs was in your nose?

Yea, so would I! :/ I've had a whole load of CT scans of both my nose and my ears and they have all come back clear as can be...
Only reason I'm agreeing to having it done is because of the sinus problems I've had on and off since the spring, neither bloods or CT scans have showed anything unusual but in this case I feel I want to be 100% sure that its not WG playing tricks with me!

10-12-2010, 06:31 AM
What the hell difference does it make where it is detected? If you have Wegener's and you have nose symptoms that do not respond to antibiotics, then you have Wegener's in the nose. but so what? There is no different treatment for this than if it were to present anywhere else. It is kidneys, heart and lungs that are the major risks even though the sinus problems can be very unpleasant. I just don't see the purpose in seeking out this information at your risk.

10-12-2010, 06:35 AM
I agree, if its in your nose or not it will get treated. No need to cut up your nose to find out.

I'm so protective of my nose that i wouldnt let em cut it again.

10-12-2010, 07:13 AM
What the hell difference does it make where it is detected? If you have Wegener's and you have nose symptoms that do not respond to antibiotics, then you have Wegener's in the nose. but so what? There is no different treatment for this than if it were to present anywhere else. It is kidneys, heart and lungs that are the major risks even though the sinus problems can be very unpleasant. I just don't see the purpose in seeking out this information at your risk.
Exactly. Malin, I think your rheumy is totally lost treating you. A visual exam is sufficient in most cases and a CT is called for if a more detailed image is required. This doc's suggestions are outside the standard of care and are irresponsible. The rheumy should oversee your case, but each specialist should make the decisions regarding diagnostic procedures. I can't imagine my Wegs rheumy insisting that my Wegs ENT do a biopsy (or any procedure).

A biopsy carries risks. You could react to the anaesthetic, you could have a non-healing wound or acquire an infection, etc.... And it is always a possibility that any surgical intervention can trigger a Wegs flare or worsen active disease. It happens all the time.

10-12-2010, 07:18 AM
That's what I was thinking Jack when I read about the Wegs in the nose. Does it really make a difference where it is - isn't the treatment for WG the same all around? Maybe a little too keen for no apparent benefit in the end.

10-12-2010, 07:45 AM
My ENT says that if you are having sinus problems AND you have diagnosed WG, you always go there first in terms of thinking that the WG is the problem. Same with unexplainable fatigue. Same with almost any physical symptom you can imagine, actually.

Your treatment won't be different if your doc is able to see with WG in the biopsy. And, it's tricky to do, AND you often get nothing.

10-12-2010, 07:57 AM
Exactly, my first biopsy was negative.

Save your poor little nose!!

10-12-2010, 07:57 AM
I agree with all you guys. The ENT really has no business going in there, like everyone said. You have a right to cancel surgery and let your Rheumy know that you need to think about this. Look into getting a second opinion from a Weg spec.
I know all of this is over whelming. We just want the best for you, so here we are giving you our advice.

10-12-2010, 08:11 AM
You sure brought down the avalanche with this one! :w00t:

Please don't be overwhelmed by the response, it is just that we don't want you to be subjected to something that you are already apprehensive about when there may not be a need. It could be that by the wonders of the internet, we are all missing something and the biopsy is just what you require, but you need to make sure first. Question everything and don't expect the doctors to always make the right decisions. Very often they don't so you need to check for yourself and challenge them if things don't make sense.

Wishing you well,

10-12-2010, 08:16 AM
Jack,Sangye and Jan do you think i should have the biopsy i am on the waiting list the ent didn't want to do it said there was enough evidence already for a diagnoses of wegs.

10-12-2010, 08:18 AM
the only reason i had the biopsy was because my wegs is localised there. If yours is spread and they have enough evidence Eileen dont so it!

10-12-2010, 08:22 AM
Eileen don't do it, I agree.

