View Full Version : I hope this isn't a flare!

08-09-2010, 10:10 AM
Okay so I've ridden my bike for the first time after a loong time. After a few days I got a pain in my knee, it wasn't severe but it scared me. after I woke up the pain was gone. I am still at the same doses, fidnt taper so I really dont know. I feel very good overall... should I give my doc a call? I see her monthly tho and two weeks ago my blood tests were negative.

08-09-2010, 10:51 AM
Hey Katarzena,

I recently started biking again also. I dont think occassional pain is cause for alarm. Id say just watch it and move on with your life.

08-09-2010, 11:36 AM
Sounds to me like you're getting back into condition, so I wouldn't be worried about it. Keep tabs but don't stress.

08-09-2010, 12:03 PM
I agree with the above statements. :)

08-09-2010, 12:05 PM
Me too! :)

08-09-2010, 02:30 PM
You are using muscles that have not been used in a long time, it is natural that they will hurt. Just take it easy and don't over do it. If pain is bad or persist for a long time go and see a doctor but above all listen to your body and if something just doesnt feel right, listen to it and act accordingly.

08-09-2010, 07:40 PM
If it was a flare, it would not go away, it would be getting worse. Relax! ;)

08-09-2010, 09:52 PM
Thank you all very much for comforting me. I will tell my doc about it.
What bother me was that it wasn't muscle pain, it was the same pain that I felt when I was first diagnosed, pain in my knee, of course not so severe but still.. Could it be that biking caused the pain in my knee?
I didn't over do it. I think.. I mean, I did ride it through the whole city but I wasn't tired or anything. Maybe I've really over done it. So you guys have an occasional pain without flaring up?
What do you guys think could I ride my bike again? Now I'm scared to do it LOL!


08-10-2010, 12:23 AM
Katarzena, it sounds like you probably overdid it and increased your general inflammation, sparking the Wegs pain. I think of things like this as "micro-flares." Not a real flare, but like you just woke up the Wegs dog the tiniest bit-- like maybe he just yawned and went back to sleep.

If that's the case, it's not a problem unless you keep waking up the dog and don't let him sink into a solid sleep. Then he'll get grouchy and might wake up all the way. :D That seems to be where people get into trouble and flare again, or have to extend the time they spend on higher doses of pred, etc....

Just take it slow and when you exert yourself make sure to schedule plenty of rest on the other side of it. You'll be okay. :)

08-10-2010, 02:00 AM
Thank you for your advice Sangye.

08-10-2010, 02:15 AM
Prednisone destroys our muscles and connective tissues which keep out bones together, so any extra work they now do may be painfull. I am sure you can and should ride your bike but take it slow and easy and take time before you go for long trips (wheter they are in or outside)

Col 23
08-10-2010, 03:43 AM
Hi Kat, its good that your monitoring your symptoms and I agree with all the repsonses. Enjoy your ride, getting back on your bike (pardon the pun) after a long illness takes courage and confidence well done..
cheers Col 23

08-10-2010, 03:46 AM
Sangye I love the way you Describe WG like a sleeping dog...but don't wake him.

Col 23
08-10-2010, 03:55 AM
me too
Col 23

08-10-2010, 11:31 AM
LOL-- Took me 4 years to come up with that analogy. I like using it with friends-- they understand it right away and I can have a little fun.

It's okay to make the Wegs dog yawn occasionally, just don't make him chase you down the road. :D

08-11-2010, 04:29 AM
Thanks for clearing it up Jola I didn 't think about it that way. Now it makes sence. I did do a lot of exercises that morning, and after that I went for a long ride. Now I realise how immature it was but will be much much careful next time. I love riding my bike :D

I love your story too, Sangye. I wish we could kill the wg dog while he sleeps but since it's impossible, it would be nice if he would sleep for a long long time.

08-11-2010, 08:18 AM
LOL-- We just need to convince the dog that he's soooo veeery sleeeepy. Anyone know how to hypnotize a dog? :D