I have only taken MTX as my primary maintenance drug, so can't compare with Imuran. I do know that MTX is generally well tolerated and I have not had any big problems with it. I did experience some hair thinning and slower than normal hair growth after haircuts for a while. That still seems sort of variable and maybe is influenced by other factors too, like time of year and amount of sunlight. (I live in Alaska.) But, it's never been noticeable to anyone but myself and the person who cuts my hair. Anyway, I believe many docs consider it to be one of the least toxic maintenance meds. I have had some occasional mild nausea, some elevation of liver enzymes on labs, but nothing alarming.

Quote Originally Posted by Rachel_Elise View Post

I am currently taking Prednisone and Plaquinil for to keep my Wegener's symptoms in check. However, I have been trying to ween down off of Prednisone (pre-diabetes and just over all Prednisone ick) - but can't seem to get all the way off due to pretty bad joint pain. Also showing some decreased kidney function. Doc wants me to consider Methotrexate or Imuran. I have not had experience with either of these drugs, and would love to hear from those of you who have. What should I expect as far as side effects, etc.