10-12-2010, 08:25 AM
Biopsies are made for all sorts of reasons apart from the initial diagnosis of Wegener's so you must have an explanation of why it is being done and how you will benefit. You will then be in the best position to make a decision. I could never advise you at third hand! ;)

10-12-2010, 08:31 AM
Jack,Sangye and Jan do you think i should have the biopsy i am on the waiting list the ent didn't want to do it said there was enough evidence already for a diagnoses of wegs.
If your ENT says there's enough evidence but your other doc(s) disagree, you should insist that they "talk amongst themselves" and consider how a biopsy will change anything. If it's (+) what happens? If it's (-) what happens? If the answer is the same for both questions, then there is no justification for a biopsy.

10-12-2010, 08:36 AM
You sure brought down the avalanche with this one! :w00t:

Haha it sure seems like it!

Well, I'm going to speak with my ENT doc before the biopsy and see what he says.
I think I'll probably have the biopsy though, I've been flaring a bit and had the sinus problems on/off since this spring and even though rheumy was talking about chaning my meds, last time I saw her she said she would refer me to Addenbrookes before she did anything like that, so I suppose a biopsy to rule out sinus problems would make it clear to her that I don't need any changes to my meds. And IF by chance the biopsy did come back positive, I know I'll be refered to Addenbrookes in a flash.

I also think she might up some meds to help protect agains any possible infections after the biopsy, going to speak with here on Wednesday to see about that.

10-12-2010, 08:45 AM
If it were me, I'd skip the biopsy and get to Addenbrookes. Your rheumy is out of her league.

10-12-2010, 09:05 AM
If it were me, I'd skip the biopsy and get to Addenbrookes. Your rheumy is out of her league.

Malin, I have to agree with Sangye 100%.

Please do not get the biopsy. You will regret it for the rest of your life. I guarantee it.

I had an unneccessary nose biopsy done on June 2 of this year and I am sure that is what is causing my nose pain right now. My new ENT said it was definitely not neccessary and could cause the Wegs to flare again.

SO PLEASE MALIN DO NOT GET IT DONE!!!!!!:predrage::mad1::thumbdn::angry:

10-12-2010, 10:03 AM
I go to one of the top ENTs for wegs in the world.

There is no doubt that he would tell you that the biopsy is 100 percent gold standard and will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have wegeners.

However, most of the time when he goes in (and keep in mind he is only doing surgery because there is already a problem, not for the biopsy alone) he can't get enough good tissue for a biopsy.

He took a bunch of scar tissue from my throat (I had surgery on my windpipe) and nada, zip, zilch, nothing.

If you have a positive c-ANCA, many clinicians (primarily rheumys or nephrologists) will dx you wgs. They will run that c-ANCA with a P3 and get a result they can live with and treat.

I can't speak at all to the physical affects of the surgery, but from where I sit I would definitely ask a lot of questions if this is merely going to make your diagnosis official. However, I say "from where I sit" meaning there may be complexities about your case I know nothing about. I can imagine there's a lot of pressure if your primary physician is trying to force you into having this surgery.

10-12-2010, 04:19 PM
Don't Get The Biopsy. As JanW's bit above, now the diagnosis can be made without invasive techniques. My own poor rheumy was out of his league and ordered a sural nerve biopsy, which he would not do now. My neurologist friend told me not to do this, so I had a muscle biopsy, which was inconclusive. I relented and had the nerve biopsy and now have no feeling in part of my left foot. If I was asked now, that I know so much more about Wegs. I would have never consented to the procedure. Wegs is Wegs no matter where it is and its treated the same way.

10-12-2010, 09:25 PM
Thanks Sam, Well thats the piont it is not confirmed anywhere else and because i had a sinus fpromleminflamation was high ie my hans are swollen and are quite weak so he want to up the pred and start me on imuran. Anyway Geoff has left me Addenbrooks phone numbers so i will phone them now!! Thank you Geoff, oh and i couldn't get my photo on here, anyone any ideas?

10-12-2010, 09:29 PM
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10-12-2010, 09:35 PM
Thank you Sangye and Jan as i said above I am phoning Addenbrookes now i already phoned st thomases and wil let you now, i'm not like Malin i'm the waiting list i can cancel anytime and asyou have said to her malin can cancel as well it after your body!!.

10-12-2010, 09:36 PM
Thank you Jack, i will have a go later.

10-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Glad you hear you are canceling Eileenv. After four maxillary sinus ( all four were biopsies to determine WG) none of the biopsies were positive for WG. In Feb of 2009 I developed a lung nodule and had open lung surgery to determine lung cancer vs WG....it was confirmed WG. I was basically undertreated for WG in the beginning ( diagnosed in july 2008), I was going down hill pretty fast before the lung nodule showed up. It took four medicines to get me in remission and I would say I am 90 % today comparted to last year of 50%.

10-13-2010, 01:05 AM
Eileen, great decision. You won't regret that. Addenbrookes is a top vasculitic center, so you can trust whatever they say.

Elephant, 90% WOOT WOOT!! Good for you, girl. :w00t::thumbsup:

10-13-2010, 06:05 AM
Thank you Sangye and Elephant i feel so much better now i've made that choice and i know it is for the best. Thank you Geoff for giving me the mumbers of Adenbrooks i phoned this morning and left a message, they rang back within two hours i think it was jane the nurse i spoke to she was very good gave me the name of the dr the referal needs to be addresed to and also to ask my gp to ask for a friday appointment as thats when the ent are there as well. I did call st thomases and left a message but got no call back and that was last week. I will cncel my day surgery and ask the rheumy i am seeing now to discharge me from his care. he won't get another chance to be so rude to me again. It's a year now i've been seeing him and if he had listened to me instead of thinking i was hperchrondiac i would be on the meds now instead i'm in terribe pain with my jiont feel unwell i felt like this last time i saw him and the inflamation markers were at 50 i showed him how swollen my hands were and he said carry on with pain killers it won't do no permanant damage to bones i know that but things wern't obviously right. Anyway thanks again to you all and i will let you know when my appointment is, the surgery is closed this evening so i'll ring tommorow:thumbsup:

10-13-2010, 06:11 AM
Thats great eileenv!
Can ya pass that info they gave ya and the phone numbers to me? They wont believe their luck with 2 wegs phoning in one week!!

10-13-2010, 06:56 AM
Hope you have got the info Sam, yes and maybe that i can pick you up the nure said you can change an appointment date at least we will have a laugh, not that wegs is funny at all the some off the people on here have had horrendous times.

10-13-2010, 07:01 AM
Thanks Jack, my grandson done it for me!!

10-13-2010, 07:05 AM
thatsa brilliant pic eileen! And do pick me up. We can grab Malin and Geoff on the way!

10-13-2010, 07:45 AM
Hi Malin

I recently had a nasal biopsy of my septum (right side) for suspected WG. The result showed nasal ulceration with inflammation only. It was done under a general anaesthetic as my ENT doc also wanted to perform an endoscopy. After the procedure I had a dressing in my nose for 6 hours which had some kind of numbing agent on it, then I was let home. I was comfortable throughout the day and the nurses were GREAT.

I agree that you should be fully informed of the reasons for the procedure and find out is it really necessary. Remember its your body and get the very best for it. Look up google books and key in wegener's granulmatosis of the head and neck then click on Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery - Page 198 (http://books.google.ie/books?id=l3fPEPZQqoQC&pg=PA198&dq=wegener's+granulomatosis+of+the+head+and+neck&hl=en&ei=-7e0TInDOYaU4Aa67vGgDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEIQ6AEwAw) and read the information on WG with regards to nasal biopsies, perhaps this will help you when you discuss your options with your docs.

Take care


10-13-2010, 08:09 AM
thatsa brilliant pic eileen! And do pick me up. We can grab Malin and Geoff on the way!
I am not sure that Cambridge is ready for this..... But what the Hell!!


10-13-2010, 08:13 AM
Thanks Sam it was taken in Cancun Mexico about three years ago iwas eight stone there now i'm twelve!! Yes i can just imagine it, time we stop off at the pub for maybe one or two!! can't see us arriving on time!!!:w00t:

10-14-2010, 04:54 AM
Eileen, I too love the pic. Of course it was in Cancun, I love that place and the water colour is unmistakeable. That's where my avatar is taken too (40 minutes outside of Cancun)

All the best on your appointment, and have one for me while you guys are stopping off at the pub. :wink1:

10-14-2010, 05:13 AM
Hi Marta,Thank you it was taken at a wedding will try (with my grandson's help!!)to put some pictures in the album. I'd had a bit too much champers at the time!!. What was the name of the place you stayed at? yes it is lovely there, i've been four times, but now i'm not working ah well, did you go diving there? i did and will now miss the activities i used to do. I can't get to see my gp till monday for the referal but i have cancelled my surgery and wrote to the rude rheumy asking if he can discharge me from his care i just wish i could have seen the sooner. Yes we will have one for you Marta i was going to say why don't you jion us but then remembered where you.:smile1:

10-14-2010, 05:13 AM
Hi Malin,

I don't know what decisions you came to regarding today, but i hope whatever you decided went well and that you are Ok.

10-14-2010, 08:22 AM
Hi guys!

Just a quick update, (I'll tell the whole story in a few days time, need rest!)

I did decide to go ahead and have the biopsy and it went very well, it didn't really hurt was more uncomfortable than painful.
The ENT surgeon and the ward nurses were all absolutely brilliant, I can't praise them enough!

I have had a small amout of bleeding on and off but that's expected, for now I'm just tired. I was "checked in" at 12, waited til 14:30 pm until I had the biopsy, it took about 15 mins then I had to wait at the ward until 18:00 pm when I was allowed to go home! PHEW! it's been a looooong day so I'm gonna go to bed now, but as I said, I'll tell you about it all in more detail later on!

Thanks for all the advice and best wishes!

10-14-2010, 02:05 PM
Glad it went well, Malin. :smile1:

10-14-2010, 03:55 PM
Hi Marta,Thank you it was taken at a wedding will try (with my grandson's help!!)to put some pictures in the album. I'd had a bit too much champers at the time!!. What was the name of the place you stayed at? yes it is lovely there, i've been four times, but now i'm not working ah well, did you go diving there? i did and will now miss the activities i used to do. I can't get to see my gp till monday for the referal but i have cancelled my surgery and wrote to the rude rheumy asking if he can discharge me from his care i just wish i could have seen the sooner. Yes we will have one for you Marta i was going to say why don't you jion us but then remembered where you.:smile1:

The picture on my avatar is at Playa Del Carmen, I've been there three times, and absolutely love the place. Stayed at different places each time. Unfortunately I swim like a rock, which might be a good thing for diving, but not so good for the brain. That's one thing I'm not going to miss. I did ski a lot though and I'm thinking I'll be able to do it this winter. My thinking is that the lifts help you on the way up and gravity helps on the way down... with a few bumps in between, but that's kinda like life, right? Not too much energy expenditure required either way. I can't wait to strap on my skis and feel the wind in my face. CAN'T WAIT!!! I look forward to seeing some great sea and sun pics once your grandson helps you post them.

You never know about having a drink together. Brian and I have been talking about doing a trip over the pond sometime next year, who knows, maybe we can do a Weggie Party, seems to be a few of you in a small area - small relatively speaking of course, I'm Canadian. :cool1:

Now back to the topic at hand. Malin, I'm glad the whole thing went off without any hitches. Take care, rest and recover. All the best from the Great White North.

10-14-2010, 07:11 PM
Wakey Wakey Malin,:sleep:

Hope you are feeling OK today and able to share your news with us. It sounds as tho things went smoothly. Have they told you when you might expect some results?:unsure:

10-14-2010, 11:38 PM
Hope your feeling better today!

10-15-2010, 01:34 AM
Yes Marta that would be nice if we could all meet up, you never know. A few years ago when i was working we were going to visit Canada, lake louise and many more. Yes i picked out some pics and i will ask Callum my grandson to see if he can put it in an album. Thanks Geoff for the message i just freaked out a bit yesterday, i phoned DR Jayne's secretary up and i don't have to wait for a letter from the rheumy saying discharging me(not that i'm going to see him again) Just a letter from my gp who i see monday so you never know we might really be all just going togeather:ohmy:

10-15-2010, 01:40 AM
So glad things went smoothly for you Malin and it wasen't to painful and now you have had a good nights sleep i'ts another day as they say.

10-15-2010, 02:02 AM
Wakey Wakey Malin,:sleep:

ROTFL :laugh::laugh:

10-15-2010, 07:44 AM
Sorry for not updating today, I've been sleeping! I've had a bit of pain and some pressure in my nose/sinuses but that's expected, other than that I've just been really tired all day, most likely because I was so stressed and worried about this and now that its over, all that tension has been released and making me tired!

I'll be updating more tomorrow, I promise!

10-15-2010, 10:53 PM
Glad to hear you're not suffering too much Malin. Get some rest.

I felt tired for days aftermy surgery.

I hope you get some good results from the lab!

10-16-2010, 08:21 AM
Right, here we go! (although not much to tell really!) Haha!

So I went in to the hospital and waited around for ages then the ENT surgeon came down to see me and we spoke about the biopsy and I told him I was really nervous, he was really good at calming me down and explaining what he was going to do. Then I waited around again, until it was my turn, I had lie in the hospital bed and be pushed around the hospital to get to the theatre, that was kinda funny cus the nurse bloke that picked me up was really funny!

Anyway, in the theatre I was sooooo nervous but the team was lovely and sooo funny, they made me feel at ease and made me laugh! I even got to hold someones hand! Haha! I was only under local so I got the numbing spray in my nose, then the ENT doc poked about and looked with cameras and so on, then finally he took the biopsy samples (he took two samples from my left side), it didn't really hurt, it was more a very uncomfortable and "pressurised" feeling.

Then once the biopsy was done I was pushed down to the day ward again and had to wait around for ages again, but the nurses were lovely and I only bleed a little.
Over all the whole thing went well (so far) although it took such a long time for such a short procedure! I went to the hospital at 12 pm, got the biopsy done at 14:30 pm (it took about 10-15 minutes and then I was out again) then I had to wait til 18:00 pm until I was allowed to go home!

Anyway, the nurses and doctors at the hospital were all amazing, I can't praise them enough!

They said I will have to wait about 2-3 weeks before I get the results, then they will call me back for a follow up appointment.
Since Wednesday I've had minimal amounts of bleeding, mostly I've just had like a clear fluid come out of my nose, I've had some pain but normal painkillers help with that, also had some swelling over my left sinuses but nothing to worry about so far! I've been advised to not do anything strenuous, not bend down, avoid large crowds and people with colds/flu and also avoid dust and smoke at all costs, so my fiance has had to clean and keep his cigarettes well away from me, haha happy days! (I hate his smoking), this has also proven very useful when I can't be bothered going down to the shops, I just tell him I can't go because of all the people with their colds/flus/smoking etc and send him out to do the shopping! Hahah!

Sooo that's about it, now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I wont get any infections etc!

10-16-2010, 11:01 AM
Sounds good Malin, take an easy and enjoy the weekend. It's nice when the doctor and nurses are nice!

10-16-2010, 09:28 PM
Good Point Elephant, it must be an incredibly hard job to have to deal with the sick all day but some people( thank goodness) have that special quality to pick you up and help you along. They are Saints!!
Glad to hear that everything went well Malin; sounds to me like you have got it sorted what with getting your fiance to run around for you.. 'Girl Power'!!

10-17-2010, 08:22 AM
lol @ Geoff, Girl power indeed. A man should look after his sick fiancee.

Glad to hear your feeling ok Malin and that the Docs and Nurses treated ya well (tho the theatre nurses do tend to have a good sense of humour)

Hopefully the biopsy will yield some results for ya.

10-18-2010, 04:21 AM
Glad to hear your felling better and have got someone to kook after you!!

10-19-2010, 07:54 PM
Malin, glad it is over and relatively painless. Get some rest now, hugs